Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@rbc2018 Feel better!


Oh no, @rbc2018, I hope your symptoms stay mild, and that the ice doesnā€™t cause havoc!


Hereā€™s hoping for a mild course and a quick recovery!


@smiles2122 My post is not to offend those professors/teachers who are working their a$$es off as I also noted that many are if you read my entire post. I am also an educator and taught remotely before ā€œremoteā€ was even a thing, so I know just how hard it is. However, teachers/professors made a commitment and for parents/students who are paying and/or have loans of upwards of $75k a year there are certain expectations. For someone to think they did such a great job and thatā€™s why the grades increased is a complete slap in the face when theyā€™re handed the evidence of the actual cheating and do nothing to penalize those students. Then, when things like this happen yet again this past semester and professors know it is going on, but donā€™t change anything in their methods to change it, it is really sad. They can use lockdown browsers, reformat tests, use different testing styles, etc. but many (not all) many are not changing anything, even though these times are calling for changing things.

@Midwestmomofboys Again, if my post is read correctly, you will all garner that it was not directed at all professors but as many professors at this institution who are not doing anything, including coming into class to teach, when there is frequent testing available. Until recently, the highest incident of cases were those of staff and faculty, not students. As an educator, you must know your risk of exposure, even by students who are partying, if proper measures are taken, mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing, testing and tracing, the risk to you is extremely low. I go to work everyday in an environment where I know students have been partying and I feel 100% safe. I do not take my mask off except when I am in my car alone. I have high risk family members and I am not going to put them in harmā€™s way. You at least seem to be willing to change your mode of teaching etc. but many are not and unfortunately when you have tenure, there is not a lot that can be done. Thanks for making that effort that many others are not willing to do. Iā€™m sure your students appreciate it.

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Exactly. This is unfortunately going to bite these kids big time.

One dept in our school has made it extremely difficult to cheat. You need to have a device/camera showing your workspace at all times during any kind of test/quiz. You then need to have another device aimed at your face, rest of your body at all times during the test/quiz. It is impossible to then use notes, etc during the test/quiz. Iā€™m sure kids try it but this particular dept head is a hard a$$ and cares a lot about integrity. Some of the others not as much.

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Bingo! It becomes obvious after awhile, especially to a seasoned teacher. A good teacher will make the effort to make the changes as need be. Weā€™ve found that timed assessments, where you canā€™t go back to prior questions seems to work well. But also the timing becomes a factor for those kids who arenā€™t prepared. If they havenā€™t studied, or are trying to look up too many things in their notes, it will bite them. Many tests are all open note for this reason. Things like AP exams canā€™t be though since the AP Exams arenā€™t open note. It will be hard for those kids to try to cheat on FRQs or DBQs, etc, with the exception being on a remote test and them not being the actual test taker! There needs to be specific proctoring for these students and logging in protocols for authenticity. But thatā€™s probably down the line.

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@smiles2122 Read the entire comment post I made before you make a generalized response, because in my post, I actually stated how some professors at my other daughterā€™s school are indeed doing a great job, and that it is possible and just like I meant there, it would be really nice if everyone paid attention to what is going on and made the effort to do better! That includes ALL of us.

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@Momoftxtwins I donā€™t know if I would be rushing home if I could avoid it. Austin just issued a citywide boil water alert! My daughter has power in her sorority, many others do not, but they lost it briefly earlier today. She has no cell service though which is odd but she can text. I assume after another cold night she may lose the electricity. Very limited food. Some local hospitals are having to move patients due to water issues. Horrible, just horrible and such a lack of preparedness all around.


Iā€™m with you. First in person classes for my S21 will be mid March. Intraterm trips: cancelled. Senior snow trip: cancelled. No word yet about Senior retreat, Prom (prom cancelled last year alsoā€”he probably wonā€™t ever get one) or graduation. Sports offered as 6 week season, no championships, etc. if you play a club sport, you cannot play HS. Heā€™ll probably be lucky if they do some kind of in person graduation with limited guests. All on campus assemblies, rallies etc are virtual for the year.

His HS has tested students weekly since last fall for some limited socially distant sports programming. 2 positive student tests total!

