Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My comments about Clark are solely about the setting. I don’t have direct knowledge of the quality of education offered. We are within a 90 minutes drive and drove around the Clark campus after my son toured Holy Cross a couple of years ago. Clark’s campus is pretty much a part of the surrounding neighborhood. On the day we were there, we saw quite a few people walking around very close to campus who were clearly high on substances. My kids attend(ed) high school in a disadvantaged and diverse urban setting. My son had spent four years stepping over needles, enduring lockdowns on campus, and even seeing the aftermath of a hit in a parking lot a block away from school. I had wanted him to consider Clark, but when he saw the surrounding area, he said, “been there, done that.” He chose a bucolic New England campus with close access to a city.




Thank you for posting that!!

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@homerdog hoping she gets a lot of great news this week! That is a lot to process in a short time span! Buckle up!

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Thanks but it’s two weeks away! Looks like the first one will be the 24th. It’s even possible she might get three or four decisions on that day alone. Lol.


Oh, right. I misunderstood. Plenty of time to stock up on wine! Lol


University of Washington is about 27% Asian-American so there are other options. It is one reason D21 applied. We are not Asian, but she wants to go to a more diverse school and most of the others here in the Pacific Northwest are largely white.


That’s great news for those visiting campuses this spring.


Off to check on flights!


I think we may be in the same boat! And I agree, I don’t think that deferrals or WL increase the love.


Crossing fingers here that DC opens up a bit more. Made reservations for first week in April to go there w S21 and see Georgetown. No formal tours, but he wants to at least see it. Hoping to connect with a prof in his department and maybe meet for coffee, just to talk to a real GT person.

Because of the Covid testing rules, we are staying just under 72 hours. Right now, the Smithsonians and National Zoo are closed, and the Park Service is threatening to close access to the Tidal Basin cherry blossoms. :rage: Hoping that things have relaxed a bit by then, it seems states are rapidly moving to next phases. And…cherry blossoms!


@Camasite 95% of the lifetime Asian friends I met after high school (inc 3 bridesmaids) I met at the UW. I grew up in south Seattle in the 80-90’s, too.

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Like the meme from last spring, I think most decisions are being released around March 97th.


I’ll have to plant that little seed in my D’s ear for graduate school. I’m really, really, really thinking I would like to move to the PNW one day and it would be nice for her to settle nearby. Yup, I like that plan :wink:

Of course, it may mean I will have to live in a camper van to afford it, but the views may make it worth it!


Flights to New York are booked! :partying_face:

ETA - prices went way up since this morning.


There are plenty of affordable cities outside the Seattle area. It is very beautiful up here if you can put up with or love grey overcast days.

I like the softness of grey days as long as there are a few sunny ones now and then. Prefer that over relentless sun and heat! I used to love the tropics but now I like 60s and 70s best (even in summer)…coastal Scotland was a dream come true for me but I don’t think I could move there! PNW seems to have some similarities.


We’ve already made it to waitlistland. UW
They gave prior year WL info and it’s actually not too bad. More uncertainty.


D21 got into University of Washington. Anticipated major is biology. We are in-state so it is our affordable option. She is 8-8 in her admissions. Still waiting to hear from Occidental but I think she lost interest there. She is super pumped to be Husky right now so clearly that is where she is leaning. She also applied to the other Pacific Northwest flagships and the top private LACs up here.

We are driving up Saturday to do a self-guided tour of the place. We’ve been there a dozen times over the years (I’m an alum) but it will be with fresh eyes for her now that she knows she is accepted. She is a HS band nerd and has been thinking about being on the Husky Marching Band for years.


Congrats to your D! It’s such a beautiful campus.