Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Totally with you there!


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Yes, but businesses and schools can still require mask. Did UT actually say they will not require a mask?


Also, now all businesses can be 100% open. IMHO, Abbott is making a huge mistake.


Is so premature!!! Let’s let everyone get vaccines first!!! Then open things up more. Sigh!


I agree, believe me, I’m as tired as anyone of lockdown, but this is a huge mistake right when we are sooooooo freaking close to the finish line. Gosh, just another two months or so. Makes no freaking sense.


Same here. Our school district just sent out an email that we are still under Level Orange despite Abbot’s announcement and the district will make a decison on what’s best for student and staff safety



I’m absolutely LIVID over this Abbot nonsense.

In other news, UNT just gave S21 Merit Aid
more than Texas Tech awarded him. So now UNT is best option financially
S21 would not have to take any loans.

We’re going to to Texas Tech tomorrow for a campus tour and to meet with an advisor in the Business school.

STILL waiting on TAMU.

My head hurts.


Businesses can still limit capacity and they do so when asked by the county judge. Lots of business were not operating up to the max capacity.
There will be some that open fully but lots of people will stay away from those places.

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Great news about UNT.

I really dislike our Governor.


I would love if it if folks in charge interpreted declining rates as “let’s keep going and drive them down even further” instead of “let’s open up and bring on another wave.” And I bet this means that some folks from other states will head to TX for mask-free vacations and then bring COVID back with them. Sigh.


Congrats on UNT merit money!!! My nephew is music ed major there. Go Mean Green!

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But in other news, everyone who wants a vaccine will now be able to get one in May which is 2 months earlier than expected!! Great news!!


I live somewhere where the mask mandate was slow to come and was recently lifted. Places like Walmart, really all national stores, have had mask requirements throughout most of the pandemic. As soon as the local ordinance expired, the masks came off. Not for everyone, but probably 10% of people not wearing them at all, and about the same number with them around neck or under nose.

When the mask mandate comes off, a disturbing percentage of people treat that as an open invitation to not wear a mask. And NONE of the businesses are enforcing it here, beyond asking you politely once to put it on. I was kicked out of a store for arguing with a manager that she wouldn’t enforce the local ordinance. The unmasked idiot was free to continue shopping.


I hope the TX universities and schools keep the mandate.

I will wager some $$ that Hobby Lobby will lift it in their stores. It’s part of their ethos.


Wow, that’s horrible. So sorry. That’s the issue I have with Abbott’s “personal responsibility” bs! Not that my daughter is going to tell someone else to put on their mask, but why should she be in a store having to worry about her safety. Why should any of us? When she flies for Spring Break and is sitting at the airport I know it will be a huge issue all the people sitting there with no masks. Worse the ones who eat with no regard for the people near them. It’s one thing to eat, but just try to do it discreetly or at least respectfully. Those airport seats are so close to one another too. I had to hear my other daughter have a major freak out at the Charlotte airport when she had a connection in November so I know what to expect.

@Aguadecoco Not sure about UT mandates or not. No one is really on campus these days so it is somewhat moot. Mine has only gone to UT Health for regular covid tests. Other than that her classes are all remote and she doesn’t go on campus for anything. The issue is really off campus. The school never was enforcing social gathering policies at Greek Houses/fraternities, they had football for 25k fans, 6th street was open with underground bars, look up the wonderful pictures from Halloween, etc. so things weren’t great to begin with, now they have a free pass to really not do anything. Really disappointing. The vaccination rate is still so low there so this is no time to let down their guard. There or anywhere. We are not through this yet. A few more months we can get there.


That made me laugh. There is a Hobby Lobby in my suburb that I have no idea how that place remains open with the values that they have considering the make up of this suburb.

This is great news for all our kids hoping for a normal college experience in the fall!


Don’t be hesitant. That’s great news!

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