Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Probably no need to worry about a new counselor messing up mid-year report. Typically follows whatever grading schematic school follows (if semester or trimester grades, and the grades are finalized, will look like the transcript but with the fall grades in there). For schools that do annual grades, it’s probably a separate sheet with classes and the mid year grades snapshot at whatever point in time makes sense for the high school.

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Yep, sounds like the midyear report is pretty basic, thank goodness. I was more thinking back to the original counselor recommendation and that it could have been disadvantageous, but that ship has sailed. Sigh. Sometimes things are unfortunately out of the kids’ hands even if those things can affect outcomes.


Yes, I was looking in a specific college app. No worries, someone already answered my question, I don’t need to see a pdf.

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it feels like knives out there right now! the second front is moving in and damn that wind is fierce.


Frigid here and blowing snow, around 3.5 inches so far.

Merit hunting mom here: NMF would have meant so much to us.


We are at 7 degrees and windchill -11. Lowest temps in over 50 years here. Blowing snow with gust up to 29 miles per hour. This freeze is with us for awhile. No power loss so far.


Just reading your report makes me cold!!


Yes! Today is brutal :cold_face: The kids are in heaven though. They took our laundry baskets and went sledding :laughing:


We’re in the Seattle area and have a foot of snow on the ground with the snow still coming down. :cloud_with_snow: This is unusual for us - most winters we barely get snow. D21 will be going to Hamilton in upstate NY. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been buying actual winter clothing for her as it goes on sale. Today she put on all her new winter garb and boots and went walking and twirling through the snow in our neighborhood, occasionally stopping and closing her eyes and imagining she was at Hamilton. It was so sweet. :hearts:


@momofboiler1 Maybe I misinterpreted a post I read in the Purdue FB forum. I will check with Purdue directly. That brings up a great point. Thank you!

We’re at 15 degrees, but feels like -2!!! Winds are 19mph right now…I think we’re at 1 inch of accumulation right now but it’s getting heavier


My daughter at UT texted me this am that they cancelled ALL classes, including remote through Wednesday. She said her sorority kitchen has no heat it’s so cold. I told her not to go out if she doesn’t have to. While we’re used to the cold, she refused to bring her winter coat down there when she left in January (or maybe she forgot, I can’t remember), and people there just don’t know how to drive or navigate in this weather, so it really is just not safe to be walking around or being in a car, or uber, or whatever, so hopefully she listens to me!



where is he skiing in NC?

Oh that must be interesting. Here in Chicago, I see out my window, snowing once again. I think it has snowed everyday for at least the last week. It’s also sub zero temps at night. I woke up it was 1 degree without the windchill. I didn’t even check with the windchill, but the snow is piled all the way up higher than our mailbox, we can’t even put the flag up, if I had little kids and it was warmer, they would finally get my money’s worth out of their snow boots and pants. This is the snowiest winter in years. I worry we’ll still be trying to melt it in though in April.

Dang! We over here paying extra taxes just to get the California premium sunshine :slight_smile:


@Creaky Seattle is my hometown and parents and rest of family still live there. Don’t you think the snow has been more severe? Growing up, we’d get 2-3” of snow and those were severe, school cancellation. I remember in either 1996 or 1997, UW canceled school due to snow and it was the first time in decades. Then a couple of years ago, Seattle had 19” of snow over the course of a couple of weeks. I couldn’t believe it. I’m on CA but seeing my new hires skiing down Queen Hill this weekend!

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I only moved to WA in 2001. I’m remembering just 2 or 3 really big snowstorms, plus a couple of bad windstorms that knocked out power for days.

Sugar Mountain. Had a great day last weekend - mid-20s, 5 inches new. Yesterday rainy, still loved skiing.

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@SammoJ That’s a scary phone call to get! Hopefully his hand heals quickly. My S21 loves skiing and has been going almost every weekend. He loves the adrenaline rush of learning new tricks in the terrain parks and I am just praying to never get one of those calls!

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