Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

It is just a grade update for the most part. There is a place to add changes in schedule, academic news, disciplinary stuff etc. What is the High School Mid-Year Report?

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That is really sad. Snow comes after much awaited in person class.

yep, thanks, looks pretty straightforward.

No school for us tomorrow. Lots of snow, but the roads are clear enough. The problem is the temp. Projected near -40 windchill at 7:00 am. Too many kids have to walk to school or wait outside for bus. D21 told me that the unofficial cutoff is -30. I havenā€™t heard that before, but that sounds about right.

At least our new superindendent (this is his second or third year) makes the call early (it was a few hours ago). The old guy would wait and decide in the morning. So you get a call between 5:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. telling you that you can sleep in. Not really helpful!


Weā€™ve been living up in the mountains of VA since December. We have been so excited to have snow. Downside, we have no garage and a gravel driveway, so shoveling isnā€™t so great. At least our road gets plowed quickly and he tries very hard not to plow us in!

Saturday was ice- D21 is a ski instructor and was scheduled for 10 hours of lessons! By the first 2 hours, her pony tail was frozen with ice and she was soaked. Luckily, we were able to dry everything on her break! I told her if she can survive this, walking to class in the snow wonā€™t be so bad!

Iā€™m surprised people have school today, since itā€™s Presidentā€™s day. We have both today and tomorrow off. Of course D21 is working- we are hoping any weather will hold off until she is done.


I love the ā€œevening beforeā€ snow day decisions. It makes it easier for parents of little kids to organize their day. Our district seems to have an unofficial cut off of -25 (feels like) for snow days. I think the risk of the busses not starting is the main reason they have ā€œcold daysā€ as we are mostly a district where the parents could get the kids to school some way other than walking if necessary - though a great many kids walk (including mine) normally.

My kidsā€™ schools are closed for Presidentā€™s Day today, but Iā€™m excited because my high schoolers start four day hybrid this week - theyā€™ll be in school M, T, Th and F every week for a shortened 5 hour day (Wed is still all remote). I think they will really feel like they are going to school now (up from two days a week).


Where are ya? Weā€™re in Blacksburg. Everyone still gets excited when it snows.


Yep. Perpetual 70 degrees :sunny: here but we are paying up for that and water is super expensive with another drought year down here. My son got a little cold when they went to Seattle. We are like ā€œare you SURE you want to consider those Northeast schools?ā€ If he chooses one you will have to school us on what to buy. Some of those temps you are talking aboutā€¦I donā€™t even know that they make clothes for that! :cold_face:


Lol!! Same here! Whenever it seems cold here in FL (like 40s) we ask ā€œAlexaā€ what the temp is at various cities that S has applied to so he can better realize what heā€™d be encountering.

He just shrugs and says that is why they make jackets and gloves and ā€œitā€™d be nice to have some different seasonsā€.

When he was choosing schools to apply to, I created a chart for average snow/rain and temp across 12 months for each school. He didnā€™t much care. (I sure did!)


We already had today off for Presidentā€™s Dayā€¦Tuesday the District will use a Snow Day that we had banked and Wed-Fri will be remote learning from homeā€¦that is if we have power. Rolling blackouts started last night. Some people have been without electricity for 6 hours. Itā€™s 5 degrees here right now, feels like -15, and weā€™re under 6 inches of snow. Texas is woefully unequipped to handle this.


Our college Floridian D18 has been loving having snow and being able to wear the clothes she hasnā€™t touched in 2 years. She has to scrape her windshield and drive on some slick roads, but she says thatā€™s easy in comparison with I-4! She misses having seasons. She is over the humidity and sunscreen in winter. It will be interesting to see how long she stays after college.

My S is miserable here when itā€™s hot (we donā€™t have air conditioning since we donā€™t usually need it). He is ready to trade in palm trees for pine trees. But Iā€™m not sure he appreciates the inconvenience factor. OTOH, Iā€™m excited about seasons for him. The fall looks incredible for hiking.


So not only did she adapt to the cold but she thrived!!! Good for her!!

I do sometime forget that change is approached as new adventures waiting to be seized. :partying_face:


I look forward to updates!! (Assuming we all post periodically next year in relation to our college first year kids.) Sounds like he is already enjoying the anticipation of what awaits!


I feel bad for you guys who are not used to the cold and snow! I am from MA but moved to FL 20 years ago and I have become a wimp in the cold weather! I was surprised D21 wanted to go to CO although even when she was little she would be the one of our kids to stay out the longest in the snow when we visited my mom. I have Boulder weather listed on my phone along with some other favorite places. Every so often I screen shot it and send it to her reminding her she needs to shop for a winter coat!

We donā€™t have the day off today, our school district is weird and we donā€™t get Presidentā€™s Day or Columbus Day but we get a day off the week before or after for a teacher work day. D21 is home though because the kids all decided to use the as senior skip day. Not sure what D21 did but I saw on my Life360 that she was up and out of the house at 6am - guessing they went to watch the sunrise because they were at the beach for a while. She is already back home and sleeping.

Meanwhile she is fully into senior slump, still doing well in classes but sheā€™s definitely more relaxed about her work. She also started dating a friend from work which has her in a perpetual good mood but her mind is not on school very much.

We talked about not letting her grades slip too much and not doing anything that would get her in trouble. Then we went to put the deposit down at Boulder and she had to check a box saying she hadnā€™t gotten in any trouble since she submitted the application. Underneath it said something like, ā€œDo not include any alcohol or marijuana incidents.ā€ :rofl: I thought that was kind of funny, like, Welcome to Colorado! :grimacing:


Yes. We went for a walk around the beautiful UCSB lagoon and alongside the ocean this weekend. I asked him about his thoughts and he says he hopes at this point to see the Northeast schools in April. :crossed_fingers: I have no idea where he will end up at this point and so we wait. Vermont is coming later this week then a quiet period until UCSC. The end of March will be interesting. Heā€™s 8/8 so far but we are prepared for nos and waitlists RD.


The shortened day is what my high schoolers are doing now too and it has made a huge difference! Just the routine of getting up and out of the house for school has been a little taste of ā€œnormalā€ in an otherwise crappy year.


No AC in a dorm is the thing that I worry about. When you are used to always having it and being able to control your climate inside, what is happening outside, doesnā€™t matter as much. D21, who loves to keep her room at 68 degrees will be in for an uncomfortable beginning of Fall if she goes up north!

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I havenā€™t been paying close attention, just a general comment on the plus side of going far away. My older kid found that going to college in a different part of the country can be mind-broadening due to the culture differences between regions, an unexpected educational benefit.

Ah, here we are on Feb 15 and zero clue as to what lies ahead next month. Trying to remind myself that March and April might not be the end if there are waitlists involved. Repeating to myself, this is a marathon, not a sprint.