Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Did JHU’s EFC say you should get aid?


Did you run JHU’s net price calculator before you applied ED? Did that say you would receive need based aid?

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@MITWannaBe2015 I’m sorry the financial aid did not meet your estimation, it must be disappointing. If your D21 wants to attend med school, the $200,000 plus difference in costs would allow her to attend med school debt free. I’m sure solid undergrad GPA and MCAT scores can be attained at Purdue. Good luck.


Yes said about 20k. Sent email this week to FA department but no response yet. I imagine they are busy


She should go to a cheaper school and use that money to help pay for Med school.


“ I will attend [JHU] (only if sufficient financial aid is offered). I further understand that if admitted to my Early Decision institution, I may not apply to other colleges or universities and must immediately withdraw applications to other colleges and universities.”

Didn’t they return ED results a couple months ago? They haven’t responded to repeated requests for clarification on aid? Shame on them. Seems like your GC should have been more helpful.

JHU probably isn’t “worth” $200k more than Purdue but it should offer better research opportunities and access to grad school, not necessarily med school. Sounds like you’re waiting on other RD apps that are still out as well.

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FWIW, my S19 is at WSU as a civil engineering student and really loves it there. He turned down UW, Colorado School of Mines, Embry Riddle, NAU and other schools to go there. It really is not awful, the way you make it sound.

@MITWannaBe2015 I didn’t realize you can back out on ED unless there was a major change in financial circumstances. If she wants to go to med school, they only care about GPA and MCAT and clinical hours. I would opt for the less expensive school vs JHU. Going to JHU for med school would be worth the investment, but not for undergrad if financials are limited like it seems to be.

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It was ED2, so just a few weeks ago. I have sent one email and was waiting on them. There is a parent meeting on 3/7 but wanted to ask before meeting if any flexibility in aid.

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JHU offered ED2 for the first time this year. Applicants were notified around 2/15, so assuming that @MITWannaBe2015’s D applied ED2, it’s not unimaginable that the poster hasn’t heard back from FA yet.

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Good point!!

I was so confused by all of that. I remember when mine applied ED, you had about a month to accept or not based on your financial aid package. This did seem like a long time to back out based on Financial Aid, so ED2 makes complete sense.

Also @MITWannaBe2015 If she received 10k in merit from Purdue/year doesn’t that mean that her net cost at Purdue is more like $35k/year, not $10k/year? Or did she receive $35k/year in merit? Or, with aid and merit is your cost only going to be $10k/year? That said as someone who had a spouse who went to medical school and incurred $250k of debt in 1996, if this is the track your daughter is on, it sounds like she will need loans. If that’s the case, Purdue is an excellent choice for undergrad. If she takes on all that debt now for JHU and then needs more for medical school, she will most likely have 500k of debt by the time she is even out of residency. Is that worth it? And, what if she needs to take a pause to have a family or wants to work part-time? What then? This happened to my sister in law who had even more debt than my husband. So make sure you factor in all of that medical school debt in as well because she won’t make enough during residency to make payments back unless she does a ton of moonlighting.

Congratulations to her on some great choices and possibly more to come.


Many great points for long term for her education.

We are in IN so tuition is covered with Trustees scholarship. She has a friend to share apartment with so cost would be minimum except food. Maybe 10k was on the cheaper side yearly, maybe closer to 15k.

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Oh, it’s not awful. The campus is beautiful and I was extremely impressed with the facilities, classroom amenities, and student resources. Some of the most wired classrooms I have seen anywhere. They have spent millions making it into a top rate institution for undergrads. I’d send my child there is she was interested. I’m just saying it is extremely remote and isolated compared to any other major flagship university in the country. I can’t think of another major flagship university from a Big-5 conference that is so remote and isolated.

Wow, nice scholarship opportunity - congrats.

I know it is probably hard for her to see that light at the end of the tunnel and JHU is great for research and that field plus if she’s like a lot of kids, she may not want to stay in her home state for school. Tough call but putting it all down on paper for her may help. She’s clearly very bright so this will not prevent her from being able to go to a great medical school if she does well at Purdue. This is the route my ex-husband did. He had a 1/2 scholarship to a good undergrad and then took the loans for the great med school even though he could’ve gone elsewhere for free.


I vote Purdue for undergrad and JHU for med school…


A double UW grad here - looks like some great choices already, but hoping she is a Husky in the future!

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Since we are in a quiet waiting period and it’s come up I’d like to ask about U Washington. If by some miracle my S were admitted direct admit for CS he might be done. Unlikely but it has me wondering about if any of you know how difficult it is to get classes and freshman housing. I’m aware that it is overcrowded but I don’t have a handle on how this might compare to a UC. We are OOS and he has 5 APs and 4 DE / CC classes to apply in case that makes any difference. If anyone knows, please advise. Thanks!

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Good luck to your son tomorrow! I wanted mine to apply but he said they only let in about 20 kids from OOS into CS and he also did not want to fill out the coalition app, so it just wasn’t worth it to him as he wanted to focus on other schools/apps. It’s a phenomenal program!


Thanks. He’ll need it :wink:. We’ve been to campus several times and he loves Seattle so there was no way he wasn’t going to try. Also great choices in bio if he switches majors. I know it’s highly unlikely though. After he got the UCLA alumni scholarship invite and a bunch of admits I allowed myself into fantasyland a little bit… :fairy:t2: He should get in for bio so he’ll have to contemplate that.


I thought most UW decisions were expected on the 12th. I know the window is the 1st to 15th. I don’t have a kid waiting, but D21 has a dozen friends waiting to hear. (We’re local.)