Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I’m not sure whether you’re referring to me, but if so, I never said I was going to lie or do anything dishonest.

My D21’s spring break is the first week in April. We know that as it stands now, we can’t go to NY.

ETA - added 2nd paragraph.

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You are not overthinking! The jury is still out on that question but the data from Israel is encouraging. I’m hoping that as vaccination rates continue to increase we may have more clarity on whether or not vaccinated people are carriers. I will still wear my mask and follow whatever regulations are in effect, even after being vaccinated, until the experts say otherwise.

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Maybe that was me? We would test before we go on any trip. And if we are outside with masks and aren’t allowed in any buildings, I don’t think we are putting anyone in danger of catching Covid. I haven’t looked closely at any of the rules for each of the states we might visit yet and we haven’t made any decisions about travel.

Edited to add - I would be completely fine with admitted students walking around Bowdoin outside with masks but it’s not allowed by the college. We wouldn’t be visiting any school that wasn’t allowing us to be there.

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Fauci was on one of the morning shows today and said that the CDC should be releasing new guidelines regarding vaccinated people in the next few days. It will be nice to have some clarity. Fingers crossed everyone will be able to visit campuses safely and make informed decisions.


The last post about the NY school said they were giving tours, so she was not looking to go onto a campus that was locked down. There are many campuses welcoming OOS visitors for tours with masks and not inside buildings with students. I am not sure anyone encouraged her to do anything without checking. Many Admissions offices will tell parents they welcome to do self tours. It depends on the school. We were able to complete 4 over the past few months safely with masks.

I think the main new thing that vaccinated people with be able to do via the new guidelines will be gather in small groups indoors without masks with other vaccinated people.

If you are going to stay in NY for 1 night, you would only need a negative COVID test, (PCR), 72 hours prior to arrival. You don’t have to spend the extra time in NY.


That’s official? No three day quarantine after arrival and then a second test? That would be awesome. We would only be in NY for one night and only if D gets into Colgate.


Such great news for your daughter! Does Susan Wise Bauer still teach there? How awesome would it be to take a class from her. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The NY website still says quarantine for three days unless you’ve been fully vaccinated.

I agree with @4kids4us that hopefully everyone is following the covid policies when they are doing their college visits.

I don’t think so…didn’t see her on the faculty list…but I’m sure there will be many inspiring profs! :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks!


I have gotten used to mask wearing after a year. I had N95s from when we had our CA fires so I wore that from the beginning and now I just wear my KN95 and another one over it. My daughter and I wear safety glasses, too. Maybe I’ll ease off on the glasses once vaccinated. My s24 will continue to wear them since she’s too young to get vaccinated. S21 has been pretty good. He wears his masks despite being vaccinated.

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There is an interesting and somewhat confusing discussion on Trip Advisor from a few days ago about the regs in NY changing. Until I see a change on the state’s Department of Health website & travel advisory page, I won’t believe it.

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post a link. I’ll try

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Alyways defer to the NYS travel advisory page. That is the most up to date and accurate information. When we took my daughter to school in August we had to quarantine with her for 14 days in a hotel. She got called by the health dept or whomever was doing the checks, my husband and I did not. Some people were called daily and checked on, for some reason she never received any other contact. A friend of mine didn’t get contacted until they were already out of the state on their way home. It was inconsistent but I think that was the point.

By the time she returned in early February the requirement was only have a test taken within 72 hours of returning, then quarantine for I think 3 or 4 days upon return and then immediately get a negative test. They weren’t even requiring the test within the 3 days before you traveled there be negative which made no sense to me, but I wasn’t letting her travel without one. She had to fill out some papers before she traveled, some sorority sisters had different things to fill out. She quarantined for the 4 days then tested negative and was out of quarantine. It’s such a fluid situation.

My own school is allowing people to not quarantine after spring break if vaccinated, which I’m guessing may be where the CDC may ultimately head. Again, it’s a fluid situation so people and states need to update as necessary. Hopefully it will ease some travel for people and start some return to a new normal.

My son’s campus is giving tours, but you are not allowed on campus if you have not followed NY mandates to be in NY. In other words, if you have not quarantined for three days upon arrival then gotten a negative CoVid test after the third day, you are not allowed on campus. This is for students from non-contiguous states. If you are from a contiguous state to NY, there is no quarantine but the campus requires you to pass their pre-screening questionnaire. So a NY campus may be giving tours, but that does not release those from non-contiguous states from skipping NYS quarantine rules.

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My daughter’s campus in NY, no buildings are open, no bookstore open, no tours, and they’re discouraging visitors but that unfortunately is not stopping people! :frowning: Fortunately, it’s cold enough that people aren’t out and about too much at this point but I’m sure come April it will really pick up.

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We did not visit any in NY and the states we visited are welcoming visitors. WE did drive by another campus that was not allowing visitors and did not enter. Just drove around the neighborhood. I would not want to be stopped by security if I was not supposed to be there.

Actually, I think you might be misunderstanding. You are not allowed to stay overnight in NY unless you are quarantining. Here are the current guidelines.

what is the NY rule if you’re not staying the night? Can you drive in and spend the day in NY?

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If I recall if you’re there for under 24 hours the guidelines are different. Read the following travel advisory and pdf for the specifics.