Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes, it will be good on a lot of levels. We will also save money because she won’t need or want a car at UW. She can take the Amtrak Cascades train straight up from Vancouver (WA) which is a 3 hour ride with espresso service and WiFi then take the new subway directly to campus. Older daughter just graduated from Arkansas with a car and that cost many thousands of dollars over the four years with insurance, maintenance, and the exorbitant campus parking costs.


Congrats!! Can you time it around when the cherry blossoms come out in the Quad? I’m so excited for your daughter!! Welcome to the Dawg House!!! If she ever needs bio career advice post college/internship advice, don’t hesitate to DM me! We will get the UW network to support as best as we know how.

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Let us know when we can ring the bell :bellhop_bell: :grinning:


Waitlistland is coming for many of us. Stay positive, baby!


Congrats to you D! I love my alma mater!

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Both my wife and I got accepted to Pitt also. I couldn’t translate Pitt’s intention when we received 3 postcards from them. Oh well, does that mean my younger D got rejected from Pitt ? :rofl: :joy:


So sorry you are in WL purgatory. Fingers crossed that it will be as brief as possible.

Until then, take some comfort that you are one of the early arrivals at the WL “Hotel” and many of us will be joining you soon. We are just in transit.
We will meet you by the pool area with feet up and and a cocktail (or two) on the table.


Wow, my husband got accepted that postcard that he was accepted to Pitt also!


We’ll be here waiting for the party to arrive. :camping:

The numbers off the waitlist in Common Data set for most of the other reaches were pretty dismal but UW was like 50%+ per their letter in the past (though maybe not major of choice). I’ll need look at last year’s thread. Of course this year is different and the WL is likely deeper. I hope they won’t start pulling early April though he might take it.


@NateandAllisMom – sorry about the WL, but he’s still in the game! Do you know if being OOS improves or hurts his WL chances? Or maybe it’s neutral?

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oos good for their buget but not for his major. Very hard to get into oos

I suspect he might get into (pre)bio if admitted, which he needs to really think about. His dad and I suspect he might switch majors to natural science. UW is excellent for all but it will take him years to get out. Seattle was where he wanted to live but he’s open minded. It’s a puzzle with trade offs.

Interestingly UW only considered ACT in this late WL phase after holistic review, so hopefully that score will help him.

Got it. Fingers crossed for him, but I know he’s got a lot of options already and more decisions to come!


Congrats! :star_struck:

Hoping you S gets off the WL! Keep us updated. :crossed_fingers:


@NateandAllisMom I’m sorry you couldn’t get the definite decision:(. I think we will all be in similar boats!

I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed. If he decides on Bio, UW is also an amazing school. CS OOS is tough like you said. 70 spots usually each year.


DC has been super strict all along. My son goes to high school there

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You can probably ring it now. She is mentally 100% committed. We are driving up tomorrow to spend the day doing our own DIY tour of UW and the surrounding Seattle neighborhoods and check out the dorm options (at least locations) and such. One of her best friends also got in (but not as a direct admit to Foster School of business which is what she wanted). She is still almost certainly going and will likely study econ or something else and they are talking about rooming together.

We still had in-person visits scheduled to University of Puget Sound and Whitman in the next couple of weeks as those schools are back to doing official tours for admitted students. But I suspect she will probably want to blow them off. I’ll ask her when she is ready to make the deposit and accept the offer.

Big relief. I’ll probably drop off these forums for a couple of years until D24 gets closer.


Wondering if you are aware of difficulty for OOS admits in other majors. D22 considering applying for poly sci.

There shouldn’t be any real difference for OOS students for all the other majors that aren’t direct admit like CS and engineering. The OOS students all apply for majors later during sophomore year along with everyone else and there shouldn’t be any difference between OOS and in-state for things like Poly Sci or Biology.

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@Southoftheriver You’ll have to research and call the dept. CS is a known difficult major to get in (everywhere, really). Of course, stats, etc also are factors. I would imagine Poly Sci isn’t as selective as CS.

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