Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations! So happy for you!

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Thank you!

@mamaedefamilia ā€“ oh, thatā€™s excellent news!! Congrats and Go Blue!!!

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S21 got into UMD College Park, Honors college now, so happy about it :slight_smile:


congrats to all on the acceptances! My son got three deferrals - oof - just means what i expected (feared?), gonna be a long processā€¦


Deferred at Mich and Miami. The frustrating thing is it seems that they arenā€™t rejecting anyone EA, so very inefficient to have to review everyoneā€™s entire file again at RD. More humane to reject some who have no chance. At this point, with LOCI, the EA application becomes essentially a two step process.


Seems like most of the top schools received A LOT more apps than last year. Michigan received 16% more than last year. The UCā€™s are WAY up in terms of apps. It just comes down to managing yield and producing a ā€œbalancedā€ class.

BTW, UMich can add a 3rd step by waitlisting the deferred candidate in RD.

Iā€™m on the other side of the spectrum, weā€™re just waiting it out until mid-March to get answers, which could potentially involve waitlists. Bored, bored, bored.


OMG. If we have to deal with waitlisting because of the increased UC app. numbers (S21 is in-state and theyā€™re mainly, traditionally matches and maybe even a safety for him among some of the UCs), I will jump off a figurative bridge.

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Buckle up. The UCā€™s have to manage yield somehow, since they donā€™t have ED/EA. So, waitlists are inevitable, I think, because the #'s are crazy.

S21 deferred at UMich but accepted to Maryland. What a long day of waiting!


Congrats to every one who got in today !!!
Excellent way to start the week-end



Do you think they care about yield that much? Honest question. If the students donā€™t enroll, they would surely be able to easily fill the slotsā€”the Cal, UCLA, SD and even Irvine now?

I think the worry is that the yield is just unpredictable. If the yield is lower, no problem, just go to the waitlist, but If they have a yield of 35% instead of 30% this year because of -whatever the heck is going on this year-, they will be in a tough spot. So they may offer fewer admits and more wait lists just to see what goes on with yield.

Villanova, from a random counselorā€™s twi ter:

EA apps 15689
ED1/ED2 apps 1201; 37% of the class to be admitted via ED1 (so, 600-ish?)
RD 7507
total apps 24907, up 10%

46% of applicants submitted scores
42% of those admitted ED1 and EA applied test optional (translation, assuming I read this correctly, 58% of admitted students submitted scores)

EA admit rate 20%, with some majors <15%
Middle 50% weighted GPA 4.21-4.58
Middle 50% SAT 1430-1520 and ACT 33-35

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My DD got into Computer Engineering in UT-Austin OOS

Looks like there is big wave today in many colleges.

Congrats to everyone who got in today



Congrats! That is quite an accomplishment.

Congrats! Still in review over here for LA at UT. The wait is so hard!



Still in review for UT Austin over hereā€¦he applied Moody (Communications & Leadership) for 1 and Econ for 2ndā€¦Iā€™m thinking CAP is in his futureā€¦itā€™s okay, he knew UT was a reach.

@rochboy21 I have to agree with you about the inefficiency part of it, imagine those 80% who got deferred at Harvard but somehow I doubt they do review everyoneā€™s apps again.

From what it sounds like at UM not everyone is asked to write a LOCI, so they must have two sorts of piles of applicants. Those they want to test to see their true level of interest and those they donā€™t. What does that then mean? Who the heck knows? The lack of transparency is ridiculous. The game of yield protection? Stupid. Our high school had maybe 15 kids get into UM, only 2 high stats kids got in, many high stats kids deferred, and many below the high stats (still great stats but no where close to the high stats) in. We anticipate it, because thatā€™s how UM works, but itā€™s just so random.