Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

What was most helpful was the tip to look at line H2A in each college’s Common Data Set, which sets out the number of students receiving merit scholarships and the average award.

This morning, I looked up several institutions. Among universities, USC and Fordham stood out - 26% of the freshman class at both schools received merit awards averaging around 20K. As for LACs, Oberlin gave merit awards averaging 17.5K to nearly 40% of the freshman class. Pretty good odds for those chasing merit scholarships.

(Oops, just realized that my findings are less relevant to this thread!)


I believe it is safe to say that how one “handles” the inoculation has nothing to to with brand/manufacturer (as these 2 are only differentiated by the type of lipid used - the technology is the same - unlike the forthcoming J&J single dose). Everyone’s body reacts differently when presented with it which is why the list of potential reactions are made clear up front. Living in the midst of a ton (huge numbers folks) of elderly here in FL, I can say that so far so good after most in my orbit have already received both shots, both brands (I always ask as part of the conversation). Cautious optimism mixed with realism. But you know, this state IS basically another country or the “wild South” if you watch the news, correct ? Lol


Yes, that’s unfair. If the rules change, they should only apply to the new class entering the following yr, not current students.


Same here. And unfortunately, I think they go to the worst HS in MD for school spirit. Their school has done NOTHING to try to celebrate c/o 21. I look at other schools and I see virtual senior class meetings, c/o 21 t-shirts and face masks. Activities such as virtual “radio plays” or “selfie day” promoted for school spirit. Our school has done absolutely nothing…so SAD for these kids.


Yes, if with medical issues and also if they’re in person tutors, TA’ing or doing research. I’m surprised how many kids have already been able to get it at the various schools my kids attend.

This might not be a widespread issue, but something to be aware of for test optional: I came across a blog discussing placement issues for students without scores, that some colleges might place them in developmental non-credit courses, without other evidence of competency (like AP exam scores). Sounds like this issue may apply only to certain large public universities. I imagine that students who have scores that they simply chose not to submit might want to later submit them, prior to class registration.

The CSU system has placement tests before you enroll for classes but AP scores on an English or Math test will get you out of the placement test. Usually, they use SAT scores and also the CA Standardized test kids usually take in 11th grade as well as the AP scores to place out of the testing requirements. I guess more kids will need to take that placement test this year.

I just started looking at this yesterday, I had assumed before they all just start at college level based on their last HS classes but I guess this is not the case!

Not though the university .

Mine are both employed p/t in first responder jobs. Their employers provided access to the vaccine.

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Amen! My D21 was deferred for 7th semester grades. Immediately sent them in (all A’s and one B) and was immediately denied. Seems like the 7th semester grades were moot? In any event, not a top-choice school for her, fortunately, and she’s moved on. But, I agree 100%: fish or cut bait. Don’t drag these kids through any more stress than they’re already experiencing. Rock on, class of '21!


HS just sent an email with prom date at Convention Center in May and Graduation at HS FB stadium in June. Of course just about every day we get an email about another person testing positive in the HS.


What state?

Convention center?!! Holy cow. What is your limit for indoor gatherings right now? How big is the class?

@bestmom888 suburban Pittsburgh PA HS. @homerdog class is about 700

Why do they think 700 people will be allowed to be together? Ours is usually at Navy Pier and we’ve been told no way. What if it gets planned and kids buy dresses etc and it’s cancelled? I would love to know how they decided to go out on a limb like that!


That’s wild. I can’t even imagine that. We are still pretty tightly locked down here. My D21 will not be able to attend any in-person school or events as a senior.

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I looked it up. Couldn’t help it. If a room has a capacity of over 10,000, they still max out at 500 in PA right now. So that must be one big conference center room and the school must think that 500 number will go up in time for prom!

My son is a junior in college and received notification that his apartment building qualifies as shared or congregate housing. The residents in his building can be vaccinated through NY’s vaccination program. I am so happy that things like this will bring him some sense of normalcy. Perhaps this is available outside of NY for those of you who have older children in college, living in off-campus dwellings.


I just read an article on CNN. Dr. Fauci is very optimistic about Covid vaccine availability.

The United States could start letting the general public have access to in April, and the country may be able to inoculate most Americans by the middle or end of the summer, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday.

This sounds great for everyone, but especially our 21s and their prospects for being on campus in the fall.


All apartment buildings in NY are now considered congregate living and those residents can get the vaccine? That’s a lot of people…