Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@srparent15 I just saw that! I love that in the latest 7 day loving average, we are up to 1.8M vaccines administered daily. And J&J is coming on line.


Just received my daughter’s “President’s Volunteer Service Award, Silver” for her volunteer service in 2019 and 2020. I am so proud of her, She managed to volunteer for 165 hours between July 2019 and Feb 2020 and another 40 hours between March and June . I am so proud of her. How I wish they sent this in NOV when she was applying EA to her dream school, which she ended up getting deferred to.


Congrats!! Seems like a great reason to send an update to that school?


@sushiritto I love your good news! Hello, fellow Californian here! How long must we wait? We got to celebrate the news and spread the joy! And who was the smart one to have their kid apply to UCM and UCR?! You. Not me. I jokingly yelled at S21 over this (he actually came out of his room). Then I turned around and told D24 that she’s applying to all the UCs (okay, except UCSC) and I don’t want to hear any argument. :joy:


I was feeling the same but I guess I should atleast feel happy about it:)

We are done waiting!!! I hope the UCs come out soon. We applied to all but UCD and UCR.
Accepted at UCM so waiting for the rest now.
DD didn’t want to apply to UCR because we took the tour before COVID and she didn’t like the campus at all.

Everyone has different perspectives which is great and I respect them all. I’ve know several
people who contracted Covid, and have sought medical input from highly credentialed physicians regarding schooling in the fall. Frankly, this moves moves UT Austin up the list. I don’t deny Covid is a real issue but I have zero fear for my family, especially healthy children.


I guess until you know someone who has lost a family member or child to Covid you may feel differently. My daughters have a good friend who’s 16 year old first cousin died last summer from Covid, so we think a little differently about it. But, that’s why we live in a free country where we respect everyone’s choices, even if we don’t always agree with them.


@Momof3B I hope your son has a great visit tomorrow. The weather will be nice with sunny skies with a high of 74 degrees. If you have time to grab lunch. Spanky’s right off campus is an iconic mom and pop with legendary fried cheese. If he does not get into TAMU, I personally would love to see him marching in the Goin’ Band from Raiderland!


Thank you, I really didn’t thin about it. I just told her that she should scan and upload a pdf in the portal and send an email to the AOs of the reach schools that she is still waiting on. Thanks again for the advise!

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Can’t wait to hear the ultimate decision. Glad you were able to get some visits in

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We are flying out at the end of the month (Spring Break) to look at Elon & Furman (since D21 has been admitted w/ good merit aid) with plans to see Emory, Wake, Richmond & W&M should any admitted decisions come out right before the flight. It will be right down to the wire. Makes for an interesting trip
& lots of driving! Hoping we can walk around the campuses.


We are driving down to Elon this weekend for one of the accepted student events. My son has decided that Furman is too small for him, so we decided not to visit. I really liked everything I heard about Furman, but Elon is the absolutely smallest my son will now consider and he is weighing it against much larger schools like Penn State!


@MommaLue @Prep4Uni We applied to all of them, which now, 20/20 hindsight was a mistake. I was being overly cautious (this site makes me nervous :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), because I knew “everyone and their mothers” would be reaching higher with no test scores. So, I wasted a bunch of money, since D is NOW laser-focused on just one, or maybe two UC’s. The rest are superfluous. :man_shrugging:


Same here. I was so worried with test optional/test blind that I made my daughter apply to so many schools. We stopped at 18 after she got into one of her dream schools in EA. Except for one school she got deferred she got into all the schools till now.

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Same here, I had three schools we added to the end that were “panic adds” which in hindsight I feel bad not for applying to, but not knowing the landscape we just wanted him to have options.

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We over applied too, but without summer visits she was clueless. Her current leader is a school I added to her common app and she humoured me and left it on the list. :man_shrugging:


D I think had 8 apps in already when she got her ED, and had several others in the pipeline. She would have probably used all 20 slots on the common app, because I was so nervous about how this year could play out.

Taking a bunch of neurotic CC parents and adding Covid was like adding water to Gremlins.


I didn’t find this site until after he applied everywhere so I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been lol


We also overapplied but one he is fairly seriously considering was a late addition - but far and hope to visit.

We haven’t turned down any spots yet, but I hope later in March we will have some of it sorted and feel comfortable doing so.