Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

They did virtual orientation in the summer last year, too, as did FSU and I believe other universities in Florida. It was fine. We took my daughter to FSU later in the fall, moved her into her dorm and all was well. She had no problems adjusting. I’m sure in-person orientation would have been fun, but online was not the end of the world.


I feel like the money wasn’t wasted. Anything we can do to maintain a little control while everything else is uncontrollable! D applied to 13 total, a few more than expected, but without visits, I encouraged her to add places that she might fall in love with if she were ever able to get on campus! One that she sometimes forgets she applied to was a super late addition to the list, but so is one of her favorites! You never know what a kid will be laser focused on from month to month!


@4kids4us Could you share which schools are offering good merit? My S22 is also looking at several Catholic/Jesuit schools and would love to know which ones are being especially generous.


We are back from our whirlwind campus visit to Texas Tech today!! We flew into Lubbock this morning at got there about 9:20’ish and Uber’d to the campus. First of all, the campus is so pretty! All Old Spanish style architecture, all the buildings match and look the same…and so much public art…everywhere you turn there is something interesting to look at.
Neither S21 nor I were expecting to like it this much!!! I had many preconceived notions that were shattered today lol.

After the obligatory video session in Visitors Center we were given a walking tour or campus, there were 3 other perspective students with their +1’s in our group. After the walking tour we had a personalized tour of the Business School building (wow! so nice…they showed us classrooms, study rooms, labs etc) and met with an advisor…he’s coming in with enough dual credit and ap credit to shave off almost 2 full semesters…he can easily dual major or have a certification/minor. They also have a great accelerated BS + Masters fast track he could do…lots to think about and unpack!

After we got done with that we walked back to the Student Union Building (guests were allowed inside!) and poked around there and gasp! S21 bought a sweatshirt!!! :rofl::rofl:

By this time we were starving so we walked to the main drag across from campus and got lunch. After lunch we walked around a bit more than caught an Uber back to the airport.


It was a GORGEOUS day! It was wonderful to see so many students out and about. Everyone was masked. It wasn’t packed or crazy busy but it was by no means dead or desolate. Outside the SUB they had set up all this outdoor seating like a lounge! Tables and modular sofa type things and Adirondack chairs…just for people to sit out and enjoy or study while distancing. Everyone seemed relaxed and happy.

Size: smaller than TAMU, a bit larger than UNT…hits that sweet spot. Everything is walkable…I don’t think it would be more than a 15-20 walk to get anywhere.

S21 is more confused now then ever. As much as he liked it, he still has the nagging thought that it might be too far from home…I think it’s starting to hit him that he may going away lol.

I suggested that he now make appointments with the Business schools at UTD & UNT and start comparing apples to apples the course sheets and programs. In the meantime, we’ll keep waiting to hear from TAMU to see if they accept him or not :woman_shrugging:t2:


My nephew graduated recently from Texas Tech. I think he enjoyed his time there and was happy with this education, but it definitely felt remote (he’s from Houston).


@MAmom111 - Loyola (MD), St. Joseph’s (Philly), Dayton and Xavier (Cincinnati). Also applied to Fairfield - not sure about their merit as he is waiting on decision from them but I don’t think he will get much there if he gets in. He’s not a high stats kid (he has an LD). He applied TO which was always our intention with him even before Covid. He only has a 3.5 with mostly college prep classes so we really didn’t expect much merit. We were shocked to see how much he was getting everywhere. Plus they are also giving incentives like $1000 if you visit campus (all have in person visits but they will also give it for virtual visits), etc. I think we kind of lucked out in a way with Covid affecting his app year versus our older two. I don’t know if he would have gotten as much in a non-Covid affected app cycle.


Texas Tech is virtual , D is registered for June 9th.

I think the orientations that have been declared virtual already are the kind that happen over the whole summer so that’s the larger universities. The mid-sized and smaller schools that do orientation the week before classes start in the fall have a better chance of their Aug/Sept freshmen orientations in person I would think.


Re AP tests our school for each AP test the teachers are pretty much giving the kids the choice between the first and second set of tests including a combination of one date from the first set and one from the second for something like AP Physics C. It’s great to see them really involving and including the students. I also saw for AP Chem same deal. Seniors last day is May 17 so either way they won’t need to come to school for anything else if the tests are in the later half of May. Not sure about Physics but Chem fortunately is in the exact same place as they were last year when school closed so it’s nice to know they aren’t behind. Not sure what his other AP classes are doing. But he cares about those the most.

As for the college applications and number applied, mine finally declined his first admit that was a 100% no. Not sure if that will help anyone but it was his safety and he doesn’t want to hold anyone back. Many more decisions are coming within the next month and if there are more favorable admits he will also start declining other schools or possibly removing himself off a waitlist or whatever. No reason to wait until the end. There’s so much that can be done now to look at schools aside from stepping foot on them to see about fit or not. The other thing that we’re really starting to see all over, not just here are the people asking about taking substantial amount of loans vs an in state free education. I get it if the difference in the programs or schools were substantial but in many cases they aren’t. Taking 80k in loans vs a solid free flagship is nuts. Parents, don’t let your kids convince you to do that and/or don’t do it for your kids! It’s ok to say no!! It just doesn’t end with those loans either because there’s always some other expense.


I am so glad you both had a great visit. The Spanish renaissance architecture with all the matching (no ugly 70s buildings) is so pretty and with all the statues and art work every where.

How important is the “college experience” is to him. UTD is polar opposite from TAMU. It seems like if he loves TAMU he would not like UTD, which has minimal school spirit. The vibe I get is of focused serious students. D did not care for the campus vibe.

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Where is in state free?

Yes, TTU is only one day. We picked the earliest we could get for registration.

This person said it would be free for their kid to go to UF in Florida. It was in a college fb group I’m in. I’m not sure if it was the prepaid tuition thing or NMF or what I honestly didn’t pay attention to that but more the question of is it worth taking out the loans.

It could have been the Benacquisto Scholarship which covers COA for many Florida schools. There’s also Bright Futures, but I’m not as familiar with how much that is since it’s only in state.

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We have 100 days exactly!


@srparent15 If it’s UF, may likely be prepaid. I wished CA had that!

I thought the school could only pick one session of exams.

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Nope doesn’t appear to be the case per College Board schools can do whichever option(s) or combination of options they want. Our school seems to be following this protocol and considering I’m paying $95/test I’m happy the teachers are giving the kids the opportunity to be involved in the decision making.

“ * Schools can use any of the testing options, as needs and circumstances warrant, and are free to use multiple options, if available, during a given exam administration window.”

Here’s what college board says. 2023 AP Exam Dates – AP Central | College Board

I think the kids here are generally leaning toward the second set anyway because the first set shows AP physics C on the same date and I think AP Chem also within a day of those.


Some of the schools out here are doing in-person tours but ONLY for admitted students. And you are only allowed to bring one parent along as a guest. That is what University of Puget Sound is doing. Whitman college is also doing in-person tours and orientation but they don’t enter any buildings. At least that was the case a couple of months ago when we visited.


UCF announced orientation is virtual… they start in June.