Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Right as @phlped stated, I heard the only reason not to get it was to give people a chance who haven’t had it to get it since someone with covid already had antibodies.

When you get it, you’ll have to tell us if you have bad symptoms! Hopefully not! He also had symptoms when he had covid.

Yes, that may be part of the 90 days idea, but with variants, I’m not really interested in getting it twice! Also, as rules are relaxed for people who have been vaccinated I certainly don’t want to be on the wrong end of that either. I’m rather low on the list for my area anyway, so I don’t think I will have the opportunity any time soon.

Got another survey this morning. This one had a lot of questions regarding openness, vaccine requirements, and money. As usual, I told them get the vaccines, give us merit, open up fully or at least hybrid.

Unfortunately, a few of the questions had to do with what happens if the school has all online classes, and one even said what will you do if they switch to online at the last minute - gap, cancel, etc. What discounts you would be happy with if they weren’t open? - I picked no discounts make up for that. Then if preplanned all online, they wanted to know if you if you would bail - yep! So basically, they are using this I guess to decide what they have to tell you before you commit and what happens if they are not 100% open.

On the upside, they did ask a question about moving the decision date from 5/1 to 6/1, which I am in favor of even if we get a waitlist push out.


Northeastern: “our current plans envision returning to a normal fall semester with regular campus activities.” Fall Semester Update - Northeastern Global News


Was this for a particular school?

S said he received a video message from UF Provost and that they are planning a return to normal face to face classes for Summer B (which starts 6/28).

Provost added that they will likely still be wearing masks.

(But I thought it was interesting that Provost said “likely” wearing masks instead of just “will be” wearing masks.)


My daughter has an internship in Israel this summer that was supposed to be 6 weeks in person and 4 weeks remote. She just received an email today that it’s going to be all in person, but 8 weeks total and no remote. Yay, things are changing for the better!!


No it’s for a professional enrollment management advising company which has colleges as clients.

My D21 interested in being a pediatric NP


D went to an engineering camp between 10th and 11th. she learned about each discipline, did simple things in each lab. She came away that electrical is for her. She will start out in foundational engineering and learn about he other types (deeper this time) then move on to electrical course work the 2nd semester of freshman year.


I work at Oklahoma State University. Almost a third of my students are from Texas, especially the North Texas/Dallas area.

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D loved the campus of Oklahoma State but sadly since she did not make NMF in Texas we could not afford it.


Final decision for S21 is in, unfortunately he did not get accepted to Texas A&M and was offered PSA which is basically a soft denial.

It’s okay…he has other great offers in hand and will thrive wherever he lands.

Time for a family meeting to decide where he’s committing to!!!


Onward and Upward!!!


He will thrive wherever he goes! Can’t wait to hear his choice!


Bummer about TAMU, but he has some great choices.


He will do well wherever he goes with a caring parent like you guiding him.


As a currently practicing PT, I wanted to offer my experience. Health care staffing and reimbursement can certainly impact lots of health careers, but I would still encourage anyone who wants to help people in dynamic, flexible environments to consider PT/OT/SLP. As for cost of education, PT and OT both offer licensed assistants requiring an associates degree. Moving to the DPT gives the PT autonomy and direct access in some states, but it requires a direct access license in PA. Congratulations to students getting accepted to these direct admit programs as they are very competitive and it’s admirable to leave that spot for another student if they are uncertain. I have had PT students who went to undergraduate school inexpensively and reserved parental assistance and loans for PT school and those that have borrowed to the gills for everything. I can say I have had meaningful, enjoyable work full time, part time, or per diem throughout my entire career. I am fortunate to have worked in rehab, acute care, outpatient and homecare. I think that it’s difficult for 17/18 year olds to choose a college let alone a career. I hope that in college, kids will try different things, meet new people, develop skills, not borrow too much, and gain experience that leads to decent job/ grad school, whatever that might mean.
And covid sucks, I’m at 8 weeks without taste or smell, thanks for the clarification on the 90 days, I will get the shot as soon as I can…


Excited to find out what his choice is…glad you were able to travel recently so he has more info to figure this out. He has some really great options!


I love that expression! My dissertation advisor used to say it all the time.

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