Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Impressive!! Where did she do her undergrad work? My D21 is looking at law school in the future, and I know that is weighing into her decisions about college.

@MIP750 Thats awesome! I hope you guys get the Pfizer vaccine. That has a 21-day gap between dose and then you wait a week after the second dose to be set.

S21 volunteers at our local hospital working in the senior patient center so heā€™s been on standby. Unfortunately, the hospital has only gotten Moderna and heā€™s not 18 so canā€™t qualify whenever they send them the link to sign up. So close every time!

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Has there been a publication of how many individual students have applied to college this year vs average year? I wonder if the increase in app is mainly driven by students applying to more colleges because of test optional or if there are that many substantial unique number of students applying?

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@MommaLue There was a 1% increase in unique applicants, so, basically the same. App increase is definitely students applying to more colleges. Students applying for FAFSA and fee waivers are down, so my theory is that there is some money behind the increase, meaning students applying to more schools can afford the app fees, at least. Whether they can afford tuition is another question, perhaps.
Common App's new data show overall gains in applications, but not from first-generation, low-income applicants.


So itā€™s left up to schools to figure out who to admit who will actually enroll. Harder to do that this year. Thatā€™s why so many are saying that kids who show interest or kids from known high schools where the college has a relationship will get accepted more often.

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Any parents have any insight on Case Western vs. University of Rochester? My S21 has narrowed it down to most likely one of these. Itā€™s tough with no visits particularly as heā€™s an athlete so the lack of meeting coach/team is an added disappointment. His merit pre-read at U of Rochester was significantly less than the merit offer at Case, but we wonā€™t have final numbers until March as he applied RD there while Case had EA.

This is the magic question - was there a small baby boom after 9/11? I do remember our elementary school having to add an extra teacher/class for daughterā€™s grade, but thought it was just random.

You might want to do a search here about Rochester. While Iā€™ve heard wonderful things about the school, I also seem to recall that at least one poster here within the last year or two had to pull her daughter out because after the first year, financial aid at Rochester was significantly reduced (or maybe tuition/fees increased). Just something to look out for.

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Thanks @amsunshine - I saw the thread. We wonā€™t receive financial aid, so we wonā€™t have an issue with that changing. The merit aid seems to have a pretty straightforward gpa requirement to renew.

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Congrats !!! and itā€™s ok to brag a little :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Can you give me some suggestions please on how to communicate with admissions officers? We donā€™t have any questions about anything, do we just make up something? Weā€™ve tried to show DI in colleges by liking on social media, signing up for emails, etc. but the actual communication with the college Iā€™m stymied by. My daughter is applying to mostly East Coast/Boston schools from the West Coast, and love her high school very much, but our GC have like 500 students each, so they are for emergencies only.

Itā€™s likely a little late now. And, in some cases, there just arenā€™t as many opportunities to communicate with AOs. Our D applied to schools with between 2000-7000 undergrads so that made it a littler easier. Hereā€™s what she did -

  1. She emailed all AOs in our region in June to ask if their supplemental essays will remain the same. Said sheā€™d like to get a jump on them this summer before school starts again. Every single AO got back to her.

  2. If the AO visited our high school (virtually this year), she signed up. In at least half of the cases, she was either the only student on the zoom and had 40 min one on one time with the rep or was one of just a handful of kids and still got to ask questions etc. Cameras were always on.

  3. She remained in touch with all AOs if she had questions during the fall and, of course, sent them quick thank you emails after their virtual meetings to our school.

  4. She did multiple virtual events this summer and fall - virtual tours, info sessions, student panels, info sessions about her major or about ECs sheā€™s interested in

  5. She did her research on each school and, when writing her essays, kept in mind what is important to each school. If the school had a ā€œwhy usā€ essay, she was very specific and wrote about exactly how she sees herself fitting at the college.

  6. Recently, she had an update to send and, while she downloaded it to all portals, she also emailed the reps letting them know she added it.

She did apply to a few D1 schools but they were smaller private ones. Iā€™m not sure how much any of the above would matter for a large state school.


More than 2002 but less than 2004. US data.


Thx for posting!

If your daughter enjoys film, she should watch The Sterile Cuckoo, which offers a visual perspective of Harrisonville/Hamilton.

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My daughter just got accepted to RPI EA with a 30k/year scholarship.


Congrats! My son was also just accepted to RPI, with the $30K medalist scholarship!


Iā€™ve seen that recommended and might rent it on Amazon. D21 will probably have to watch it without me, since (shhhh) I am not a Liza Minnelli fan. Maybe I can suck it up to see Hamilton as it was in the 1960s.

The actors fell pretty deeply into their roles for that film, sufficiently so for one to earn an Academy Award nomination. The movie may differ from what you expect.

Congratulations! Mine is a medalist too!