Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My son was deferred EA from quite a few schools last year. The majority waited until RD to notify, including every public school. Some of the private schools notified earlier than RD, most at RD, and a few after RD.

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Could be worse, at least Prop 16 lost, so race canā€™t be considered in UC admissions.

UCB and UCLA are great for self-motivated kids who donā€™t need hand-holding and if you succeed there it is very good preparation for seeking out opportunities later on. At his think tank internship last summer, S found he was much better prepared than the Ivy League students who made up most of the group. Having said that, a lot of them appeared to have got their positions through faculty contacts, whereas he simply applied in response to the online advert along with hundreds of others, so arguably he had to be better than them to get the internship in the first place.


The city of Victoria has a nice student community. And the west coast weather is a plus. UBC is online as far as I know. I know UVic had students on campus but I donā€™t know what is happening with the classes.

@amsunshine Our mid-year grades have not been sent. Our Q2 marking period just ended Monday.

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@amsunshine Ours were just sent out on Monday and my son received notifications from the schools that they were received on Tuesday.

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Preach it!


Good point. It will be interesting to see how things shape up in the fall for Canada. Have heard montreal is having a hard time. What city/province are you in?

Thank you for those UC statsā€”very informative!

@sushiritto Youā€™re right!! Iā€™m a transplant from University of WA, Seattle :). Been here 24 years, though. UC never mattered before now other than football games. My S21 did apply to that Second school, tho!

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LOL. @AlwaysMoving I canā€™t help but giggle that you used the ā€œdiamond handsā€ emoji that all the GameStop reddit fans are using. Are you holding GME?!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Report cards out tomorrow and mid-year reports automatically sent to every school through Naviance.

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Montreal and Toronto are on lockdown. I am in BC. We have ā€œhot spotsā€, but nothing like Ontario and Quebec and schools are open etc. etc.

Forbes has an article about schools extending TO for the 22s.

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D21 just got an email from Loyola Marymount. She was named Presidential Scholar, their largest merit award with $30,000/year and auto-admit to their honors program. Other awesome things too like a special mentorship program through their career center and a summer research fellowship.

I donā€™t know how to feel about this! If CA was more open and she could visit, we would likely be so excited and try to visit. I wish this was a regular year!


Wow - thatā€™s $120k over 4 years ā€“ weā€™re talking real money! Congrats!!


Congrats to your D! I canā€™t speak from experience but I have a good friend whose daughter was accepted into the honors program at Loyola Marymount; when they attended the accepted student day, they were really impressed. She said the honors program is like a smaller college within a university and that students have priority registration, priority for internships, additional advising, and that students were housed together in the same dorms. She thought it was an incredible program and a great value.


@GoldPenn Thank you. Thatā€™s good to know. We are going to find out if thereā€™s any chance at all for touring there. They havenā€™t set any admitted student days yet but Iā€™m sure those will be virtual.

@homerdog it is my opinion but LMU is a beautiful campus AND in a beautiful area. I promise :slight_smile:


I see what you did there!


I know little to nothing about the school, but I agree 100% with MommaLue.

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