Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Great news! Congrats.


Very nice! Congratulations!

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I am so sorry.

Agreed. I also think it depends on the school. It IS considerably more rigorous at our school( agree with above poster on EE, CAS etc, but it is not the best academic path for all. I don’t know what our highschool does ( as my boys did full IN diploma) but hope they have some wiggle in how they register the most rigorous for the students who are not IB but take as many APs as they can.

So new to this College Parent thing :thinking: can someone help me understand why schools send financial aid info to you despite not yet learning of acceptance? Is this common?
Thank you : )

In today’s email an invitation to meet Banana Slugs with a “student id#”. I sure wish their CS job placement was better. Love that campus! Easily my favorite UC for him otherwise. I don’t understand how they can be so close to Silicon Valley and not do well with CS job placement? It’s supposed to be a good department. @sushiritto or anyone know anything about this?

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D21 received that email as well. She stayed at that campus for a month for a summer program. The CS department is pretty small and compact compared to the other UCs. A lot of walking up and down the hills! D ended up making a lot of friends from all over Cali. Best to your son!

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Thanks! We did a self tour. Their parking lot was more beautiful than any place I’ve been camping. It would be a serious bummer if the dorms were not open next year as he will not get housing after that and it would be harder to make connections.

S totally would have done that summer program if they had programming. Very cool program but surprising they allow HS kids to live there.

That is a good news for me. Thank you! UNC waitlisted my D.

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@momsquared33 congratulations on s21’s Bates acceptance! Love your new avatar! :tada:

@goldpenn D21 can start a frisbee club at MoHo! It’s not too late! :joy:


@homerdog did D21 end up going? Maybe she can go check out BC?

Ha! She did go to drop off. She’s already seen BC. I took her last Feb and we did info session and tour and went out to dinner with a friend who is a current soph. Not sure they’ll have time to see it again this weekend.


Can you guide me to which report/webpage you are looking at for outcomes by major for UCSC? I see some data that looks kind of old, from 2014-16, but maybe that’s the most recent?

Every time I look at the UC grad rates I also wonder why so low. Then that leads to more questions (which apply to many other public colleges)…is it because students can’t get the classes they need when they need them? What proportion take time off/drop out for money reasons? Etc.


A few colleges that D was accepted to have fallen down on her list. Any suggestions on the best wording to use to let the colleges know that she will not be attending? Would she just send an email to the Admissions office? Exact wording would help…although I’m sure it is not a big deal to the AOs, it feels kind of awkward to write. Should she include her name/student ID # and say something like…“I am writing to let you know that I will not be enrolling at X University. Please confirm that you received this email and let me know if there is anything further I need to do.”?

It’s the Ivy Achievement computer science rankings. If I remember correctly, salary was ok but %placement was pretty poor in comparison to many of his other schools.

We were also there during the big TA protests - unfortunate. Loved the campus.

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I would write something like 'thanks so much for supporting my application. However, I have decided to attend X university". That’s it. No need to ask for email confirmation.

In many portals your student will also be able to turn down the offer, so make sure to do that too.


I’d they have it in the portal just do it there. Some ask questions like where did you decide to go to etc. but in an email I would just say

Thank you for the offer of admission to X University. Unfortunately, I have decided not to attend. I appreciate the opportunity.

Have a good day


Computer science placement chart

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