Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

The only downside would be the extra stress prepping for a test that may not give particularly accurate results when that time and energy could be spent prepping for other finals. I guess in my case, it might be a little different than most, given that my D21’s school only offers 1-2 AP classes per year (actually, they only offer 3 total classes total: AP Lang; AP Lit; and AP Span, which just started last year). She will graduate with 11 DE classes under her belt, so under a cost benefit analysis, taking one AP test for her may not be worth it (especially hearing others have had bad experiences with the new format).


I am so sorry. I hope that he gets in to TAMU soon.

Which college is that?

That stinks. We’ve never come across that situation. It doesn’t sound fun!

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Hope it’s not like my days when I need chocolate and remember that I was being “healthy” last time at the store and didn’t buy any chocolate!

Best wishes. I definitely feel you on not being the decider and having a different perception of fit (and in our case also different perceptions of affordability in terms of student loans). Got that here!

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(Pssst. Public service announcement:

It’s also Girl Scout cookie season!!! Great way to load up with chocolate in our homes to help cope with the next several weeks of college waiting and decisions.) :cookie:


I’ve been following looking for niece HS class of 2022. I’m going to throw out a suggestion on AP’s. If your child is looking at a public, you may want to take a CLEP test for the credits, especially if the class just ended in 1st semester. If the plan is a private, see if the credits, whether CLEP or AP, benefit them.


My daughter is registered to take the pen and paper exam at her school. Her school is fully in person The online kids are able to test in the school if they want to or take online exams. D is only taking the exams that she is planning on using the credit for. So they are very important to us.


Fingers crossed for TAMU!

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Good luck on TAMU!

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I’m not going to push my D21 to take all of the tests. His experience taking them last year was pretty poor. Significant glitches, including one test that couldn’t be submitted after taking it. Content so vastly restricted there’s no way the course should equate to a college credit. Shorter tests overall and different formats than usual. The whole thing seemed like a dud. I’m sure things will be better this year, but D21 is not planning to use AP credits to skip ahead anyway (well, maybe AP lang), so I’m not sure it’s worth my money or his time.


My daughter received a call from her AO today telling her that she got in to Bryn Mawr ED2 with a scholarship. I couldn’t be prouder!

She was deferred from her ED1 and 3 EAs, so she was getting a little sad. I felt so bad for her and with the way schools are deferring right now, you couldn’t tell what was really happening with them. Now she can breathe a bit easier and so can I!



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Congrats to your D!!!:clap:

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For us non-TX folks, what exactly does this mean? I’m assuming that it means a rejection, but was your son in the top 6% or out of the top 6%?

@Shelleen Congrats to your D! My D21 loved Bryn Mawr when she toured. I’m sure your D will be very happy. :heart:


Not quite rejection. Basically you go to a different UT campus. Like UT-San Antonio and then attempt to transfer after a year. Best explained here. It’s also like the hunger games to get the other campuses and you’re still not guaranteed later admission at UT so many people don’t accept it. Until this year I’ve never heard of OOS students getting it but I saw two offered it on that forum.

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I think AP exam is going to depend on S21’s final school. I told him to retake the STEM classes to get a more in-depth understanding from a college class and hopefully get the easier A.

However, some UCs, the AP credit could go towards some GE credits. UC San Diego has that funky 7 college set up like Hogwarts so he may take the Calc BC, Macro/Micro eCon and Stat classes.

All that said, who knows? Last year was such a hot mess. He was in the group that could submit part 1 on his 3rd test but couldn’t submit part 2 despite having 5 min left. He had videos of him trying to submit. Luckily, the one answer was good enough for a 3. But he got punished in Lang because multiple choice was taken away and he would’ve gotten a min 3 with just multiple choice. :joy: They’re his jam.


@srparent15 Ahh, OK, thank you.