Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Aww! This brought back memories of our Story of the World days! (We homeschooled through 7th grade.)


Y’all are responding so quickly - how’s a person supposed to get her gardening done? I posted yesterday morning, had several responses by nightfall (when my arms were rubber). In the South, heat-adverse gardeners like me have a short window between “still winter” and “too hot, humid, and fire anty” to work outside.

Thank you, @homerdog, @mamaedefamilia, and @momtogkc regarding thoughts on travel. I don’t mind the 7.5 hours on the front and back end of the school year (although I hate the drive on I95, and my husband’s bad back prevents long car rides). It’s the coming-home-on-breaks logistics for S21 that bother both him and me. He wouldn’t have a car there, and there aren’t kids from our area going to W&M, so 2 flights and an hour uber/bus/drive on either end would be it. Especially the first year, we all hope he can come home a couple of long weekends in addition to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break. (I know, we are spoiled by S19 an hour away.)

If W&M were his overwhelming first choice, we would make it work. Not sure it is, so travel it might be a deal breaker. We’ll see.

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@4kids4us - I am defintely not planning to be dishonest. I was hoping someone local could help me interpret the rules (and hoping the rules might change before our trip). I was on the NY site and it is a little confusing regarding rules if you do not stay overnight. I am trying to figure out if we can get a negative test and do outside tour with masks and still be in compliance. School is giving guided tours but not going in any buildings. At the very least, we want to be able to drive around school and neighborhood as we have never been able to visit.


@Momma2018, the NYS guidelines in the past were designed such that if you were “passing thru the state” and would be there less than 24 hours than the quarantine guidelines did not apply. So if not staying overnight, I think you would have to contact the school to see if they were allowing people in that situation to be on campus for tours. I think WRT my son’s school, they are concerned about those who may have been exposed during travel prior to arrival (i.e. flying, train, etc into NY). They don’t really want people skirting the rules by flying in then spending a couple of hours on campus and then flying back out or driving to another state. Maybe other NY schools are less concerned and have different policies for visiting. My son’s school is clear on their website that visitors who turn up and do not pass the screening will be allowed to drive thru campus but not allowed to attend a tour or get out of their car and walk around.

As a parent of a 2021 kid (as well as two current college students), I truly understand the desire to get on campus. Rather than, as some suggest, not be completely honest or somehow figure out a way to get around a state’s requirements, it is best to contact the school to find out if there is a safe way to visit and be in compliance with local mandates.


I have to share my frustration, so I don’t go post something on our school’s parent site. Yesterday school posted our AP schedule. It will be digital at home. So APs will happen not only after our graduation date, but during our scheduled graduation!!! I knew it was impossible that we could have 3,000 people inside for graduation, but just a little acknowledgment that APs conflict and that graduation isn’t happening they way it was planned, would have been nice.

None of this is the school’s fault- we have to use other facilities for AP test administration and it was a county decision. They also don’t control graduation. There has just been zero information about Prom or Graduation, at the very least, just admit it is not happening as scheduled.

Yep! We homeschooled our girls through middle school. SOTW and First Language Lessons. Great memories.


Unnerving possible scenario, do I have this right (please say no!): suppose a student is waitlisted somewhere and then is deciding between various acceptances at other schools, potentially trying to visit in April, etc. What If
 the waitlist college begins calling students off the waitlist early, in April. (Didn’t that happen last year?) Is it likely that the college will only give the student a few days to consider the offer to come off the waitlist, rather than until May 1? Could early waitlist offers be a backdoor for the college to get commitments before May 1 rather than admitting RD?


you’re killing me over here. Could you think of any more crazy scenarios? Gosh I have to think they would give the kids until 5/1 .


Ugh, I’m so sorry, I’d be livid honestly.


I’m trying to remember what schools I saw doing this last spring. WashU started April 15, and per one post, was giving them until May 1, which makes sense. I’m just trying to be prepared for crazy scenarios - I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about this one lol.

Adding: one post indicates the early WL offers from UChicago had until May 1 to decide.

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Oh geez. Does anyone else here think that April will be insane? We will travel but also D will need to be doing virtual events and I’ll be digging deeper for each school she’s accepted to as well. And she’s got four AP tests in early May too! Two schools that usually send decisions in mid-March on her list have already pushed their decisions out to the 27th. I’m still hoping that Colgate and Wake come in mid-March like last year.


Some schools definitely went to the waitlist last year before May 1, but I don’t know if they gave the students until May 1 to decide. I hope they did, and it is still NACAC guidance to not require deposits before May 1 (although that rec doesn’t have any teeth, and not all schools follow that). I also remember last year Bucknell and U Chicago went to the waitlist before May 1.


I’m honestly starting to re-evaluate our idea to visit schools over spring break, I’m concerned about the number of people travelling. I didn’t lock our family down for a year to get taken out 10 yards from the finish line.


Honestly, I’d rather D get off a waitlist in April and not drag this out. But mid- April not late April with a 5/1 deadline!


I would hope they give until 5/1 but you can probably look back at some of the forums from last year to see how schools handled that based on schools that let kids in early. I know Cornell let in a ton of kids early off the wait list at the end of April before they normally do, so maybe find that thread. What I also remember is that if accepted there, you could not take a gap year. So that was the tradeoff. They did end up with a slightly larger class than the year before but they were already planning for larger classes as they have 2 new dorms they’re opening this year that are meant for sophomores but they’re using next fall for freshmen and then sophs the following year. But also have a different dorm that’s being renovated, so maybe the big increase will come for next year’s Class of 2026.


wow an Ivy not allowing a gap year? That is odd.

Brutal. I didn’t know that about Cornell, but there were other schools that didn’t allow a gap for the waitlist students. One thing also to remember
waitlisted full pay students have an enormous advantage because many schools’ FA budgets are maxed out in the late spring/summer. Virtually all schools are need aware when going to the waitlist.


@homerdog and @Mwfan1921 Didn’t allow it for students who were accepted off the waitlist. Others could take it. So that was the risk/reward. Smart of Cornell at the end of the day and lucky for them they did open even if it wasn’t a totally normal situation, but they got kids who truly wanted to go to Cornell.

Students admitted ED or RD could ask for a Gap year.

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I am starting to struggle with our April trip as well. The school we are trying to see is having in person tours the week after our trip and the virtual admitted students day is the day we are driving home. I was trying to not have her traveling during school, but now am about to give up and just prioritize an in person tour over everything!

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This is our issue as well. 4 AP tests, and my son plays tennis plus he doesn’t want to miss school. I’m not thriled about going anywhere in April. That DECA national thing he qualified for is also a week long in April so that takes another week out. I think our only saving grace is that he visited some of the schools with his sisters 3 years ago and may just have to go off that and then just find students to speak with separately through connections. But what a sh*t show! And if waitlists? Ugh more stress!