Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Double depositors could be the same people who:
bring a plus one and never bothered letting the host know.
park their shopping cart in the check out line and run back for one more thing.
think polygamy is a fine idea.

Anyone have one to add? :rofl:


Where is that a ā€œthingā€? Granted, Iā€™m not a well-traveled person, but I donā€™t know parents who would ā€œslamā€ (be negative) their kids for getting waitlisted.


To accept wait-list, you have to pay a non-refundable deposit. Right?

No, if you want to stay on the waitlist, there is no deposit. Deposits are only for when you are accepted and decide to enroll.

Iā€™m ready to celebrate waitlist decisions from several schools with my son. Itā€™s a big crapshoot especially this year. Heā€™s worked his butt off and Iā€™m proud as I could beā€¦regardless of outcomes.


Great post. I do wonder why your ED admits were down though. Shouldnā€™t they be up since schools want to get those kids committed ASAP? Sounds like youā€™re schools is pretty rigorous. I imagine those kids who went ED were strong candidates.


your comment about no one knowing and you are treated the same was another point in their email :slight_smile:

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If your child decides to accept a WL spot, how do you plan to handle the roommate selection at the school that has accepted them?

Agree. I think the discussion here has been how appealing or unappealing it is to wait longer to be admitted, especially if you already have a good choice. Itā€™s not a normal year. Some families are so done with it. In our case, itā€™s probably only reaches we would wait and sub out this summer. My son is pretty chill so far. Iā€™ve only mentioned it once so he is not surprised if it happens.

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I donā€™t think WL and housing is an issue at a lot of schools. S19 at Bowdoin didnā€™t fill out housing questionnaire until July and didnā€™t have his roommate until later than that.


I donā€™t have stats for all of ED, but our school was way down for T20 type schools.

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Any school we would take a wait list spot for would be private so I donā€™t expect housing to be an issue. I guess you need to hope you donā€™t match to a roommate before you take a WL at the accepted school, or just let them know thereā€™s an outside chance.


@NateandAllisMom Like your S, my D is waiting for a bunch decisions, including the UCā€™s. But really, only 1 school would make her think about moving away from her current top choice (CPSLO). If sheā€™s waitlisted at this other choice, then $#^%&*!!! Thatā€™s where the ā€œfunā€ begins.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Iā€™m expecting a similar communication from my Dā€™s school as RD decisions are released.

Our schoolā€™s ED decisions this year are in line with yoursā€¦ fewer acceptances. The college counselor team was not expecting that (or much of what has happened this year). @homerdog It is interesting as I would have thought the same thing. I guess it is just the greater number of applications.

@srparent15 @sushiritto Unfortunately, I do hear of parents doing that, including one of my Dā€™s closest friends. It breaks my heart to hear of kids living under that level of pressure to achieve, but it happens. I wouldnā€™t say it is the norm, but it happens. The ED rejections/deferrals were rough for some families too.

We print my Dā€™s acceptances and tape to her bedroom door. She was so proud (and we were too!) of her 2 deferral/waitlists that those letters are right there with the acceptances! Honestly, we will probably do something fun with rejection letters from her reaches (because we know they are coming). Just getting to this stage and going through the application process is to be celebrated.


@sushiritto I feel like we are in a maze and there are only a couple of easy ways out, neither of which might be opened at all or might not be opened until summer. At least with UW, I think he will find out - Friday! - that he is outright rejected for the major and thatā€™s one of the easy outs. Likely we will be in the maze for a whileā€¦


Thatā€™s a shame. I made a board too with his accepted school photos and the tiny amount of little goodies he got. We were shooting too low and Iā€™ve never counted on UCs, but it might be a little hard for him RD depending. Wait lists will be celebrated, even if he doesnā€™t take the spots. I donā€™t regret at all that he overapplied early this year. He was totally stoked to see the merit offers.


Back when D21 was in 3rd or 4th grade and I was coaching her b-ball team. She was tiny at the time and I never thought she would ever score a basket in a game. She was a blade of grass in the middle of a forest. She eventually made a basket (just one) that season and I actually dove across the gym floor, doing a ā€œpenguin,ā€ sliding across the hardwood floor.

Obviously made a fool of myself. Donā€™t care.

I mention this ā€œmoment in history,ā€ because I had a similar moment in a local downtown here picking up dinner, a couple weeks back, when she was accepted to Cal Poly SLO. So, yes, I try to celebrate the ā€œwins,ā€ and let go or minimize the losses.


Iā€™m pretty jealous actually that your D has it narrowed down to just two!


Yes, itā€™s actually a very short flowchart. One Y or N decision. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

BUT, she also didnā€™t apply to any OOS schools or Ivies or any ED/SCEA/REA, etc. So, she made it very easy, as opposed to D18 who applied to Ivies, a few T20 schools, UW, like your S, etc.


Right? Even if our kids get rejected and they will, as theyā€™re not perfect itā€™s not the end of the world!

We all know from getting jobs that they will not always get every job they apply for. Or the best example is baseball where a great baseball player has a batting avg where theyā€™re only successful at getting a hit 1/3 or 1/4 of the time!

So strange that any article/email needs to be sent like that.

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