Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Mazel Tov! I go for Dose 2 in 2 weeks! Worried about the side effects as I’ve heard a few people I know haven’t had great ones but I scheduled mine for a Friday just in case.


Wonderful, so glad you are getting jabbed!!!
I got both Pfizers jabs already and my parents got both jabs of Moderna!


I did not have any side effects except the arm ache where the jabbed it with both Pfizer jabs.


Mine is Moderna. Did your parents have side effects with #2? I only had sore arm.

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From Jeff Selingo’s twitter

Admissions dean: “Anyone who says they have confidence in their yield model this year either has a crap-ton of money to meet need and throw at merit or they’re not living in reality.”


Funny thing is that applicants feel the same way about the unpredictability of their coming admission results.

Did the AO mean that the yield algorithms will not do a good job of predicting yield, or that yield is likely to be low (hence throwing money at it to bring it up)? Or both?


Me too. She is a great asset to the community

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I think mine will be Moderna. That’s what most people at this location are getting and a doctor friend said that it’s Moderna doses being sent to our county.

nope just a little sore arm

My husband had fever, chills, body aches and diarrhea after the 2 Nd dose. Felt fine after about 36 hrs, symptoms started around 10 hrs after he got the shot.


Got my second today at 11. At sons soccer game which starts in a few. Hope I don’t get all that!!


Enjoy this warm weather!

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Ugh, thanks for the warning. They say those with the worst symptoms it means it is working and possibly a sign that if they got covid they would have had bad effects. Who knows, and I don’t want to know. A few days after my dose 1 I did have a sore throat and was all paranoid that I got the virus but I hadn’t been anywhere really except for the shot but now I wonder if that’s what it was. Could also have just been psychosomatic stuff. My parents thankfully had nothing so their dose 2 is a few days after me and hoping they have no ill effects either.

My D18 applied to UVA and Dean J was incredible and an great resource. Not sure why all schools cannot do something similar. It can only generate good will for the school.

Miami University has a similar type of situation for an admitted FB parents page. There is a designated AO who answers every parent question within about 10 minutes and with a link to the Miami website were appropriate. It is beyond helpful. Not sure why every large school couldn’t do something similar


My kiddo (someone else’s kid, not my kid) who got UCLA Regent invite got into the UC Berkeley MET program on regents AND SEEDS scholarship. Research funding, renewal SEEDS funding every year. I’m so happy for him. Berkeley is a better school for him for the engr and biz program he wants to do, as well as being close to Silicon Valley. And it’ll be cheaper for him to relocate, too. I’m so happy tonight. My board just finished up reviewing all of our scholarship applications, too.

Not going to lie. I did go into the meeting and said, “Can we just bypass the bylaws and give more out? These kids need major help.” But we do have oversight so we couldn’t. It felt good to just say it out loud, though. Haha.


My son had Moderna vax #2 today. Sore arm, body aches and feeling flu-ish. He only had a sore arm with vax #1

Daughter was tired and had a sore arm after vax#1. Just a sore arm after vax #2.


Are your kids able to get the vaccinations through their universities?

@srparent15 My parents and elderly aunts and uncles got the Moderna vaccine. My parents and aunt get their 2nd dose on 3/1 but my uncle got his second shot already and nothing. My cousin (30’s) got her second Moderna shot and next day, she had fevers and chills with stabbing headaches. She said the symptoms were worst than when she got COVID (she’s a resident at a major university hospital).

S21 got his Pfizer shot and heads back 2/23. He had no issues the first time.

I think the cases I hear are more Moderna recipients but in my cousin and her dad’s case, it is probably based on individual bodies. My friend got the Moderna shot and the second time he got this big welt at the injection point that lasted for a few days. Just a big bulge. His wife got her second shot yesterday and today had fevers.

I agree. You know the goal when starting HS if UT is your end game. The only downside is when the district played games and changed the ranking system midway through ( which Dallas did last year- my kids not affected but still!) That was crazy. Folks should know the rules and be able to access their state university system without a mid game rule change!

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No, not even close. Given their age bracket they are waaaay down on the list & the few units allocated to colleges are for those deemed at high risk. That said, depending on the school, some level of herd immunity is being achieved as many, MANY of their friends had contracted it 1st semester or in the last few wks after returning from break. It was shocking to them that ours had not yet …