Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

So funny, I keep saying the opposite about my D–she wants to trade pine trees for palm trees…if only there were a OOS tuition swap for these cases.


I’m from Maryland but have been living in NM for the last 25 yrs (time does fly!) and have also become a weather wimp! But, my intolerance now includes cloudy days, rain, humidity, and cold. It’s funny what you get used to.

Boulder is so beautiful! Without the humidity of the east, even the cold doesn’t feel as cold and the snow sports are so much better in powder than in ice! I hope your D loves it there! It’s also a school our D21 is considering, though her preference is for a smaller school, preferably on the east coast. I’d love for her to be in driving distance, but I also think going to college in such a different part of the country, like your D, would provide more opportunity for growth.


My D19 is in College Station, Texas, doing her remote Emory classes from there. She texted me this morning with “■■■ is going on with the weather here?”
ETA: CC won’t post W T F ?


Is anyone getting communications from early action schools? S has a questionnaire from one of his and they ask where he is in terms of being ready to deposit. I feel a little guilty because my husband and I don’t like some things about this one for S lifestyle-wise but one of my S’ teachers really talked it up so I don’t think S is ready to cut his spot loose at this point. Geographically it’s an outlier too so small chance we will go visit before May 1st. Their merit offer was pre test score and not great either. Kinda torn about this. :neutral_face:

He is also getting a lot of email from one school with a big app increase about changing RD to EDII but that’s a hard no.

Huh. I thought ED2 deadlines were long gone. Clearly I’m not well-informed.

Senioritis is full speed ahead here.


No such questionnaire’s from S21’s EA school, but we definitely will wait.

And the senioritis is so-o-o much worse than it was for S19. Doing the bare minimum. Has to get a signature on a non-school-related item tomorrow and specifically scheduled appt to get it IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASSTIME. Huh? Why not after school? Or during study hall? No, it is so much more fun to miss class…

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Yes. D getting emails from EAs she was accepted to both with virtual admitted student meeting info and questionnaires about where she is in her decision making. She’s not responding to the questionnaires but has done some admitted student events. And two of her RDs sent multiple emails about switching to ED but that deadline has now passed.

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Colgate wants you to sign up for an interview so a student can talk you into ed2. Available through 2/22. They are the only ones left now I think.

@homerdog do you think there is any merit advantage to filling those out?

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My kid applied to four schools EA and was accepted to three. The hard sell has not yet begun but there are many invites to various recruitment events. I say we should enjoy this phase. Our kids have dealt with so much uncertainty and demoralization if deferred or rejected. It’s nice to have schools make some effort to get them to enroll! I don’t think anyone should feel pressure about declining a spot if a school remains in contention.

Regarding the merit offer, if your son has a good test score from after he applied, can you ask them to review the amount in light of this?


We updated his portal with his score. Personally not my favorite so I think we will let that lie.

Right, I’m not having a lot of discussion S right now. He’s once again swamped with homework this holiday weekend. I do feel an obligation though to not make it harder for others.

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Hm. Yes. She has that Colgate email about the student meeting.

Are you asking if filling out the questionnaires for the places she was accepted could result in more merit, I don’t know!


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Fully-remote senioritis is a pandemic.


The grading period will not end well.


We are in hybrid and when my son goes on his in-person days, often he’s the only kid in class, sometimes two or three kids. The hybrid kids just stopped showing up but attend virtually. Morale is down, prom is cancelled and everyone just wants senior year over, especially if they already have college acceptances. Remote learning is not adequately teaching the material. My son wants to cancel at least a couple of his AP exams and take the classes again in college so he has a better foundation. His grades remain good, but definitely end of year is not ending well. :frowning_face: I’m more concerned about the Junior’s and their grades.


Same exact situation in S’s school. He’s done with it and wants to go fully-remote now. It was the only thing getting him off his arse and out of the house. Tragic.


My D’s school about half the seniors started the semester in person, but a person or two drops every week. These kids are just done with HS.


I checked S21 class size from end of Nov transcript to Feb on the Midyear and it went from 586 to 577. 586 was down from 610 end of junior year, too. I pointed it out to our counselor and she didn’t realize that within months that number dropped by that much. She said that kids find the virtual environment taxing and some have opted to just quit and work. With a semester to go, that sucks for those kids.

But senioritis is so real for us and it prob started in Nov. S21 got a B+ in stat. The reason was 11 missing notes homework. Not even homework. Just notes. He’s got A-A+ so far but a B in Geography, which is a req class to graduate by the district and maybe the state. D24 took it this summer and got 105%. Net, it’s not hard compared to the millions of APs he’s taken.

At this point, I’m not even bothered that he’s in bed looking at his laptop for zoom classes or his phone for zoom classes most days. I just told him not to have behavior issues that would cause suspension (he never has had that issue) and don’t get a C. Other than that, I am also over it.

The only thing more torturous would be to not know for sure after end of Mar/April and be stuck on the waitlist. That would be the pits for me as a planner, let alone the kids.

The other boys said their assigned counselors told them ranking freezes after the Midyear transcript so I’m sure S21 isn’t the only one in the boat. The top 2 kids in the school often gaming with S21 since they are all besties. They’re gaming til 1-2am and even I’m over it, as long as chores are done and school work is covered. They can’t even go anywhere to hang out and S21 and two other friends who volunteer at the hospital with him are prob the only ones who will have been vaccinated (his second shot 2/23) for COVID for a long while.

They’re over prom since their junior prom was canceled 6 hours before it started last March. We might, just might have school back in session since our district gets vaccinated this week.


My D21 also has severe senioritis- not surprised. We are in the Chicago are between COVID and the worst winter in quite a few years who wants to leave the house.
They were finally able to start hybrid in January. Went the first week and the ‘rules’ are oppressive. Has more interaction from her bedroom with peers plus many teachers are remote so they are masked, distanced in a classroom watching a screen of their teacher. What a mess. She has basically stopped going. I’m ok with it as I get it. Hoping it will improve by spring but not feeling very positive at this point.