Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

After looking at these stats I’m glad my S applied to out of state schools. I feel like he should get into at least one of the UCs he applied to, but now I’m not sure after looking at these numbers. And yes, I know test scores are only one piece of the evaluation, but the elimination of that will probably hurt him. How the UCs will determine who should be admitted?

It’s not that I think my S is entitled to admission above anyone else, but I do feel that if a student like him-great grades, class rigor, third generation Californian-can’t get into one of his choice UCs then there is something wrong with the system.

I know I’m getting ahead of myself as decisions aren’t be out yet but seeing these numbers freaks me out!

He has some great out of state options, one less than the cost of a UC, so he will be fine, but it would be nice to have an in-state UC option.


My S applied to university of Victoria and was going to apply to University of BC, but the COVID situation made going to school in Canada less attractive. McGill was another possibility but he didn’t like the climate.

Well, if not UCLA, then there’s always the University of Second Choice nearby. :laughing:

Sorry, using humor to drown my sorrow in the UC numbers.


So here’s a silly question… If the freshman class is only ~3,500 (3100 in 2020), why not just fill the entire freshman class from the 5,700 ED applicants and let them pay the $77,000 tuition. I assume there are some ED applicants getting some kind of aid, but wouldn’t a majority be close to full boat?

I have heard great things about UVic! Smaller than the others which could be nice dependent upon your kid.


I’m not kidding when I say this, but with the numbers the UCs are getting, they need to go to a lottery system. I would almost feel better about that.


I warned you!


And being test blind, they might as well get out a dart board. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You almost wonder if it will come to that for my D’s class of ‘24. I mean these top schools aren’t getting much, if any bigger.

I do suspect though that there are bound to be more ‘21 TO applicants whose profile is just not going to cut the mustard. Some ED/EA interviews I heard definitely eluded to that.

UCs are a whole different ballgame as they have a strong policy to lift up our disadvantaged residents and reflect our state demographics. Much more unpredictable with results. The UC admissions rep who visited my s’ school said only 50% was test scores + grades. They can do what they like. I’m just glad we knew in advance not to count chickens.

UCLA rate would be only 10% of their applicants (plus the overage they bake in for those who won’t accept). Wow

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It is definitely frustrating. Like your son, I think losing the test score component will hurt my son, but who knows? Thankfully he is in several places that would make him happy OOS. This just leaves me feeling defeated for the UCs.

Now I want to see a breakdown by major. My son applied CS, which seems to be a gamble at the UC’s anyways.


Dart board, a game of pool, and just add in a happy hour or two and voila: acceptances determined.


Wow, that’s huge! I really wished S21 would apply ED but he wanted to give UVa a shot too, even though it’s pretty much impossible that he’ll get in given his rank in his class. Just have to wait and see. At least he already has three good options (UDel, JMU, Miami)

@sushiritto You are hilarious!?! Are you referring to Irvine or Riverside? SB is also within driving distance, as well as UCSD! :joy:

I was hoping S21 would get into a UC but dang, nothing is guaranteed. Although, if he didn’t get into any, there Merced. I think that’s the one you’re guaranteed to go to if you’re too 9% and can’t get into a UC on your list.

I literally hear a big sigh every time these news of high apps come out. “Mom, the one time I get a 36 ACT and had a remote shot at UCLA and Berkeley…”. There’s nothing to do but laugh together and point out that he’s even more screwed for being an Asian male. I told him to be honest since he wouldn’t want to go to Berkeley since it is still so close to him. He wants far away.

I think some professors who teach at Davis or CNSU would go there to get a chance to start up. The community of Merced needs the resources there so I’m actually excited for them. If you got into any UC for med school, it’s a big win, no matter what UC. Just maybe not undergrad. :joy: Nobody has a life in med school or as an intern anyway.

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We are on pins and needles for VA Tech as well. I’m pretty sure that will be S21’s top choice if he gets in. The fact that they don’t look at LORs or the CA essay has me second guessing his chances!

Ahh, you can’t be a native Californian. USC = University of Second Choice or University of Spoiled Children.

As we like to say here, back when the dinosaurs roamed, sushiritto grew up with those monikers for the school across town from UCLA.


I happened upon Scrotie a couple of years back and was shocked. Just imagine the cheers at sporting events, wait, do they have those there? Go Nads!

That is a great news for my D.

I took a few classes at RISD years ago and had no idea about Scrotie. Sort of wish I was still in the dark about him. :rofl:


Whoa – that is big jump for Va Tech! Criminy! (My kid submitted one of them!)

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