Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Oh, I don’t know. My son told me the two kids that applied for CS will hear tomorrow! Maybe they have the wrong info or my son misunderstood? You live there, you probably know better than a bunch of teenagers :wink:

None of D21’s friends were CS. Maybe they do release by major.

Come on into fantasyland, the water is warm. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

UCLA is a reach, and 140,000 apps don’t make it any easier, but D21 received that UCLA alumni scholarship email too. So we’ve been playing the X vs Y vs Z game at home.


It’s one of only a couple paths to an easy decision by 5/1. I’m sure it won’t be that easy - it’s 2021 after all. :upside_down_face: We are probably headed to waitlistland next. :person_climbing:t3:

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UW: “Admission decisions are released between March 1 and 15. This year, we anticipate most will be available on or around March 12.

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When I read “waitlistland,” the image that flashed in my mind was a wasteland, of the desert, mad-max type, lol.

Meanwhile, all I wanna do is buy some swag. Do we buy swag for the committed school if they’re on waitlists? I think yes, at a minimum for that school day around May 1 (-ish) when the seniors wear swag to school.


Sadly, not gonna happen here, unless it’s virtual. Any day now I expect our school district to announce that high school won’t return this year. A neighboring district has already announced that grades 3-12 will not return.

The differences among regions and even schools in the same region are kind of amazing. (My seniors now have in-person 5 days per week, after spending most of last semester virtual. My younger ones have hybrid.)

I imagine virtual school could still include a swag day…


Here in “Lockdown City,” the SF Bay Area, the Covid numbers have been trending way down. D begins her sports season tomorrow and her public school district is planning to reopen 4/1. Yes!

And my gym officially reopened, although I’ve been using it for about 3-4 weeks. :sunglasses:


Having 4 kids we have so much SWAG it’s crazy. From every college visit we ever went to every one of my kids had to have a shirt, etc. One of the best college gifts my daughters received were gift cards to their school bookstores for SWAG. I think one of them finally realized this year she has way too much Texas stuff. I knew it. Just glad she finally realized it. Boys are much easier. This one, it may really come to the wire and we may have to scramble if he picks one of the few schools he has no SWAG for, but we’ll figure it out, afterall I hope we’ll have 4 years to get it! :wink:

During the 2 years that my daughter was in a sorority she probably accumulated 25 different school and event-related t-shirts. It is endless and didn’t stop until she quit the sorority and moved off campus for her final two years. I don’t think you need to worry about lack of SWAG.

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Haha that reminds me how last year when they had the parent weekend and they actually sold shirts for that and she wanted me to buy her one. I said forget it, you have enough buy it with your own money/allowance. Boy was she mad. Needless to say she didn’t buy it. I mean seriously, how much useless junk do they need to have? A parent weekend shirt for a sorority? Come on. I remember all that crap I used to buy in college, but we definitely didn’t have parents day or mom/dad weekend junk. Just another way for the sorority to squeeze us or the kids for more $.

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It’s a Texan thing. Go to a home of a graduate of any TX school and you will see lots of school pride.

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Amazon Prime is quick and has some college swag options…if nothing else, wear school colors with a sticker, cut-out logo or sign that says where students is going.:grin:


We are in Northern California also. I’m so happy to hear your D’s sports season will start tomorrow. My S21 had his first XC race yesterday! It was an incredible feeling to stand out there and watch those kids race!


It is weird to think that D21 has not had a HS soccer game in 22 months. Hopefully things stay on track and she will have her first game in 3 weeks.


I think things are going to stay on track! There is real momentum to get these kids safely playing their sports again. Prepare yourself to be a little emotional! The sense of joy all of these kids (and parents) had at their race yesterday was really something I’ll remember! Please keep us posted. It’s great to hear about other kids getting back into it.


LOL. Every time I get a parental gear or major gear purchases, my kids move to a different team or league. I really want a College X Mom top once we figure it out but part of me thinks this kid is going to drop out or transfer school. It’s March soon. None of our schools have released full on RD decisions. My thoughts are irrational.


crazy how different things are depending on the area. We had a XC season in the fall and our kids are doing T&F now. I think all sports were played here.

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S21 has mountains of swag from
the ONE school he hasn’t heard back from yet :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

We’re going to Texas Tech on Wednesday to finally do a tour and look around. I asked him if wanted to get a Tech tshirt or sweatshirt before hand to wear on the visit and he said no. He doesn’t want any swag until he decides where he’s going…he certainly didn’t get the practicality and responsibility gene from me lol.

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