Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

So far they have been underdelivering on the contracts I think I heard but totally :crossed_fingers:

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They said schools will not push back their deadlines this year like last year. It is going to be May 1.

Personally? I think double depositing is a cruddy thing to do from a general standpoint. I get it, kids are confused and this year is unlike any other, but make a decision because your double deposit keeps another kid on the waitlist. And if your kid was the one on the waitlist youā€™d want people to do the right thing.

Be a good human being and think of someone other than yourself and pick one with whatever information you have on hand to do it. I say this as someone whose kid has visited ONE of the ELEVEN schools he applied to, but if we canā€™t get there, we just have to go with the information we have to make a decision. I think beyond all else at the end of the day doing the right thing is the most important thing to teach your children. The right thing is not taking up two spots from a kid who is on the waitlist potentially.


You have to deposit somewhere by May 1 unless you have multiple schools you are considering that have extended their deadline. Then, if you get off of a waitlist and decide to go to that school instead, you tell the first school and then deposit at the second.

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I donā€™t know how they can say thisā€¦I expect many schools will push the date back. If they did last year, why wouldnā€™t they this year?

I also think double depositing hurts others.

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Someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong but one student turning down an EA offer does not mean that the school accepts one more student in RD. It doesnā€™t work like that.

We are holding on to all offers until the bitter end.


Iā€™m not advocating double depositing, but Iā€™m also not going to waste time trying to be fair to colleges we donā€™t end up enrolling at. Schools have deferred/waitlisted so many students that itā€™s obvious they donā€™t care about the students who end up at a different school.


I know. My D20 had multiple schools she was considering extend their deadline last year to June 1, so she personally did not make a decision last year until late May.


It is important that we know others will do it. But I guess colleges are baking that into their acceptance numbers too? They wonā€™t want to be off on the high side though and over-enroll. I was genuinely surprised deposits werenā€™t more $.

My wife has a middle school teacher friend. She is afraid this will be her last year teaching, because she said she will quit if they force her to have the vaccine to teach.

Setting aside for a moment that she has more faith in our school board to do the right thing than I do, because I seriously doubt they will require the vaccine, what the heck (not the word that first comes to mind but the one I am allowed to say here)?

I feel about that the same way as the students that may not come to a school because vaccines are required. Not my problem. We are in a highly desired district, she can be easily replaced. If Miami U has 100 kids refuse to get vaccinated, that just was great news for 100 non-science denying kids on the waitlist, who I would rather see get that spot anyway.


I agree. Some schools have increased their deposits, but not nearly as many as I thought would (or as high as I thought). I donā€™t know of any over $700ish. I know Marist went that high last year to reduce double depositing.

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In a PTA meeting today, our (public) HS admin said they canā€™t even ask if a teacher got the vaccine because of HIPAA rules. Soā€¦itā€™s not going to be required.


Yeah for a few hundred in a year like this I donā€™t think you really know if that student is coming.

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Marist is $750

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When D19 was going through this, we had her directly decline a couple of offers because we knew there were waiting lists. I donā€™t weā€™re going to ask D21 to do that this year. So, holding onto all options as long as possible.


People may disagree with me but if everyone took a selfish stance and double deposited you could screw a lot of people in the end by doing it. I choose to do the right thing over the selfish one. The truth is my kid only applied to schools heā€™d actually attend so no matter which one he ends up at heā€™ll be happy along with everyone elseā€™s kids. At some point schools do go to their wait lists, so at some point those declines make the difference in the respect that the university starts going to the wait list to get students. If everyone accepts then they donā€™t.

Holding onto your options until 5/1 (or the deadline) is your absolute right to do so, but Iā€™m speaking more of the double depositing.


Big change today in AP testingā€¦now will be 3 administrations!! Counselor listserv is lighting upā€¦no one has time to do that, itā€™s ridiculous. Details here:


For UW Madison, does anyone know if it is necessary to put in housing deposit prior to deciding if you are attending? Do they give preference if you get your contract in earlier?

It really is! I teach AP Cal AB and my head is spinningā€¦


I hope schools push back on this, it is ridiculous for everyone involved (students, teachers, AP coordinators)


D has visited a few schools to which she has been admitted with merit $ with a net cost of $38- $42K. Sheā€™s been admitted to two with merit that she hasnā€™t visited yet with net cost in the same range. Sheā€™s waiting on another one that would cost $73K that she hasnā€™t visited. For the significant $'s at stake, we will visit the schools even if we canā€™t do the official tour. But If she cannot visit the campusā€¦itā€™s probably a no for us. I think LMU and similar schools where you canā€™t step foot on campus are going to have a hard time this year.