Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

It will certainly be interesting to see if once schools report their ED data whether or not they actually accepted a significant number of kids TO. Schools that have been saying this, will it show to be true? I would expect there would need to be a substantial increase to alay any questions.

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what do you think the chances are that kids will be able to visit ( like actually go in bldgā€™s and not just drive through) in the spring prior to committing? I dont see Bowdoin letting anyone in the bubbleā€¦ seems to me most will chose colleges unseen? thoughts?

I agree. Itā€™s going to be bad PR if a school talked a big game about TO, had 40% TO applicants and then only accept a class with a much lower percent TO. I think thatā€™s what you meanā€¦

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There are schools allowing self tours and even some with real tours but always outside. Richmond added tours during their break just for seniors and Wake has them if youā€™re interviewed. I agree there will be no tours at Bowdoin.

mine is only applying to NE or northern school and I dont think there are any that allow tours. I initially thought we might make a run up in April but who knows!

Colgate allows self tours, but going to NY from other states is difficult with the Covid restrictions.


Yes, exactly. The example I am thinking about is Dukeā€™s ED numbers say 60% of applicants submitted test scores this year. So what will that look like for the other 40% when acceptances come around? Iā€™m curious to see the outcomes across all the top schools that advertised TO and said kids would not be penalized. It needs to show up in the acceptance numbers to prove it out.

@purplemama ā€“ Will schools tell what percentage of TO applicants are accepted? Iā€™m not sure about that, but I do certainly hope so!

@rochboy21 Your boy sounds a lot like my two sons. Smart, awesome, social kids, but not always the most proactive about things. Mine are at large somewhat selective public universities and are happy. The junior has figured out a system to keep his sh** together, which has really allowed him to thrive. The freshman is still figuring that out! I also have a daughter applying to colleges now and sheā€™s a totally different animal-- oh, I need to write 8 essays? Iā€™ll go knock that out right now. God love em, my goal is for each to find what they want to do and make progress towards that! But yeah, next year all three will be in college $$$.


BC did. 40 percent of the kids accepted in ED were TO. I hope all schools report it!


My friend told me that most of the kids that were matched via QB around here were TO. I think the top schools will use TO to increase diversity.


@Aguadecoco I agree about TO. Iā€™ve always suspected in the past that schools used that to boost their reported scores while also keeping the ability to accept some students who are otherwise great and perhaps check certain boxes that they are looking for (firstgen, URM, etc).

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BC did. 40 percent of the kids accepted in ED were TO.

Even more, the opposite - 42% of admitted students submitted scores. 58% TO


@AlmostThere2018 we can only hope or start asking that they tell us in this early round, but as @homerdog says some already do. Plus it might be good marketing to increase the RD apps this year. Those mailers could look different from past years if they ED acceptances of TO kids is worth mentioning. Also, whenever the Common Data Set comes out next year (too late for this yearā€™s applicants) when the Test Scores go from being considered ā€œVery Importantā€ to ā€œNot Consideredā€ there will have to be conversations, interviews or at very least a new book on what happened :slight_smile:

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So 58 percent of total applicants didnā€™t send scores? Is that what you mean?wow.

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Those ED numbers at UVA and Cornell are crazy. Wow.


I have a Type A daughter too - she is a sophomore. I know the process will be different with her. Iā€™m glad to hear your sons are thriving (or will be soon). I know if my son goes to the ā€œUā€ - as it is colloquially know in MN - he will be very happy and ultimately do well. But the college app machine has a way of sucking you in to the ā€œwhat ifā€¦ā€

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The other wildcard (unless USNWR methodology is changed) is that currently, schools with greater than 25% TO matriculants are dinged on the test score measure. But, that measure continues to decline in importance. I have only heard one school (Tulane) say that they wonā€™t enroll more than 25% of the class TO (so however they use that target to determine acceptances) because ā€˜our President and Trustees care about our USNWR rankā€™.

Just got the notificationā€¦D21 accepted at Macalester with DeWitt Wallace scholarship! Over the moon over here!


Ed or EA?? Congrats!!!