Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Fantastic news, @Tribegiant !!!

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@homerdog We did ED
with some trepidation!


Congratulations! Now you can breathe again! My daughter applied there EA and she really likes the school too!


@Shelleen Good luck
when does the EA decision come?

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So ED was released on a Sunday? Or was this a delayed response?

I think she said around the 20th. Couple of weeks to go!

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@inthegarden Yep
released at 3:00 Eastern time. Very fresh!


Unlikely at most schools. Cornell at least for Spring isn’t even going back until February and they’re going straight through without a Spring break. They’re of course again asking parents and other visitors to stay away but as usual there are plenty that disregard the requests of the University and do what they want. Last Spring they cancelled all student admitted days and many didn’t have a chance to visit before having to make a decision. I’m sure many of our kids will be in the same position for schools this year. My son hasn’t visited a bunch of the schools he’s applied to and I’m not about to get on a plane for any visits any time soon.

New York has at least eased up their restrictions so for people wanting to visit in general it’s easier, but Cornell at least isn’t going to allow people into buildings, etc. or to meet with people on campus. It would all have to be through people they know.

As for test scores and test optional, I have heard many times over that schools are going to use this to not harm their test score data for future applicants. So while they’re test optional, for those that choose to send their scores, if they aren’t high enough, the school doesn’t want to put those scores in their avg so that their school ultimately looks better for US News or whomever, which is stupid. Everyone knows this is a different cycle and people know by more than test scores what is a “good” program and what is also a “good” program/fit for their kid.

I have also heard that schools were going to admit TO vs those who submit tests based on a fairly representative sample so as to treat all fairly, although not sure how that is equal. Until multiple AOs actually describes the process all anyone knows are just guesses by all the college counselors, “experts”, etc.

Wow! My D has been hoping for something like that
I’ve been telling her the AOs have probably been working around the clock and desperately need their weekend break! Kudos to Macalester!

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I think Cornell`s bump is a combo of having higher acceptance rate than other Ivies, which can be perceived as a higher potential for kids without test scores. I bet their acceptance rate is going to be 25% for ED to help their yield. I would imagine Cornell has the safest COVID set up. Dr. Fauci graduated first in his Cornell class.


Cornell actually already has close to a 25% acceptance rate for ED. Rumor is that they will probably be taking more this year to fill more ED seats. They’re the biggest Ivy so they can also take more students than the others.

Fauci went there for medical school so that’s a big difference plus the medical school is not in Ithaca but that’s one claim to fame for them for sure!



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Woo hoo!!! Congrats to your D!!!

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Congrats! It must be so nice to have your wait be over!

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Congratulations on the Macalester ED acceptance! What a nice surprise to have such good news appear on a Sunday afternoon when you wouldn’t likely be expecting it. :slight_smile:

Is the slight trepidation now forgotten? Was she able to visit before applying)?

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Congrats, my older kid applied to Mac a few years ago and it’s a great school! She did EA not ED, but also heard on a Sunday.

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@NOVAGirl87 I think it partly depends on whether or not your D’s college counselor checked the “most rigorous” box on the counselor’s report. At D21’s school, the counselor will only check that box for IB Diploma candidates (I don’t agree with this policy). I don’t know how much weight the “most rigorous” box really carries; to me it seems obvious that a student who is taking IB or AP classes is taking a rigorous course load. It sounds like your D has great ECs and her legacy status will hopefully give her a boost. I wish her the best of luck!

I’m so glad to have all of you parents to commiserate with during these uncertain times. I didn’t realize how distracting it is to be so close to ED results day. It’s really hard to focus!


@Tribegiant Congrats on the fantastic news! How lucky to have the process over!

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Brown ED applications were apparently up 16% and Harvard were up 30% so it seems clear that the Ivies are definitely up significantly this year based on being TO and people being told to go for it.

It will be interesting to see how this shakes out for these kids.