Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I would be careful in assuming that a pay now button means acceptance and not having one means a deny. Sometimes portals do weird things that don’t make sense. In 2019, S19 was able to make an Amherst student email, get into class registration, see what was for lunch in the cafeteria…and he didn’t get in. I cannot tell you the drama in that thread.


@homerdog it seems from the EA1 cycle (in-state) at GA tech those that got the pay now button got in… At any rate, I am not going to tell my daughter and have her check at noon tomorrow herself!


I’m too nervous to ask her to check. I think I will just wait and have her check tomorrow when the decisions are scheduled for release. I know she will be disappointed if she doesn’t get accepted but she knew it would be tough. On the bright side, she has a couple of acceptances with amazing merit that she is very happy with, so it’s all good.


My son received the same email and neither his first or second choice are impacted. I think I read that if you wanted to change your major needed to do so by Jan 31st.

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S21 just accepted to NC State for Engineering! It’ s the best value option among his apps, so I’m happy. He wants to fly the coop more, I’m pretty sure, but I hope he gives them a shot! Anyway - nice Friday evening surprise!



We are hoping for good news from UT today.


Same here, is yours in state or OOS? We are OOS (CA)


Instate auto admit waiting for Acceptance to major.


I’ve spent all day watching the NC State thread- very happy for your son!

We are also planning the trip up to New England- not looking forward to the drive! Trying to figure out how we comply with all the restrictions.

Congrats to your S!!! Nice way to start the weekend with good news like that!!

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Congrats! My S just got into CU Boulder CS but zero merit. Not a good value option but still happy to have the option. At least it wasn’t pre-engineering but I thought he might get the top 25% OOS which apparently isn’t automatic like it sounded on the tour. At least we have seen this one!


@jeneric – Thank you!

For our hopeful NE road trip, we’re thinking we’ll try to stay in Air BnBs to help avoid people, plus access to a kitchen helps w/ easy breakfast and a place to eat takeout lunches/dinners.


Congratulations to all getting acceptances today!D21 in at Richmond! Nice to have some good news!


D’s bestie is in (auto admit) to UT for CS! We are over the moon for him. He will get free tuition as he is low income.
Congrats to all with the great news today!!!


Same, my S21 also received the scholarship alumni email :blush:


D21 in at Richmond! Whew!!!


Well, no news tonight from TAMU for S21, still stuck in Review purgatory but got great news for S23 twins tonight…class rank was released for the first time for Class of 2023 and Thing 1 is 68 out of 1103 and Thing 2 101 out 1103!!!

Both top 10% which in Texas is so vitally important lol…Thing 1 is on the cusp of auto admit got UT Austin sitting right at 6.1% lol…if they both keep this up and keep pulling in the straight A’s then I’m sure they’ll both be firmly in the top 5%…Thing 2’s 78 in Latin 2 from last spring is what is dragging him down.

S21 started sophomore year at 26% and is now 16%, so I totally believe the twins will keep rising in rank.


Which school is that for? Congrats!!!

D in at Richmond too!! Happy night!


That’s great news on the twin’s rank.

Another night with no news from UT here, one more week to wait.