Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations to all who received good news this week! There are so many. I’m very happy for you and your kids!


FWIW (not much!) I really like Gonzaga and Spokane.


Congrats! Spokane is beautiful and cold. :cold_face:


It definitely is cold in eastern Washington. Us western Washingtonians (from Seattle) couldn’t hang. That’s for sure.


So glad services are slowly coming back.

And I’m laughing at “parents want a prom.” My husband is the school’s official photographer, and 2 proms ago one mom called (and texted and emailed) him: “Make sure to get photos of my son at prom!” Son, meanwhile actively avoided the camera all night.


On AP Stats - S21 took it through an online program that turned out to be not-so-great last year. When everything went crazy in the spring, the College Board put out some detailed AP review video series, including one for Stats. S21 watched the whole series, said it was excellent, and that he learned most of his stats from them. Got a 5. Might want to check out.


Congrats on the acceptances, and great choices there!

Congratulations on the many acceptances Friday night - good way to end a cold week!

Vermonter chiming in, Congrats and it’s UVM. UVM has had a spike in Covid cases recently with more cases than they had all last fall, but I don’t think they have shut down in the way my son’s early college did (precautionary campus-wide 10-day quarantine). My son also got in to Mech. Engineering and thank heavens UVM recently started a program of free tuition and fees for in-state Pell Grant applicants, because Vermont has some of the highest costs for state college tuition. He got merit money too, so it’s looking good right now. And unlike S23, he wouldn’t mind staying in state! UVM is far from California, but Vermont is a very special place.


Thank you @xcskimom for the update and correction. My S has a strong interest in environmental science as well so we are excited about UVM for a few reasons. I have mixed feelings about him going that far from home but my hunch is that he would have a wonderful college experience in a place that would appeal to him. Our publics and UW are just so overcrowded at this point that a lot of kids go OOS. Many of his classmates are applying heavily OOS. Do you know if it’s hard to get classes at UVM and graduate in 4 years? Taking 5 years to graduate is not something we want to pay extra per year for doing.

Vermont seemed to handle the virus very sensibly. They will be a bit more vulnerable I guess until everyone is vaccinated though having less herd immunity. Are there many anti-vaxxers up there? I know it’s liberal but not sure the flavor of liberal.

By the way, I ran into my neighbor who has a sophomore at Cal Poly SLO. Even though it is remote she did not get some of her classes and now knows she won’t graduate in 4 years. I’m sure she had some APs and possibly DEs. They are pretty bummed. :confused:

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@NateandAllisMom Re: SLO, just curious, would you know the classes or major, where classes are tough to get? I hadn’t heard that about SLO.

Sorry we’re almost 2 hours away from UVM so I don’t know much more than you do, except I know one engineering student who graduated in May, within 4 years. I would call the department. Burlington is a great spot for environmental science, with the lake right there and mountains (both the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains) close by. And Montreal is close too, just closed to Americans right now.
I imagine there are some anti-vaxxers here, but in general folks all wear masks here and vaccinations are proceeding smoothly. We’re hovering at 100 cases per day in the state this year after having far fewer cases last year.


Her major is Kinesiology I think. We didn’t get into the details about what classes but I think he mentioned smaller classes related to the major not GE being an issue. They had a path mapped out so she would just barely finish in 4 but this year’s schedules didn’t happen as desired. They were disappointed she couldn’t be added since it’s 100% remote anyway.

I went on Reddit about UCSC and loads of comments about CS enrollment problems plus housing. :disappointed_relieved:

Congrats to everyone for this week’s acceptances!! :man_cartwheeling: :woman_cartwheeling: :dancer: :man_dancing:

Out of all the great acceptances, I know VA Tech the best being a Virginian. It’s been awesome to see how much Tech’s reputation has grown from when I was a kid. I love the Blacksburg area—beautiful hiking.

Love the good news, and I hope it helps our 21s who are enduring this winter of waiting . . . waiting for acceptances, waiting for vaccines, waiting for normalcy.


We looked at videos of Vermont again yesterday. Sooooo beautiful. We’re pretty ignorant so thought the mountains seemed more like hills. :sweat_smile:

My husband is thinking about buying their tickets for April. He said it’s inexpensive right now and supposedly changeable. Also weird for us how close together all of the states are. We are trying to figure out if they might have issues with the different state’s potential rules for travelers.


Congratulations on all of the amazing acceptances yesterday!!

Update on D’s friend (the first gen one) who I was helping a bit with applications. She started off thinking she may not get in anywhere and now she is I think at 5-2-1! She had a big surprise this week getting accepted to summer session at Florida State, we were all so excited. She has Bright Futures so would be able to go there tuition free and she should be getting aid on top of that, such a great deal. She is going to wait for financial aid information to come in from other schools (that takes forever at some schools!) and for her deferrals to come back before she makes her final decision though.


If my child was willing to go to as far as Vermont, I would jump on the opportunity. I am a New Englander who has been in California for 20 years. New England is a really wonderful place that I miss constantly. I am anxious to hear what your son chooses!

I know there was a group of us talking about UCSC. I recently did the self tour there. It was deserted and nothing seemed well maintained. My son loved the woods and the trails for running but agreed with me about the state of the campus. It definitely didn’t have the feel that it did a few years ago when I looked at it with my daughter.

I find myself exhausted by the frustration of not being able to just get on a plane and go see these campuses live and in person with students bustling around.


Freshman UCSC housing problems or later? Don’t care about CS, since D will not be a CS/Engineering major. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have to stop reading your posts about CA publics, you’re killing me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I can’t offer any thoughts on current housing problems at UCSC, except that things really did look run down when I was there a couple of weeks ago. One thing I can say is that two years ago my kids had a couple of older teammates from their HS XC team that went to UCSC. They told the kids that the housing was extremely overcrowded. From what they said, common areas were converted to dorm rooms with temporary walls.

Disclaimer: This was communicated through kids, but I have no reason to believe that it isn’t true.


Sorry @sushiritto! Sounded like after freshman year. But also someone on cc who I suspect is a GC told me that they have turned some double dorm rooms into triples too. I did also notice that the school’s guaranteed housing website page now just has a big Covid announcement without a guarantee.

My S could very well still end up going up going UC and then we can continue as a support group.