Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I believe I saw on the UC website that you need to notify them if you have a below C grade. I’m guessing that’s the cutoff for getting another look but interesting about UC Davis. In a way I think kids deserve a little more slack this year. Everybody’s having a different experience.

Congrats to your son!

Does anyone on here know if UNC waitlist EA is a deferral to RA or is it just getting put on a big huge WL

I know one of D18’s good friend’s is an athlete that will be with her team in that southern beach town, but her bff is an athlete and they will be floormates. I guess it depends on the team :mask:

D18 made the best of remote since juniors were left behind - I’m still bitter about it! She is excited to return though in a couple of weeks.


it’s a true wait list.

My D21 is waitlisted for UNC. IT is her birthday today and we are so sad…


It is an actual waitlist and you won’t know till May.

Thanks @anaray and @nanosec I just found the link on UNC site. Oh well. Congrats to your kiddo

My son OOS waitlisted also to UNC, but seeing as maybe 1 kid ever gets in from our school, if that, a year, I’m shocked he was even waitlist and not out right rejected, especially this year and with all the numbers. UNC just doesn’t take many kids at all from the midwest/Chicago area so I guess we will add this as a win. 2-0-2. Keeping in line with my expectations that a lot of top kids will wind up with either deferrals or many waitlists and have no clue what is going on until May or possibly later as things start to shift.

Do we need to pay a deposit if our kid wants to accept a spot on the list? Is there a deadline to accept? More info for me to read about and continued stress! Lol


Parenting question… my son has gotten into a lot of great schools with merit and is doing an info session with about a scholarship tomorrow night. Purely informational no interview or anything. I of course want to listen in on it- or would it be better for my son to do it on his own and “tell me about it” so he has a little ownership. If any of you have sons who don’t share much you’ll get where I’m coming from. This is not about money- it’s more about the perks of the scholarship and the program. Any thoughts appreciated!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That’s really exciting.

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Last semester, mine was the sole kid in person for Advanced chemistry. He and the teacher did the experiments while everyone else watched. But he likes adults better anyway, so not sure he cared.

D25 and her choir class is a challenge as well. It turns into a piano and history of musical theater kind of class in person. I’m not sure how they’ve arranged in hybrid fashion.

Congrats to all who got WL or accepted to UNC. We thought long and hard about this one but our GC told us that almost nobody from my D’s school (OOS) gets in so she decided to give it a pass. But it was such a tempting prospect!

The waiting is really starting to get to me!


Congrats to your D!!! Awesome news for her!!!

Edited to add: Congrats to all on UNC - CH acceptance and fingers crossed for those now in WL purgatory.


Can we briefly return to the topic of swag? If your senior were to get admitted to one of a handful of top choices, would you then give swag for upcoming birthday, even if it might not be where they end up? do boys care about wearing swag from another college than the one they attend, or is a shirt a shirt?

I talked with my S about this before Christmas. He flat out told me not to buy him anything before acceptances come in. He said there would be plenty of time to buy swag if he got in, and if he didn’t get in he said he would never want to see the swag!!

Just one opinion. :sunglasses:


@evergreen5 my S18 talked me into getting swag as we visited colleges and convinced me he would wear it even if he didn’t attend those universities. Well, I just donated a bunch of his things from the schools he didn’t choose. I wouldn’t do it. For my D21, we aren’t buying a single thing until she commits.


Thanks. Wish S would have that attitude about being the only kid. He’s become the typical self-conscious teenager. It will be interesting to see what his teacher does in choir. S is auditioning for the musical this week (everything is online) and the choir teacher always offers to help S with his parts before or after class. Not sure how that will work in this format!

To clarify, I mean buy something after the acceptance is received, but before the remaining decisions are in.

One of mine is weird - bought his own sweatshirt with own money from a school on the list that we never visited and seems unlikely to be the final choice even if he is accepted. Like he thinks that one is fashionable lol.

I should have saved that package of pajama shorts for his birthday.

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I bought swag for both girls #1s. They were safeties, so I was pretty confident. We would have burned them if they didn’t get in! :laughing: Not sure D21 has made a final decision, but she has worn the shirt so I guess it was ok I bought it! Helps that it is the same mascot and school colors as her high school!

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