Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes! I remember that was how it was when my DH and I applied to college. Ye olden days.

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I didn’t realize that. I suppose their rankings went way up when that happened as well? Ugh.

I will go read more about this. My kids would have both been thrilled to pick just one to apply to.

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I think Berkeley was always ranked pretty highly, although I’ve come to realize rankings are not all they are cracked up to be.

The rest I don’t remember. I recall a lot of my friends applied to UCs this way and it was always exciting to see where they got in (or not). My DH got into UCLA which was his first choice.

They were always ranked high. This change got their acceptance rates headed downward since kids started applying to multiple campuses. But there have been other factors driving down acceptance rates everywhere concurrently.


I got in to UCLA in 1980. I did not apply to any other schools. I was pretty sure I would get in


@rbc2018 , here are the criteria for eligibility for Eli Lilly’s monoclonal, bamlanivimab:

Meets at least one of:
• Have a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35
• Have ≥ stage 3b chronic kidney disease (eGFR < 45 mL/min per 1.73 m2)
• Have diabetes that is poorly controlled or requires medical treatment
• Have immunocompromised condition#
• Are currently receiving immunosuppressive treatment (see Appendix A)
• Are ≥65 years of age

Are ≥55 years of age AND have cardiovascular disease (e.g. coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, cerebrovascular accident), OR hypertension (poorly controlled or requiring medical treatment), OR chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/other chronic respiratory disease.

I would think asthma would qualify as a “chronic respiratory disease,” but I guess you need to be at least 55.

In case anyone else knows someone who would qualify and is in the first 10 days, if their doctor doesn’t have access, you can call this number:
That’s for Eli Lilly and they’ll help you get the treatment.


I am so sorry to hear that you had to bring water to take bath. This is ridiculous. But remember the end is in sight. By tomorrow it will start warming up again.


I can only share this in this forum. I was on the other side of the table with a transfer student common app request. I’m a mentor to him through this foundation that I lead.

I wrote the LOR and at first used the actual college name but then had another version where I used “university” in the general term since he ended up requesting it for 2 schools.

Well, not sure what happened but the trigger fingers uploaded the wrong file. Why didn’t I just delete the first version?!? It’s like every kids nightmare. Common App chat was closed for the night but whoever managed the customer service email came thru. That person reopened the requestor task for me within 5 minutes of my desperate email. I immediately uploaded the right letter and since all this took place at 10pm PST, I’m hoping no harm was done. Jeeeeeez.


At least you noticed your mistake and made the effort to correct it! Imagine how many don’t! Lol

We know someone who accidentally turned in their Why xxx essay to another school this year and got into that school. It’s a good school this year so makes you wonder if they just completely ignored her essay because she had great grades and scores or just didn’t care?


I would imagine that admissions officers would not penalize a student for this kind of mistake, nor would they penalize a student for a recommender making this mistake. They know the students are applying to other schools and are hopefully focusing on 3.5 years of hard work rather than an editing/submission misstep.


No sweat here … that is the least of their worries but if it had been a slip up by the actual applicant, completely different story.

AP Stats is digital in the 3rd administration.


My D’s school is only offering the first Administration. They have been in school all this year and it is a small school. Graduation is May 15 and her last AP exam is the 14th. I wonder if any seniors are taking the exams scheduled for May 17th. Who wants to take an exam after graduation??? (Her school requires the AP exams.)

ETA: I should say “as far as I know.” There are some students who have opted to be virtual all year (about 10%) so perhaps they are offering the virtual administrations for special circumstances.

Yesterday D21 got an email from her school asking if she was still planning on taking all of her AP exams. At this point she is done with tests, school and thinking about colleges. I told her she should still plan on taking them, she can always back out as the test date gets closer. This way she can still have the option.

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I don’t think TheRents522 they would factor in the ACM for your status. However, colleges do prefer students who can pay in full after they award all of the scholarship money they have that year. I kept asking the financial aid office to award my daughter in-state tuition from the ACM, and they have not so far, but I see I need to apply in my state for the scholarship (it’s considered a scholarship) for the school that has accepted my d. I will not know if it has been awarded until my state processes it and forwards it to that college. Meanwhile, I have to consider her acceptance without that discount which makes a huge difference in my tuition bill!!!

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I stand corrected :slight_smile: Thanks!!! Good luck to the kids who get that option. My DS has to go in person as the 3rd Admin is after graduation. :slight_smile:

S21 accepted engineering Virginia Tech today! With a little bit of merit – $3k. Surprised to see that as an OOS student. Yay!!


Yay! S21 accepted to Virginia Tech for computational modeling and data analytics. He’s thrilled and we’ve already paid the deposit :heart:


Congrats to your son!!!

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Congrats to your son, too!!!
And I love that you’ve already paid the deposit!!!