Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I am reading it, too! I am loving it - it does reflect the college admissions world we are in but I am so glad I am not at a private school like that!! Good escape.

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Thank you!

S21 paid the housing deposit and picked a dorm room at Texas Tech today. Heā€™s still not 100% ready to commit there but the dorms are going fast so I told him to get on it lol.

Weā€™re still in Review Purgatory at TAMUā€¦frustrations are rising.

This week has been tough, my uncle, whom I was very close to and was my momā€™s closest sibling/best friend (my mother died 12 years ago) passed away after years of battling kidney failure and diabetes. With Covid restrictions and whatnot it was a very simple and quick funeral and burial for family only. Because we were all quarantining and havenā€™t had any family get togethers despite all living in the same city, I havenā€™t physically seen or met some of my cousins and aunts in and uncles in over a year. Very strange for a big family like ours.

My younger cousins who all are UTD alum were really pumping up S21 to pick UTD and carry on the family tradition lol. Theyā€™re all extremely successful and have done very well as UTD grads, so now heā€™s even more confused about where to go and what to do.

Someone please make the merry-go-round stop lol! My anxiety is through the roofā€¦I just want him to make a decision so that we can start mentally preparing!!

Neither Tech nor UTD were stellar with their Covid protocols from what I can gather from Reddit forumsā€¦hoping this coming fall is different for our kiddos.


Too many similarities here and my kids are at an independent school- but no famous band playing at parent functionsā€¦yet! I think it does a good job addressing the wealth gap and how it all plays in to parents thinking they need to give their kids any leg up.

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Yes, the mRNA vaccines can be easily modified. Unclear whether that would require a whole new approval process. Would expect booster in the future incorporating new variants.


Very sorry to read that your beloved uncle passed this week. Hugs to you and your family.


I stole the race analogy from Dr. Fauci


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. We lost two elders within the last year and it was Zoom services for both, which really is a poor substitute.

I hear you on the anxiety. But I also know a few happy kids at Tech! So if thatā€™s the best option, itā€™s a pretty good one.


@rbc2018 Argh. That means they arenā€™t hopeful about the school professors and staff getting vaccinated in time.

@Zinnia203 Yes. Thatā€™s the beauty of the mRNA delivery platform. Iā€™m not an expert but I would imagine they would approach the variant the same way and mimic the new variant so that the vaccine can teach our body to defeat it.

On some exciting vaccine news, S21 got his Pfizer vaccine. He works/volunteers at the local hospital senior patient center. The last two months theyā€™ve only had Moderna so while every other people in his unit signed up, he couldnā€™t because heā€™s under 18. The sister hospital got Pfizer in so the coordinator got the two under 18 kiddos in this week.


@spaceaquarium i donā€™t like that if itā€™s digital, they canā€™t go back and change answers. I go back all the time to change my approach on problems for these exams. You canā€™t go back to to double check.

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Iā€™m very sorry about your uncle. Hope you are doing okay.


Thank youā€¦itā€™s a weird mix of sadness that heā€™s gone and relief that heā€™s no longer in pain and suffering.


Here is some good news about a possible therapeutic.


He thinks that so far, the vaccines cover the variants, and will likely provide some protection for others which arise. Vaccines can also be tweaked and boosters can be given to cover variants.

Variants are most likely to arise where very large numbers of people are not vaccinated, and are getting infected repeatedly, driving the virus to mutate beyond the bodyā€™s natural immune response (and even beyond the wider/better vaccine immunity).

So, DH is optimistic about college for the 21s and travel within the US. Trips to other continents . . . not as optimistic.


So, study abroad spring 2022ā€¦ (I have a '19)?

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I am so sorry for your loss.

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@evergreen5 , weā€™ve been back and forth over study abroad for our D19. She got into a special program for spring 2020, which postponed to spring 2021. DH told her this weekend that she should take her name out because even if the program runs, it wonā€™t be the experience she is hoping for. Itā€™s in Spain and they are struggling. He was optimistic about spring 2022, though.


Very likely