Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Has anyone heard of any schools planning an in-person orientation?

My son’s top two has said it would be all virtual. I’m sort of baffled that they expect these kids to roll up on campus and have NO idea where they are going or where anything is and just are like Meh. Covid.


My daughter’s top school is “currently working with campus partners to determine whether the 2021 Orientation Program will be delivered virtually or in person. Our goal is to offer students and families the best transition experience in accordance with COVD-19 regulations.” I’m holding out hope for in person.


There is a document on College Kickstart that lists colleges allowing visits as of now - it is pretty bleak. Maybe CC will start a document and pin it on the homepage ?

I agree it is hard, but I am trying to think about it from the point of kids and staff at the current schools and how the last thing I would want is a bunch of new kids and parents introducing their germs to the community. If I had a freshman or above in college right now - I would not want the colleges to open up and allow visits unless they can somehow really monitor.

I have 2 x D21 and 1x D22 - luckily my D21’s have been on campus for each of their ED accepted schools (Fall of Jr year), but my D22 is most likely going to see nothing except for the schools we dragged her on with us for her sisters - but she really wasn’t tuned in (and can’t blame her).

I know many schools did a good job with last minute online programming for accepted students last year and trying to stay positive they rock it this year. I also know easy for me to say with ED acceptances - but it stinks all around and we are getting payback with D22 since my D21x2 had visits and testing down before Covid :frowning:

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I feel your pain. Monday May 3rd.
AP Gov 0800
AP Physics C: Mechanics 12:00
Electricity and Magnetism 2:00
D is going to our state university and planning on using these for credit. The pressure will be on.
84 days till school is over here


Would would they all NOT be in a position to offer in-person orientations ? Given POTUS announced we are on track to have enough Covid vaccine supply for every adult in America by the end of May, there should be no reason for things to be significantly back to “normal” this summer !! That being said, we have enjoyed the benefit of living in Florida, where my kids have been IN school w/ faculty and playing all sports etc. since August with no interruptions or outbreaks. Safety precautions have worked well. I realize this has not been the norm throughout the country … but am hopeful for everyone else !


By summer isn’t helpful. Kids. Need to see schools by the May 1 deadline so they can choose a school. I do think some of D’s schools will have something even if it’s just individual tours. Some of the schools on her list do that. We just had an info session at Richmond with other admitted students and then a private tour. It helps!

Which schools have already made the determination to hold virtual orientations ? I’m sorry but that sounds unhinged given it is 6 months away and knowing where we are today in terms of robust vaccine supply with stellar efficacy.

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University of Utah is virtual for orientation.

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Loyola Marymount, SCU, Denver, Bowdoin. There are a ton who are just doing virtual.

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I was responding/referring to what I thought was orientation events prior to 1st fall day not spring “admitted students” events …


S had too many safer schools and matches. When he got his ACT in October, we didn’t drop any schools from the original list, plus he had already finished his EA apps. I can’t wait either until we can sort this out.

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Truly a bummer for those kids … if you mean fall orientation :frowning:

Maybe I am misunderstanding “orientation” - if you are referring to plans for committed incoming students right before classes begin in the fall, that is a huge disappointment. I can’t imagine a school making that decision 6 mos out with so much progress being made, so maybe you mean (I hope) admitted students days.

For Utah, it’s a week long orientation where the kids will choose classes and do all of the meet and greets. There isn’t, I don’t believe, an additional orientation in the fall. Because of a particular CS program this school is a top choice for my son, but the week on the computer over the summer just seems like a bad idea to me.

no no. I meant admitted student days. No one that I know has announced virtual orientation. That’s so far away.

Indeed it does. I’m sorry :neutral_face:


UCF has announced virtual orientation. Their dates usually start in late May and run until early July.

Yikes. Maybe they are setting low expectations and will pleasantly surprise students ? I just can’t believe they would not be able to conduct something safely in-person, given most will be vaccinated. I sure hope schools are able to turn the corner and get back to some normalcy when classes actually begin in the fall. Our D would 100% rather defer her 1st year if sitting in a dorm room on her computer was the experience. With the J&J single dose product available now, things are looking up !


At W&M, optional freshman trips start mid-August. I’ll never forget when D19 came back from hers (backpacking and rock climbing). She was walking on sunshine and talking a mile a minute. Then, they have regular freshman orientation on campus for a week before classes start. I still remember my orientation week in 1989. I can’t see why they wouldn’t hold all those events in-person for the 21s. We will be crushed if they don’t.

I do understand virtual accepted students days this spring, but what a bummer. I hope everyone is able to find a way to tour, talk to current students, or just walk around campus.