Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

We made a similar decision in our house for D19’s semester in Mexico.


Sorry for your loss.


We are hoping our D20 is able to go to Spain for the spring of 2022, as well. We originally wanted her to do her first freshman semester abroad, but that went up in flames. :roll_eyes:

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Wow, simply awesome news. Cheering her on!!!


I don’t know how helpful this is, but…

My spouse’s company is having their exec retreat in Europe Spring of 2022, and they were told by the EU country as long as everyone was vaccinated there wouldn’t be any problems by that time.


Thank you so much!

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That is actually very reassuring.

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I am sorry for your loss.


If he does not get TAMU, He has 2 solid choices. If he enjoys the pageantry that comes with a D1, Power Five school, Tech will give him a great experience.


I’ve read so many things I can’t find where I read this (but within the last week or so), but I was thinking it isn’t even a month, more like a few days to modify the vaccine. Of course the approvals may take longer, but my understanding was that the science part of it is very simple and quick. Caveat - I’m not a scientist, just giving my recollection of something I read recently.

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While we are just waiting here, I’m wondering if UC people are getting emails? We are getting a variety of emails - vaccination requirements, residential info request, one scholarship invite - but zitch from UC Davis. Just curious.

Nothing from UC Davis here either.

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Duke is very strict with social protocols (gatherings no more than 10), masking, testing, etc. It announced it will offer vaccines to students when state gets to that point for immunizations based on priority. I think they are trying to avoid what happened last year, which was a complete re-do of class registrations and last minute kicking students off campus just weeks before they returned in August. They’ve already told students that Fall class registration won’t happen in March like normal…they are going to wait until July so they don’t have to go through that whole debacle again. No word on housing yet either. I think they learned their lesson about being optimistic. On a positive note, my soph at Duke has 4 of her 5 classes in person right now. And they’ve announced the will open housing for students for summer class sessions, as well as allow students who are doing research, volunteer work, or other co-curricular projects to stay in dorm housing this summer pending availability.


@skkm0906 Completely agree. It’s time to try. Many parents in our community are completely apoplectic over not being back in school full-time, between the CDC news and surrounding towns returning to 100% in person by the end of February. Listening to everyone bash each other’s heads in over it is exhausting.


We are getting some UC emails from Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara lately about vaccination requirement, FAFSA etc.


If your child withdraws from a university that is low on their list, can you still use the merit offer from the school they have withdrawn their application from to try to appeal merit at another school?

@NateandAllisMom UC Davis not much. UCSB emails on tours? UCLA alum scholarship. I think I saw some information email from UCSD. That’s about it. Nothing about residential things or COVID.

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We’ve only gotten the email from UCLA alum scholarship application, UCLA and UCI financial aid. I guess there have also been emails from UCSB to parents but nothing about vaccines or residence requirements.


D21 accepted ED2 to BC so I guess we are done - good luck, everyone!

