Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I haven’t heard anything lately, but really hope ticketmaster follows up on their earlier comments that they would probably be requiring some sort of vaccine proof for admission to many events.

I know a consultant for the airline industry, and he said that at least privately they are looking into requiring it even for domestic flights. I haven’t seen any announcements for that, it was a month or 2 ago that I talked to him about it but he thought it was more likely than not at some point in the fairly near future.

If those 2 things happen, I think a large % will go for it.

And anecdotally I know someone who told me he wasn’t getting it unless he was required to a few months ago who got it voluntarily. So I do agree that the mood is changing. But I also know several people who I’m confident will not change their minds. Facts have nothing to do with the decision.

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Evidently 35% of teachers and staff in our school district refused the vaccine. Yay. :roll_eyes:


Maybe when news highlight that the former guy’s blood oxygen level was really, really low when he had COVID and was reco’d ventilator and that he and his wife got the vaccine in Jan in secret, they will realize that maybe they should consider the vaccine.


So when they get a $100,000 hospital bill for Covid-treatment is their school-funded health insurance still going to pay for it? :rage:



We have our 1st UC acceptance tonight and I bet no one here on this thread had a kid apply. It’s UC Riverside. And D doesn’t care one iota. It was a UC “safety,” but we just didn’t know this year. We had to be careful.

SLO is still the STRONG #1.

And D was named team captain of her sport today. Is it too late to add that to her apps? :rofl:


Congrats @sushiritto !!! I wished I had made S21 apply to UCR!! That’s awesome.

I’m here thinking (and I know, it’s not the Paris of UC like UCR is), at least S21 will get into UC Merced with the top 9% rule. They’re building a hospital there. Wont have to fight for research. Profs are more accessible. And premed classes may not be so cutthroat :grin:. Seriously upside (I’m not joking here).

Yes, please update the schools with team captainship!!!


Yeah! Congrats. My S was promoted at his volunteer organization. I was hoping it would happen before apps because the title sounds more impressive, but of course no happens in February.


Congrats! I also think she should add it to her apps.

@MommaLue You did WAY more research on UC Merced than us. I didn’t know those things. It’s a riser. That’s for sure. Riverside does have a medical school, which my D isn’t interested in.

I was being facetious about the question of adding team captain to her apps. I assumed that since we’re about 2-3 weeks from all her decisions being released that team captain wouldn’t garner her any bump at this late stage.

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It won’t hurt to let them know. Even if it of small help, it is worth it right?

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Congratulations! Did they send to certain kids only or whole decisions came out today? My S21 didn’t apply, though I wish he had :slight_smile:

From what understand, high stat applicants and/or merit scholarship recipients only today.


@sushiritto I was kidding with the update because I assume you got UCs left and they don’t take any updates (but that’s a big deal to get a captainship so yeah!! s21 starts swim next week and he’s looking forward to getting voted on as captain because last year’s lasted for one meet. :joy:). I’ve been waiting since Brown deferral and it’s a looooong wait so it gets into your head and you wonder, “What if my kid gets into zero colleges?!?”

There’s a kid in S21 class who has 3.65 UW and he got notification of acceptance at UCR today.

@MommaLue I knew this year would be rough and the UC app stats released in January we’re very disconcerting. D is waiting on the UC’s and one private. I didn’t think the UC’s take updates, but thank you for the confirmation.

In terms of the limited decision release today, I was going by what GumbyMom said on the Riverside thread.

Edit: The 3 admitted applicants who posted info on the Riverside CC stats thread look pretty high to me.

Lots of interesting data here – confirms what we’ve been hearing about a lot of applicants not submitting scores this year.


Netflix is launching Operations Varsity Blue on March 17th. Timed to get the biggest bang for the buck?


We have got our first UC admission here too at UCM. I know, it was a big safety but we had to apply just to be safe and so close to us.

SJSU/Penn State is the #1 choice right now but still waiting for Cal Poly and other UCs.


I think Merced gets looked down on because most of the other UCs are in spectacular locations. It’s hard to compete with UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Cal, and UC San Diego.

UC Merced is already 97th in the USNWR rankings. With its inclusion in the UC system, I suspect it will be in the top 80 in five years. I suppose its top 9% guaranteed admission helps quite a bit in the rankings in terms of student quality.