Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Same here. My D goes to a competitive high school. EA acceptances to the top schools is really good this year. More than 50 kids I know got into one of the T20 schools. I hope RD works out for rest of the kids too.

Are parking space hogs, meaning they park their car across two spaces. I cannot stand this. It is so inconsiderate!


LMAO at this and @purplemama
double dip their food and think that’s ok?


I think such an email is good reminder too. Oftentimes, parents show their emotions in their body language or tone; so we may not say “oh I’m disappointed,” but kids can tell based on other things. And many times, we’re not disappointed in them, just disappointed in the universe.


Does anyone’s kid attend a non-competitive HS? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




Yes. We have at most 1-2 go to an ivy league school. Maybe 3 more to a top-tier UC in a good year. This year we seem to have a bigger batch of high achievers so I’m interested to see how it will play out. We had one kid get in through questbridge but no others have gotten into their EA choices that I have heard. Most kids to to CC, or the closest CSU, and then a handful to other CSUs and less-selective out-of-state schools.


Daughter just got into Chapman with good merit scholarship.
Cost seems to be still higher than UCs so we will still wait for UCs decisions.


My kid goes to the only Title 1 high school in our district. Out of the 5 high schools, ours is the least competitive
the top 3 are go-for-the-jugular lol


Our school’s top-tier ED/REA accepted were down too. For schools outside of T20/top lac, ED yeses were UP. We had full normal grading last spring(synchronousvirtual) and in person since august. No idea why Early results were so different from normal.



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My daughters’ high school is very good academically - it’s ranked as one of the top high schools in our county. However, most of the students who graduate go to our local universities or SLO. Very rarely do any of the students go out of state or to a highly ranked university. The rest go to community college and transfer after two years. The atmosphere is not competitive at all. In fact, last year, each time my daughter or one of her friends was accepted to a school, they all celebrated together. It was super sweet.

I often wondered what it would have been like if they went to a more competitive high school. Then, last year, when we attended a Fordham admitted students event, we socialized with a family whose daughter attended a super competitive high school in our county. They told us they called it “suicide high school” because it was so common for students to attempt suicide as a result of the competitiveness of the school. We were horrified. On our drive home, my daughter and I were in agreement that she was at the right school.


I haven’t visited Furman, but I have known people who went there (and I grew upon the SE). From heresay and what I read on this forum I don’t think I’d describe Furman’s student body as particularly diverse. I hear it’s a good school with a beautiful campus and a predominately white, Southern, Protestant vibe that probably leans slightly conservative (as colleges go). I don’t think it’s an extreme of these things and there is probably a respect for differences, but no, not a mecca of diversity.

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Gunn High School in Palo Alto?

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When a school defers a student EA and then makes that student confirm whether they want to be considered for RD, do you think the school counts that applicant twice in their admissions statistics? “We had X applicants in the EA round and admitted Y students.” “We had Z number of applicants in the RD round

Seems we should all take admissions percentages with a grain of salt given each school has a different protocol, and a lot are designed to game the numbers and yield (just like with waitlist activity).

No, different county. But apparently this phenomenon is not uncommon.

My daughter has 10 acceptances but only 5 have sent FA packages
crazy, but true. She’s not making any cuts until we see all the final numbers.


Really sad to hear this. Life is so beautiful to be given up for small things like academics. That too just to go to a prestigious college one shouldn’t be pressurized to excel. There are many different colleges and many different paths to explore with a cool and passionate mind! After all even Einstein or Mileva Maric (His wife) didn’t get best opportunities everywhere and they made it possible with any resource they had and children should be taught to be resilient, passionate and happy in any situation.


Our D21 applied ED to Furman and will be starting in Fall 2021. We fortunately had the chance to visit in January 2020 before Covid. One of my college friends from Davidson who is a professor at a university in Georgia highly recommended that we add it to our list when we were touring schools. We currently live overseas, so recommendations were extra helpful.

Our D21 really connected with the campus, academic environment and city of Greenville. The school has a good relationship with the city, which has been named one of the best small cities in which to live. The school and many alumni we’ve heard from during online events emphasise the good internship opportunities available.

From what I’ve read, the students are split pretty evenly 1/3 Democrat, 1/3 Republican, and 1/3 Independent.

I don’t know too much personally about the other schools on your list. Good luck with the decision!


Just want to say that I started reading this thread because my D19 is in the process of transferring and I was curious how admissions were going in general this cycle and the amount of kindness, guidance and support all the posters on here show and have shown each other is wonderful!

I hope all your fabulous kids find amazing homes for this Fall!