Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

All the freshmen we know are happy at school and having a good experience.


Our next door neighbor has a D at Michigan. All freshmen experiences were cancelled. Her roommate just decided to hang with friends from high school. Classes all online. And then Michigan kicked all kids out of the dorms early and they had to go home before the end of the semester. Now no dorms open so most freshman staying home because it’s hard to find an apartment at this point

At other schools I mentioned, the restrictions were pretty tight and kids got to know maybe just the kids on their floor, had to eat most meals in their rooms, take class from their rooms. Some felt the upperclassmen watching them and snitching if they broke any rules.

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What did “poor academic performance” look like for those student athletes who had their offers revoked? Schools don’t really spell this out.

In my son’s acceptance letter, for example, he was told that the offer was made “with the expectation that you will maintain the level of academic excellence 
 that characterized your Early Decision candidacy.” That’s pretty vague! I always assumed that you’d have to really go off the rails to lose an offer for academic reasons, but who knows?

And what do the parents think? They think it was worth the money for the experience their kids got even if they were “having fun”? I’m sure many things they should have enjoyed were still cancelled and many or most classes were online so guessing not many of them got to know professors.

I know 2 Amherst first years: one had a good experience and is going back to campus for the spring semester. The other is an athlete who will be enrolling remotely and living in a house with w/teammates in a Southern beach town. According to my friend, several Amherst teams are renting houses in the same town – seems to reinforce the school’s reputation for a serious athlete/non-athlete divide.

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I don’t know, the ones I know of were granted athletic scholarships at top tier universities, who I believe have standards in terms of grades. They let the grades slip that second semester and the school just said no thanks. All I knew is kids were supposed to go to X school and then were told after their final transcripts look elsewhere. My guess is the difference was stark.

UNC decisions are finally in. My daughter is so happy for the OOS acceptance. It’s been a long wait.



The kids have put a smile on my face all afternoon with their camaraderie on the UNC thread.


I think there is a different mindset here due to social economic class and a mostly immigrant community.

Most of the people we know are not thinking of the “experience” their kids will have at school. They are just focused on the kids getting an education that will hopefully lead to a good paying job.

I think the kids are just happy that they don’t have all the responsibilities that they had at home and they don’t have strict parents around.


It has been so sweet! Best message board ever.

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I think the point is that not all freshmen and their families were unhappy with their fall experiences. Were there definitely those who were unhappy, sure. But that wasn’t the case universally. Although her classes were online last semester, my D20 was ok with that. She made tons of friends in her dorm and the kids studied hard and had fun together. She was also able to do research her first semester with one of her professors, so yes, she was able to get to know her professors and get to know one, in particular, very well. Were all the same activities available to the kids as there would have been pre-covid? No. But she joined clubs and attended club meetings (albeit by zoom), and learned a lot (especially in the business recruiting meetings). I’m happy with the experience she had, all things considered.


D21 wait listed UNC OOS consider it an accomplishment


Definitely :slightly_smiling_face:

Just found out mine is in too.



S21 was rejected but it was a reach - by GPA standards and OOS - though he is a legacy. I have prepared him that a list with many reaches also means lots of rejection.


@textbooked UC Davis revoked my friend’s nephew’s admission because he let his grades drop to C’s senior year. He was notified in August before the school year started, so not much lead time.

I have a daughter at UC Davis. I’m amazed that they would revoke an admission for that. I would be curious if it was just one or two C’s or if it was just a kid that decided passing was good enough as a senior in all classes. Either way, that’s a very difficult way for a kid to learn a lesson about senior slide, and he absolutely should have been notified much earlier.

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My D was waitlisted UNC OOS also. And pleasantly surprised although slim chance of coming off that waitlist! Now for the conversation about whether to accept the waitlist offer or not considering those odds and her feelings about her acceptances to date.

Congrats to those accepted!! :partying_face: :partying_face: That was such a fun thread to check in on today.


@nanosec! Congrats and Go Heels!

My S21 also accepted to UNC (in-state) this afternoon!

Hate to see the OOS rejections and WL – the stats are so rough for your kids.


Not my area of expertise, but I believe UC’s, maybe CSU’s too but I don’t know, have pretty clear standards on what is ok and what isn’t.

My understanding otherwise, which is mostly from reading lots of threads here the last few years, is that a C or maybe 2 is ok depending on the school, but worse is a potential problem that will have to be explained, and the explanation may or may not be accepted. I told my D she needs to keep B’s, although she is trying to keep her valedictorian spot so while she talks a big game about not caring anymore she is still up at 2:00 am studying for a test occasionally.


Yes, that thread was super cute! Nice to see a thread dominated by kids being nice and the parents (mostly) staying out of it! :slight_smile: