Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Don’t schools take their offer away if they find out you double deposited? I’ve never really heard of people doing that for real.

Double depositing is keeping two spots at once, not taking one, letting it go to take another. Double depositing is highly unethical quite frankly. It’s basically saying I want more time to make a decision so I’m going to string these two along until I do. Our high school has said they will only send one transcript and tells us to pick that in May, so if you are trying to do that, they will know and won’t send anything until you pick one.


I would think that the yield for Fall 2020 decreased because of the virus and International acceptances deciding not to attend. This year the reverse will probably happen.

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No high school will send a final transcript to two schools, unless it’s a getting off the waitlist situation. This doesn’t really stop people from double depositing, because at many colleges they don’t require the final transcript until well into the summer.


exactly. I don’t know how people even get away with double depositing.

They threaten it, but I’ve never seen it happen. I think it all comes to light late in the process and the winning school is counting on the student enrolling.

Also, there were a lot of people last year who double deposited at their top school and a local option because they were worried about COVID. I give those people a pass.

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Ours requires it before they graduate. Obviously it can change due to waitlisting but they also know where you are waitlisted too. It’s all in their system.

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Ours graduate at the end of May, the final transcripts aren’t even available until sometime in June, so it’s so easy to double deposit before May 1. The high school wouldn’t even know.

Same with anyone else where the hs says they only send one final transcript. A kid can easily just hold multiple deposits then in July when they know where they’re going at that time have the school send their transcript.

Unfortunately, I really don’t think colleges are checking who is double depositing. The only way they could do that is if they were linked to the same system, which they aren’t. They don’t even know which colleges their applicants have applied to. Common app of course could have a linking system if they chose and have the deposit go through there, afterall we pay for applications through there and only let one go through at a time. It would only cover those schools and still allow the double deposit at coalition or singles but it’s something.

But I have no more faith that schools are checking this than they are checking that kids actually pull their applications after they’re accepted at their ED school and we know there are tons of kids every year that don’t do that or say they didn’t know they had to do that, etc. Or even kids who apply REA somewhere and to other places and claim they didn’t know. Many of us have seen it on those forums here. Same people popping up having done that.


I had a friend triple deposit last year. Son went to a private high school, so I’m not sure how that worked. But she was very clear on facebook that he was deposited at 3 schools and didn’t decide until well into July, I believe.

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I think a lot of people had multiple deposits out last year…there’s no way for the HS to know, and by the time colleges need the final transcript it’s typically July.

Wow. Just so wrong to double or triple!? deposit.


Just hoping for no waitlist decisions. I’m assuming that since we need financial aid, S21 wouldn’t come off any waitlist anyway.

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I read somewhere that even though some schools are need-blind for admissions, they can be need-aware for waitlists. Not sure if that’s true but it definitely favors full pay kids on waitlists if so.

My kid is in the camp where May 1st seems long enough. Not sure the waitlist game will be entertained in our house, no matter the school. There’s an EA front runner that she likes even more then some of her higher reaches and I’m grateful for that one. If a surprise acceptance comes in, she’ll compare offers and maybe visit with an open mind. Otherwise, other students can have those waitlist spots.


If I do not check the talks in this post every 10 min, I will not be able to catch up with all talks! :sweat_smile:


I highly doubt my D will accept waitlists. Unless she’s offered merit money to accept a WL spot and to enroll, as @homerdog 's daughter was offered by Denison… :rofl:

We all want this process to be done! Enough already.


In relation to WL:

We’ve mentioned a few times to S that he could end up on a WL. We (mostly I) played Devil’s advocate a bit to gauge S’s anticipatory reactions to various scenarios.

Well let’s just say that he is fine with being on a WL to his favorite school. And has no qualms about leaving his 2nd favorite school if the first gave him a call, even at the last minute.

And DH is okay with this, too.:flushed:

So I’m odd woman out in our household. I want this done. But S and DH are okay to wait. Sigh.


I agree - my S wants to feel the love from a school. I think he will decline WL spots and make a decision by May 1.


In our weekly email from our school’s college counselors they said a few things relevant to this current string - paraphrasing:

Parents don’t make your child think less of themselves because they were put on a waitlists - be positive. Your child put in the work and put themselves out there - when was the last time you were that vulnerable?

They have heard from seniors that their parents are more disappointed and making them feel bad for “only be on a waitlist” or deferred. Waitlists mean you are qualified and need to be viewed that way. Disappointment is natural - but don’t make your child feel bad about a waitlist spot. They worded this more harshly and put it on the parents to get their act together.

Waitlist movement is also up in the air for this year and while they are surprised every year about 1 or 2 students max getting off a list that historically rarely moves - all bets are off for this year. Full pay will be one deciding factor. If you are on a waitlist and needing financial aid, it is very unlikely for 99% of candidates with need to move off a list - most schools become need aware for their waitlist pool.

Even though it is long shot in past years to move off a waitlist - this year is a crapshoot and they think most schools will be very careful not to over enroll if housing reductions (double to singles etc) have to continue next Fall.

Historically, 28 students in our competitive independent school get into their ED school out of 35 that apply ED - this year it is 18 out of 41 students that applied ED. Of that 18 that received an ED admit - only 2 did not submit test scores and 3 were athletic recruits with scores. They did not say if the ED deferrals or rejections submitted scores or the %.

They ended the mail reiterating that parents need to quit being so negative and seniors have lost so much already. Be on their team and proud of what they have been able to do this past 12 months.


Do the WL offers include the FA package, or are you thinking it’s just less likely to get out on a WL if you asked for aid?

Seriously? I’ve never heard of a parent doing that? Not every kid can be #1 and quite honestly it’s good for these kids to not always get everything they want even if it means a waitlist. We expected my kid to get rejected from UNC just based on the fact we’re OOS and how maybe 1 kid from our school gets in every couple of years and the rest rejected. While he will probably not get off the waitlist we were so excited nonetheless and never considered it a bad thing. Parents need to lift their kids up during this time and encourage them. We can complain on here all we want about the process but we should always have our kids backs and never thumb our noses down at a waitlist. And in college no one really cares if you’re the kid that got in off the waitlist or not. You’re treated the same!