Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thank you!!!

Sorry for the loss @Momof0ne That is devastating news.

On a much much lighter note my D21 strolls in the family room after an online day and announces she is going to Barnes & Noble to get a book. I said something for school and she said “no I just feel like reading a book for fun.” I respond who stole my child and replaced her with this one.

Also I finally replaced my Tiger Paw avatar that was lost in the CC changes. My D21 said what am I going to do about my avatar once she decides where she is going. I told her I would use her school.


@burghdad my D21 just did the same thing the other day, she too went to get a book for fun at Barnes & Noble. She loves to read but doesn’t do much of it for fun anymore. I was happy she could step away from school for a bit. Hopefully help take the edge off waiting on these acceptances.


I am a homeschooling mom and therefore feel my family falls into the “elite private school” category, and, as the GC, I have not had a heads-up from any of D21’s early schools. :upside_down_face:

Just being silly. But I would welcome the heads-up if any admissions officer wants to give me one. :grin:


Ugh @evergreen, we’re starting the 24-hour countdown for a probable ED answer (or non-answer if it’s a deferral). Fortunately, I forced myself to purchase the most-wanted Christmas items in the past week or so (it was actually a good distraction), but no swag! I wanted to buy a sweatshirt but wouldn’t let myself! My D cajoled me into buying an ice-cream cake that will become a celebratory or “drown-your-sorrows” feast either way! Candles in school colors if it’s good news. Tonight will be a Netflix binge-fest
heck, maybe even all day tomorrow!


I thought about getting a small school banner/flag from each college to which D21 applied, and then each time she receives a decision, she could either hang it on her wall or stomp on it/throw it in our fireplace. Probably not the best thing though in terms of waste and expense.

I did bake her a cake at the beginning of this whole process to congratulate her on her hard work, and I gave her a flower for each application she submitted. I want to make sure she understands I am proud of her for her work and for putting herself out there. Doesn’t matter whether she is accepted or rejected, I am proud of her regardless.


Haha! You made me chuckle!!! Thanks!!! Chuckles are always valued, and we have no cake in the house! So
maybe I need to make a cake. A different one every day until ED.

Sure. That will work. :joy:

And swag. @evergreen5

We have talked about ordering swag “just in case” but both H and S say no way are they letting me jinx anything by making an order.

But maybe a “wishlist” ready to hit “move to cart? would be okay???


Love it when kids buy books to cope with stress!! Very healthy!!!


OMG! the day is almost here. Long journey. Fingers crossed! I like the ice cream either way idea.


I have to say I thought about buying swag, but holding off lol. Love the cake idea!

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Really funny reading about swag purchases as I’m in the same boat! ED decision due Sunday. Have several items picked out (for me as well)! I’ve so far held out on even putting them in the cart but my resistance is fading. I love the cake idea, if it doesn’t work out my wife and I will have to gorge on it Monday morning when D is in school!

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Some people around here just go to party city and buy the mylar letter balloons with school name or initials and the year in those colors. So if penn, it might just be U PENN 25


I don’t think I could ever buy swag beforehand! I could pull up the school’s bookstore website and then let D order something but I would’t be able to have swag ready! Not an issue with us since not doing ED but I remember we also didn’t buy any swag when visiting campuses with S19 or the few we saw with D.

Very very exciting that some of the kids here might know so soon where they will land in fall!


Hi All- I have been in a break because I realized I was becoming crazy reading every last bit of ink about the college admissions for 2021. I just read through a couple of pages worth and sounds like many of you are feeling the same way on this oh so NOT normal year.
My D21 is cool as a cucumber about it all! I marvel but am worried as she has her heart set in 1 of the 5 schools she applied early. I like the idea of cake and candles in the school colors.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your daughters friend. What a tragedy!
I am curious to know how some of you are sure about the EA/ED wave coming tomorrow?


One thing to think about before ED decisions is booking hotels for move in weekend before those ED decisions come out, especially if at a school in a college town. Literally the minute those decisions come out, the hotels book up. That’s one bad thing about RD or kids that are WL or Deferred. I couldn’t jinx myself with my daughter but then did it the night before and it saved my butt. This time I just can’t yet. May again do it the night before. I would not want to be stuck staying somewhere else outrageous or 45 mins away.


I doubt move in dates are available yet and they were moved around last fall for many schools. Lots of families had to rebook flights and hotels.


Oh my! You have words steeped in experience. I never would have thought of booking a hotel after ED decisions being released in preparation for move in weekend!

Guess I will Google calendars and hotels a bit tonight and the next few days.Just in case, lol.
One more week. (I hope.)

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seriously. I don’t think anyone knows move in days for fall 2021. It’s too early


True. Nothing is there!
Just looked.

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I don’t think you’ll find move in dates for a long time. Who knows what will be up with Covid in the fall. There will be no move in dates until colleges reveal their fall plans and I’m guessing that might not be until summer.