Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

When talking about gifts and swag one of the most clever was for my D18 on her acceptance to UMinn law school that sent a pair of Gopher colored “admittens”.


USC Marshall gave a great gift this year—AirPods


Fellow Texan here. Those are all academic ECs. To get into a tippy top it seems like one needs to be top 5-10 in the class but also ideally be a sport captain or all state musician. Leadership?

Those summer ideas reinforce the desire to do pre-med but if either parent is in research or medicine it’ll be clear how they got the internship. Maybe work at a paying job?

Good questions, but not the right place. You will get better answers if you start your own thread.


Last year, our HS had the seniors send in a pic of themselves with their swag and put together a slide show video. I liked that the parents got to see the kids in swag too so I hope they keep that tradition.


Thank you @MammaLue

Yes, agree. The college counselors on CC don’t probably watch this parent thread much. I’m watching trends but only familiar with my kid’s own circumstances. Good luck!

To get a better chance for acceptance to BS/MD programs, shadowing experience is VERY important.

News about CA publics and vaccines

Also includes discussion of legalities of requiring vaccines for students.

@krishnad I think you should check with the schools on your list and there is a BS/MD forum and those parents there are very knowledgeable there with their experience, especially since many have just gone thru the cycle this year.


Any parents with college kids here know what the immunization reqs are for colleges, in general? I know for k-12 we have to submit paperwork. I wonder why COVID req isn’t a thing for CA. I hope supply is available for everyone who chooses to be vaccinated when they get to campus in case they can’t get the vaccine in their county.

TBH, my parents are vaccinated after today and S21 got his second shot last week. Once the rest of us are vaccinated in the family, I will feel more relieved but it sucks because there are other variants out there and anyone getting sick in a dense pop location like colleges is going to set many back.

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Every college is going to have different health requirements and it may also vary depending on private or public.

For one of mine I had to only submit proof of the meningitis vaccine, but for the other I had to send a copy of all her immunizations and a current physical, plus this year proof of a flu vaccine. I have no doubt her school will require the covid vaccine and I’m happy they will. If people don’t like it, they can go elsewhere. This is the way of life going forward and no different than when they were going to Kindergarten and we had to prove this stuff, an eye exam and a dental visit.


According to the article posted above, it will be hard to require (not at all able to require it at CA publics) due to it being an Emergency authorization at this time.

I wonder if there could be some requirements for living in the dorms though if they make dorm life not required in schools that currently require freshmen to live on campus.


Yeah, that is the one catch I realize. Maybe by the fall things will change. I know some schools (UIUC) were not even using Emergency Authorized approved covid testing. Their Shield test only just won FDA Emergency Use Approval today, yet they’ve been requiring all their students to have the saliva based test throughout the year. Clearly it’s not the same as a vaccine though.

Maybe schools will continue to be creative and be able to offer vaccine clinics for those who want the vaccine and haven’t had it and be able to assign dorm living based on that or at a minimum assign dorms based on who has been vaccinated if that is something a student requests, although not sure how that works for HIPAA regulations. I guess at the end of the day, if we can each get our own kids vaccinated for those of us that want that, that may be what matters the most.


And the other issue is international students. The EU is significantly behind the US as far as numbers go. Not sure what’s happening with China, India, South Korea…Japan seems hesitant to start their vaccine regiment. Would be helpful if those students could be vaccinated once they arrive but will they be able to fly and/or enter the US without a vaccine if vaccine passports become commonplace.


If schools require meningitis vaccines (usually less than 200 cases in the entire country each year) I do not see why they would not require COVID vaccines. There have already been a ruling that companies can require COVID vaccines for employees. I could see schools requiring COVID vaccines for students to be present on campus or live in dorms.


Oh that will be interesting to see which universities require it and which don’t…and if they make that a selling point, and if different categories of students are attracted to one or the other.


2 reasons. First, the emergency approval rather than regular approval. I don’t know how long that process is, and would love it if someone who knows could give a guess at when it will be fully approved.

Second, it has become very political. I can venture a guess at who you voted for just by the fact that you support the vaccine. There are many people in many parts of the country where there is resistance to getting the vaccine. I know several people who have thus far told me they will get fired before they agree to get it.

IMHO, fire them and give the seats to other students. But I don’t know that colleges will be willing to do that. I’m guessing elite privates will. State schools, and schools who will take any warm body they can get may be slower to require something controversial. I’m not agreeing that it should be controversial, I think that’s ignorance and stupidity and blind following at play. But it doesn’t change the fact that many people see requiring the vaccine as controversial.


I realize this isn’t about my D21 but hoping to get some advice as I trust y’all! I know there was quite a thread about California and what is open a few weeks ago. My S17 has landed a summer internship in Claremont. He has to be there at the end of May. Trying to figure out a. Couple of things- is it open enough to go look for an apartment? Is there public transport? Really not loving the idea of driving a car to cali from Chicago! Kind of throwing us for a loop- we thought he was staying home for a local internship but this came through suddenly and I feel like I’m scrambling to figure it all out.

The news yesterday reported that there is less vaccine hesitancy than just a month ago. Now we are at 77% of people who want it. That’s a huge difference from what I recall only 60% in December.

I just read an article about an hour ago that said countries are going to require proof of vaccine to travel there. Same with certain types of travel such as cruise ships. Eventually people no matter who they voted for or what their fears are will pretty much all be getting it and those that don’t want some normalcy or to go to sporting events, concerts, travel, etc won’t. If this is where private colleges head then that will be their choice too.