Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@whyboydanny my D and I listened to a virtual event not so long ago where her regional AO said that ED decisions would be coming out the first week in December. Then, checking the school’s website blog entries about admisssions (and CC ED threads of the school In past years) you can see it always occurs on the first Friday of December around 5 or 6 PM. The one exception to this was when the first Friday fell on December 1, and then decisions were released on the 8th.


I love reading these and it realizing it’s not just our house that’s on pins & needles waiting for next week to arrive to see if D21 got into her ED school. Poor thing has been coming into my home office (it’s really my dining room :laughing:) to once again remind me how bad she wants to get into her school. Poor baby. Cupcake time and yes, let the Binge watching this weekend begin. Hummm will it be Agents of Shield or any one of the many Avengers movies. I have a tech nerd. And if she does get into a BME pgm. Oh my, what will she want to design.


@EGHopeful, I hope the week passes quickly for your D and she gets her heart’s desire!

My D is calmer than she was right after submitting the app. Just a moment ago she said “It will be what it will be.” LOL, being so stoic is not usually her style. I think she’s starting to envision that she could be happy somewhere else, though waiting all winter is another story. She has gotten involved in Mock Trial team lately (first time doing it) and that has made a huge difference. Just getting to interact with kids and adult advisors virtually several times per week has been a great thing, with other ECs nonexistent. No one actually interacts in her school classes (kids all turn off their cameras) so this is the closest thing she has to in-person involvement. She has complained a little about the time commitment of mock trial but in reality her mood has perked up a good bit.


Many school academic calendars are already available for next year already. You can even find graduation dates for multiple years out. I can already see when the dorms open for the school my son applied ED and knew when they opened for each of my other kids as well.

It’s just a simple suggestion. It works for some, others it may not, but there is no risk in booking a hotel and rates usually only go up as the date gets nearer, or after an ED decision, once hotels catch on to why people are calling and making reservations.


This is my 4th and last kid going through this. It wasn’t something I had thought about at first either until a friend mentioned it to me and I was so happy. The other thing she mentioned was parent weekend. I’ll never forget after RD came around for one of my kids, how many parents couldn’t get hotel rooms.

One of my kids goes to a large public university in a large “hot” city. The difficulty in finding hotel rooms or reasonably priced rooms is when there is a big game or other event in town. But fortunately it is very easy to travel in and out of that city unlike the other one.

My oldest we could’ve driven to his school. But it was a college town so of course hotels would’ve always been a problem had he not decided to forego college and gone out to Silicon to work instead.

Turned out to be some of the best advice I was given but it was hard not to feel like I was jinxing my kid (the one who applied ED).


It doesn’t hurt to make reservations as long as you can cancel. For those of us who moved our older kids in this fall, we can attest to the number of times dates changed for move in- it was a mess.


Thanks- I suspect my daughter will also hear from at least 1 of hers tomorrow.

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Exactly. I made and changed reservations so many times, but was so happy because so many parents ultimately didn’t have any hotel rooms for when we finally had move in dates for any of our kids. Rates also kept changing and because my hotels had been booked so far beforehand, I had a great rate, while some parents were stuck paying 6x what we booked. And with air now, you can book with free cancellations, but considering I can’t even get my daughters to commit to when they’re flying back to school after winter break, I’m not going to commit to buying any plane tickets for this kid until much later in the game. I’ll be an empty nester so maybe my husband and I will take a trip after we drop them all off as it will be nice to have no one to worry to rush home to.

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Good luck to all hearing tomorrow!!


@homerdog I you are able/permitted remind me the ED you D21 is waiting on. I understand if you don’t want to jinx it…

Interesting, my daughter just told me they have Accepted Students Day (In Person) already on the calendar that she can register for. Its one of her YES YES YES schools (we aren’t allowed to call them a Safety). She was accepted there a few weeks ago with a nice Merit package so that is one option if she doesn’t get into her ED school. Shocked they already have it on their calendar. They were in-person this past fall so perhaps that’s why. Hummm


I can’t say I’m surprised some schools would have in person accepted student days, considering how night and day my kids schools are treating things these days. One doesn’t allow visitors on campus or in buildings, although plenty still walk around “unofficially” and the other while classes are all remote basically lets anyone walk around. The latter is the one I would expect to have in person events. Something for you to consider as things will still not be fully back to normal next fall. Better than now, but not yet normal.

My daughter had already had her roommate by admitted student day, but they were able to meet in person and that was fantastic and real nice for her. So, depending on how things are or not at that school and how you need to travel to get there, seriously consider it, unless of course she gets into her ED then it’s moot!

@inthegarden I had the same internal debate re the sweatshirt, and like you, I didn’t buy one. I love your idea of the cake and I’m going to copy it. :smiling_face:

@JanieWalker Love your idea too! Now I’m feeling like quite the nag. My poor D…nag, nag, nag…she gets an application done…no reward. :joy: You two have raised the bar.

In regards to in person accepted student days…

The vaccines are starting to roll out (first round here in Boulder is Dec 12th), so we might see a lot more in person stuff this spring.


@srparent15 I had heard of booking accommodations for parents weekend but hadn’t thought of move-in weekend. As long as the hotel is flexible on changes, I think it’s a great idea!


She didn’t do ED! Four EAs and the first decision should come next week sometime.

I hope but I keep hearing more like June when the general public could be vaccinated and that will be too late for our kids deciding by 5/1.


Yeah, the first round is going to hospital employees, and then first responders, and then at risk, and then… I think I’ll be the last person vaccinated.

But it’s a start! I’m so happy that their freshmen year should be fairly normal. fingers crossed.


What schools have ED/EA decsions this weekend?

I’ve been trying to convince myself that the decision won’t come out tomorrow, but I really do want the wait to be over!

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