Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Waiting for the white stuff here in Houston or rather probably the clear nasty ice instead. I moved south from Massachusetts for a reason… :slight_smile:

D21 got her NMF letter in the mail yesterday, yay. For her, the designation makes a big $$ difference - we’re looking at full rides at UCF and USF in Florida, near full ride at UT Dallas, full tuition at U Arizona. So played right the NMF designation can still mean significant $$, just from the schools (or state in case of FL) rather than from NMF itself.


It has been a while and I finally caught up.
Congrats to all the admits especially the ED and ED2s who are done!!

DD21 update: she got an admission to a likely school back in DEC (EA). but a very disappointing defer from her ED. She didn’t even tell anyone she was ED’g and I am not allowed to share at this time. Maybe when this is all over .
It was hard–seems like many on here had similar disappointment in the ED round so it is nice to have company. Seems her HS had way more than the usual rejections ED at ivy/ivy-likes, and other defers like her. Usually more get in; I guess defer is better than reject? Not sure. She still loves it, so no ED2 for her, and sent the LOCI, blah blah, but also has spent some time digging into other schools and counselor was very helpful in January sorting it all out and encouraging, etc.
Over break we drove over 4 hrs each way to see an LAC she had not seen–one of 3 schools she applied to without seeing in person-- a “high-match” based on her school;s history but good grief I am doubting everything now, maybe it is a reach this year. She LOVED it. loved loved it. So I am crossing my fingers hard that one comes through.
Then, in early Feb she got a likely -postcard for William and Mary! Though we definitely thought she would get in (low-match per her school), I did not want to get hopes up for a postcard. She loves the school, will be very happy there, and if it were not in-state and too close to home per her, she’d probably have it in her top 2-3, even over some reaches.
It is the only in-state school she applied to–UVA is too big for her! I will say, for UVA, seems admits from her school ED and EA have been right around typical this yr, not easier or harder so far: usually UVA admits heavily from the top 30-35% of the school, fairly rare if below that…
She withdrew her RD app to the only likely left on the list, since she likes the EA likely slightly better, and now has William and Mary. So now we wait, until the end of MArch/early April: 4 reaches(one is the defer) and 3 matches left to hear from. Thinking all the reaches will be a NO considering some of the early rejections from them that already happened for kids at her school.


My husband is an FO with United Airlines, Houston is his hub. He just texted me that Bush Int’l is shutting down and he has to stay in Louisville, KY where he flew to last night instead of coming back to Houston today and then home to Dallas on Monday. It’s looking like he’s not going to be able to make it home until Wed/Thurs :disappointed:

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Oh no. I hope your power has returned- too cold here for that ( we are in central dallas- mostly just a dusting so far but very cold)!

Very cold in TX. I get it! Woke up to -2 (regular temp - not wind chill!) here. Dog not getting much of a walk today. And this weather is making D21 think hard about going to school in the NE. Even her colleges in NC and VA have snow!


Having grown up here, I did not mind the cold when I left for college in MA and enjoyed the change of climate ( until I had kids and had to cram them in those snowsuits and shovel:) I can imagine a Chicago kid might be looking for a similar change!


It came back about an hour ago! We’re in Denton County…lots of people without power here, Texas-New Mexico is saying 6900 customers currently


@homerdog I bet LMU is looking pretty good right now. :grinning:


Reports sent Jan 28, which seemed a bit late considering report cards were out Jan 5.

What’s weird is it doesn’t feel as cold as it is. We live in the DFW area, and my husband and I went for a 3 mile walk last night before the snow started. It was cold but not unbearable. And no artic winds like we used to get up North. We woke to snow! Kids are excited! Me? Not so much. I grew up in CT and went to college in NH. In college, the Southern kids would get so excited when it snowed the first year or two. By our senior year, most were so over it and wanted to head South again - lol.

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Here’s hoping we all keep our power for now!


I have been buried in my “volunteer” job 60 hours a week since early January and just read 21,354 posts. I think. I’m sorry I can’t respond individually - a global congrats to the ED successes, and hugs to those who were deferred or didn’t get hoped-for scholarships. I remember the pain with S19.

Nothing new here - S21 has his EA acceptance at Georgetown, and the longer he waits for the Duke/Emory/William&Mary decisions, the more settled he gets on GT. We have heard nothing from GT about aid, and I keep encouraging him to wait on the others, although neither of us are good at waiting. And I’m afraid UofSC and Clemson, which would be SO CHEAP, have fallen off his radar screen.

Meanwhile, S19 is happy that a majority of his class time at UofSC is in person. (Anyone who has been accepted there, it would be pretty easy to go on campus and tour informally.) His summer internship search has still been unsuccessful though. Not sure if he is pursuing the wrong opportunities or if summer hiring is down because of Covid.

And he has rediscovered skiing (he did it when he was young and we lived in Washington), loves it, and has gone to NC the last 3 weekends. So yesterday I got a phone call that started with, “Mom, the ski patrol says they can’t stop the bleeding, what should I do?” Sliced open a hand on ski edge, ended up with stitches. It is not fun trying to navigate an injury long distance - without seeing how bad it was or whether tendons were involved, I sent him to ER.


Great update – until the end and the bleeding hand / stitches story! Hope S19 is on the mend soon!

The benefit of the EA acceptance is students have time to fall for schools, that’s for sure! Glad to know he’s got a great option w/ Georgetown (assuming the fin aid package works) in hand!


I was under the impression that the priority deadline for Living Learning Community was 4/15 and as long as you had the application in by then, you’d be considered. If it’s first come first serve, that’s new!

If you can afford to lose the deposit I guess it makes sense if things have switched to first come/first serve.

Anybody know what’s in the midyear report besides just a grades update? I’m starting to think our newby counselor (very young and in her first year doing this; our seasoned awesome counselor retired suddenly over the summer) might be an issue. I mean, how do you write a letter for a kid you’ve never laid eyes on? Seems disadvantageous even compared to the other kids from the same high school who still have their same counselors. Ugh.

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You can see what the mid-year report includes on the Common App. Under Ferpa and recommenders, there are links to click on under “Download PDF Forms” for the counselor. If you click on those links, you will see the blank pdf forms for the various reports the GCs submit.

Hmmm I looked there and I don’t see ‘download pdf forms’ in that section of the app.

Under “counselor”?

Are you in one of the specific college apps where it shows where the college has downloaded prior reports already?

@homerdog @sushiritto Yassss! Not that we are trying to convince you or anything but we did say LMU is beautiful :slight_smile:


@rbc2018 Our mid year report (our wonderful gc is, well, amazing!) is our transcript and I think she writes in there that we are still virtual, reminds them that we are in this 3x4 block and area has not been opened for SAT or ACT.

She sent me the school report and after reading that, I would imagine our counselors wouldn’t need any update at all to the mid year qualitative update. Mainly the transcript.

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