So frustrating. They have a great plan to get them back on campus safely if theyā€™d just use it. Heā€™s spent his senior year waiting for it to be overā€¦after waiting for so long to be a senior. Iā€™ve never seen him so depressed. Itā€™s hard to watch. And weā€™re paying private school tuition.


Similar story here, although so excited we are actually going to have a graduation. Although it sounds like only parents will be allowed to attend. No siblings and no grandparents. Each graduate will only get tickets for their parents. We can totally handle that. My other kids will deal, one doesnā€™t live here anyway, and my parents will probably be happy to watch the livestream. As for prom, honestly, donā€™t think thatā€™s the be all to end all. My son plays a spring sport, which will be summer (starting in April) this year so he will get to play. Itā€™s been a long wait, but very excited. We could care less about the prom, as the minute kids graduate they could care less about that, as I saw with my other 3. Lots of money spent and theyā€™re happily focused on the next door opening thank god. Iā€™d love for mine to go back for in person/hybrid which begins next week, but mine is not overly interested. Most teachers arenā€™t returning until March and until then no real benefit at this point for a couple hours a day. But for many kids, it is highly needed and encouraged.

Itā€™s hard for these kids and hopefully they can get back in person asap.


ā€œAlthough everyone is in the same storm as they say, not everyone is in the same boat.ā€

A variation on this is something I have to keep gently reminding S21. He gets to go to school most days (except for a couple of quarantines). So many of your kids havenā€™t been to school in a year. With one exception, his teachers are good and kind and understanding. Even his dual enrollment prof at the college - waived all formal deadlines, ā€œJust get everything in by the end of the semester.ā€ Modified versions of sports and a few fun activities have happened, masks and all. The downside of all this for S21 is that he has developed rather lazy time management habits.

I think the return to ā€œnormalā€ in college next year - rigid expectations, more social interaction, is going to be quite hard. And all of this seems to have changed his personality, from a bubbly, enthusiastic optimist to someone rather glum all the time. I think that has been the saddest consequence of all for me. I looked forward to a great ā€œlast yearā€ with my kid, like I had with S19.


Wow - I have not heard of any other professors going that far. Did the students have to purchase a particular device?

My S18s profs have all either gone to papers./projects and open note tests for assessments. Many of the open note tests are time limited too so S says it can be challenging.

My son is in early college and had in-person classes in the fall and in January, but is remote now and the entire campus is in precautionary quarantine for at least 10 days. Heā€™s barely responding to texts but wrote last night that heā€™s really stressed out and feels he is just stuck in his room all day ā€œwaiting for something to happen.ā€ Probably doesnā€™t help that heā€™s waiting for college decisions as well, and is already on a waitlist, (for Olin Collegeā€™s Candidates Week ā€“ which is virtual so Iā€™m guessing very little waitlist movement). Spring canā€™t come soon enough. I was wondering last night if thereā€™s some long-running Netflix series I could get him hooked on to help pass the time ā€“ heā€™s very picky with movies and TV though.


@xcskimom - Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m glad he opened up to you ā€“ thatā€™s a good thing. Itā€™s so hard when we canā€™t solve our big kidsā€™ issues, isnā€™t it? But listening and helping him strategize will go a long way. Big hugs to you.

Maybe share examples of what your son likes to watch, and we can crowdsource suggestions?


It is so true in my D21ā€™s case. At least the school is in person and she gets to see her friends. Just this week is driving me crazy with schools closed for the snow. I canā€™t imagine how everyone is doing online school since last March. Not everyone is in the same boat is such a good reminder as to how I have to count my blessings.


How are doing with the snow and the sickness?

Greetings from Houston again. We finally have power after being without for three days. Have a trickle of water. School is cancelled for the week. D21 is trying to use the time to catch up on late assignments but itā€™s tough without internet! Monday night was supposed to be the senior meeting where we heard about graduation plans etc but postponed to next week. D21 says they are planning outdoor graduation and ā€œthe parents want a promā€ LOL.

Houston is a mess with the power and water situation. Thankfully most people got power restored last night. It was a very cold few nights here in our house!


TY for update. TX is on my mind constantly.

Some data, apparently from Common App, on students applying without scores Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Not a foot on campus here since March 2020 beyond taking school photos and dropping off or picking up text books. My senior is ok, she has solid friend groups who gather online and meet up occasionally when safe.