Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congrats! What state do you live in?

Such exciting news to read this morning!!! Congratulations @mamaedefamilia, @Aguadecoco, @burghdad, @anaray, @VRN2021, @Suave123, @momtogkc!!! Hope I didnā€™t miss anyone. :partying_face:


Agreed, I hope they give the kids some grace with all things considered right now.

She reassured me that she didnā€™t need to send anything in ahead of time and that feb 10 was ok. I havenā€™t communicated with any of her AOs so I am going on her word. She has already been in communication with all of them because she had issues sending a transcript from some online classes she took soph and jr years.


For anyone dealing with disappointments this week, Iā€™ll share an anecdote from my Dā€™s school about the UNC decisions. Our OOS school typically gets 5-8 UNC acceptances. This year there were two, one of which was applying into a special program (audition/portfolio). There were only a couple waitlisted and many rejections (including high stats and legacy.) The college counselors were shocked at the results. I commented to my D that it is about time they got their heads around the wild wild west we have going on this year!

We and our kids will all survive. But I must say I am envious of those who already have decisions in hand and can sit back and enjoy the rest of the school year. :hugs:


I am doing the same and hoping to gain some insights as to what to do differently when D23 starts this process.

RE: demonstrated interest, I donā€™t think S21 excelled in that area and I hope it wonā€™t come back to bite him. He wasnā€™t into the virtual visits and info sessions, and Iā€™m not sure how many emails he actually clicked into. Heā€™s done alumni interviews with the schools that offered them, but didnā€™t attempt to connect with any AOs on his own. He mostly applied to large/very large schools, so maybe those connections matter more with LACs or smaller schools? D23 will likely look at small/medium LACs, so her process will be a lot different Iā€™m guessing. Iā€™m just hoping for in person tours when its her turn!

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Shameless brag but my D18 daughter is 4-4 with law school admissions and full OOS tuition at ASU, Florida, Georgia and UMinn.


Congrats @burghdad! Sheā€™s killinā€™ it!


@burghdad Grad school!!! Now thatā€™s the real deal and almost to the finished line.


My S had homework the weekend after finals. Itā€™s the worst year but good grit for college. Ugh.

Fingers crossed they wonā€™t load him up on this weekendā€™s regional trip. They will walk around 2 colleges. Decided to go ASAP while the getting is relatively good. Flying first class with N95s and now there is a new mandatory transportation masking rule for others. :+1:


When we went on college trip in November felt much safer in front row of first class. No standing shoulder to shoulder while people putting luggage in over head and while waiting to deplane.


Wow!!! That is amazing!!! Big congrats to her!!!

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Especially if I donā€™t have to pay for it ā€¦


That is a wonderful news!

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Looks like kid and I will have a chance to be vaccinated at the end of Feb. and then we would be ready to travel by end of March after second shot when decisions have come in. Iā€™m really hopeful now that we will feel safer getting to see some campuses (even if no or few students there). He has only visited one. We would of course continue to mask etc but maybe this will work out easier than I was expecting.


What were her stats if you donā€™t mind me asking?

MommaLue Apparently USC tracks demonstrated interest. D attended a few virtual sessions for the engineering school. The engineering admissions guy mentioned it in the email she got after she applied.

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Hi - sure.
4.0 UW full IB diploma
Multiple varsity sports
Meaningful service over four years with significant hours (same organization)
Works during school year (essential worker) and had two jobs over the summer.
Various clubs/honors/etc
No academic summer programs, research, etc or anything like that.


@nanosec any history at all of kids getting into UNC from your high school? Those stats are amazing. Lots of high stat kids get denied. As mentioned above from other posters, we also have kids who get into Ivies and were denied UNC.

Iā€™m not sure- maybe averages one a year? I know of at least one in prior years who was a recruited athlete. So far it sounds like sheā€™s aware of one other student this year who is also full IB.

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DS had a wonderful week getting accepted into GT, UNC, and Northeastern. He also was accepted into NCSU and a few others (he applied to quite a few) so he has spent the last few days trying to narrow things down.

He has several more applications submitted and he hopes he will get into a few of them but they are super reaches. If he does not get into any others he is still quite satisfied with what he has to choose from. He is trying to look a bit more closely at the specific courses and majors which is not the easy to do apparently.

I think his stats will get him considered everywhere but so hard this year.