Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes some amazing places. We always wanted them to explore a different part of the country for college and have family in NE for extended support. Awesome they have their own place but close enough to see each other and debate which is the better place;)


Frisbee club for the win :blush:
I am trying to see the humor in it and these stories definitely help, so thanks for that!


Congratulations on Bates and having your two so geographically close to each other if not to youā€¦


@JESmom Youā€™re right about the kiss of death of the ā€œmost rigorousā€ box not being checked in the absence of the IB Diploma. With your S21 taking 10 AP/IB courses, itā€™s hard to argue that heā€™s not in the ā€œmost rigorousā€ category. They do the same at my Dā€™s school and itā€™s not right. Incidentally, nearly half of D21ā€™s senior class has dropped the diploma since last spring (very unusual for a school with a 90% Diploma participation). Good luck to your S21 and I hope he gets good news soon.

@JanieWalker Congrats to your D on Hamilton!! :tada:

@momsquared33 Congrats to your S on Bates! :tada:

Congrats to all of your Dā€™s on UVA! :tada:

@srparent15 Congrats to your son on UVA engineering! :tada:


Wow! That is fabulous to have your boys 30 mins apart!!! Congrats to your S and now for some family celebration time!!!

Thank you !

Thank you !We are so happy to have them close to each other and the right fit for them. Heā€™s working, Im dropping cash at the Bates bookstore but we will sure be celebrating tonightā€¦ older son arrived finally and safely back at Bowdoin yesterday ( driving alone from SC to ME along the I95 corridor ) so its a darn good weekend here!


Thank you! They got much closer during the pandemic so I am glad they will have ME in common!


Great day for many and exciting for the ED people. I would love to be able to focus on the final decision, but nope, 2 more months of this! :frowning:


Move in day at Bowdoin! Fingers crossed!!!


Itā€™s not just grandparents who are clueless. There are so many name-brand chasers on CC who poo-poo anything outside the Top 25 or gasp, Top 50.

So a quick look on linkedin of NASA employees with Aerospace Engineer in their job title reveals the following schools attended (in order):

227 University of Central Florida
227 University of Maryland
201 The University of Alabama in Huntsville
177 Georgia Institute of Technology
168 Purdue University
145 Texas A&M University
139 Virginia Tech
130 Old Dominion University
126 The University of Texas at Austin
123 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
119 Auburn University
110 Penn State University
106 The George Washington University
92 Case Western Reserve University
59 North Carolina State University

I then clicked on one random profile whose education isā€¦ drumroll pleaseā€¦

Broward Community College
Associate of Arts (A.A.)
Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

University of Central Florida
Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.)
Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

North Carolina State University
Master of Science (MSc)
Mechanical Engineering


There was a thread yesterday about how much you consider rankings when making decisions about college. I had to laugh- UCF is 160. So obviously I could care less about it. It is one of the top 10 in the world for my kidā€™s major, and that is what matters. Top people in her industry love UCF, so US News means nothing.


Yay! J got in yesterday and is sending me texts that he has too much stuff:) Wishing yours a great move in day and semesterā€¦ seemed to go smoothly yesterday!


Thatā€™s great data! Itā€™s also often eye opening for students/parents when they look at the schools that their potential profs went tooā€¦even the profs at highly selective schools.


The IB diploma is more than just the classes though. My son has taken 12 AP/IB courses and it is not nearly as rigorous as the IB diploma. My daughter was in full IB and between the extended essay and the CAS requirement (which isnā€™t just the hours its the freaking million reflections that have to get inputted into the system) her junior and first semester senior year was crazy stressful. Our school actually does mark most rigorous if you have a certain number of ap/ib courses, but I can see why others donā€™t. The IB program is extremely time consuming beyond the classroom.


I agreeā€¦and with 3,000 four year colleges, the one ranked 160 is top 6%. Sheesh! I am no fan of USNWR and itā€™s disproportional impact in college list building/selection process.


Former IB mom here and I agree. The problem is when your base school is IB and your kid doesnā€™t want to do it. You canā€™t leave the school, so itā€™s an automatic disadvantage.

Our school got rid of the actual CAS hours requirement several years ago. Plus our kids have to write reflections in 9-10th and have to do the MYP project even if they arenā€™t going into IB. I loved IB, but it is not for everyone and kids who chose not to, shouldnā€™t be punished.


Woot! Congratulations. Iā€™m happy she found her place! :bell:


Congratulations :bell: :confetti_ball: & great avatar, too!


Thank you!