Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Curious: last year, SCU admitted 23% of those who had accepted a spot on the waitlist. Yet, we also know that they were still accepting apps late in summer per their website. Perhaps some portion of those who had accepted a spot on the waitlist were called up at some point, but declined because campus was closed?

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Last year’s data with Covid lockdowns beginning in March 2020 for many schools out there is an anomaly. More applicants stayed close to home, so Michigan used their waitlist more liberally for OOS applicants. The prior year’s 2019-2020 waitlist data would be more relevant to this admission cycle.


I wonder if there’s any prior year where yield is as uncertain as it is this year. (Was just pointing rochboy21 to Michigan as they seemed to be looking for it.)

Oh I missed it at the top of the page. Thank you!

Interesting that last year, 12.6%, was so different from the previous year, 2%. This year they are likely to have the international students back and more willingness to enroll given the improving COVID situation, but they also have the increased applications per person issue to contend with so I’m not sure if it will look more like 2% or 12%.

Duke is temporarily back in lock down with remote classes due to a surge in Covid cases.

The spike in cases is “principally driven by students attending recruitment parties for selective living groups,” the letter said. This is the largest one-week total of positive cases and quarantines since the pandemic began, officials said.

“Our ability to complete the semester, commencement for our seniors, and the health and safety of our community, including your fellow undergraduate students, is hanging in the balance.”

@sushiritto - I saw that too. We are in the same boat. S21 has acceptances from GT CS EA, Michigan EA, Purdue CS all OOS. He was waitlisted from UCI.

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There is a significant percentage of increased applications this year for several reasons. It would be interesting to see how many of those are from international applicants.

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This article gives some data International Student Applications To U.S. Colleges Are Rebounding. Is It A Biden Bounce?

Compared to 2019-20, the volume of international applicants has increased by about 9% this year according to data from the Common App, as of January 22. Most of the top “sending” countries are showing increases, with the notable exception of China, the leading source of international students in the U.S. Although applications from China are down by 18% from last year, that loss is more than offset by large increases in applicants from several other countries; including India (+28%), Canada (+22%), Nigeria (+12%), Pakistan (+37%), the United Kingdom (+23%), and Brazil (+41%).

The article cites an overall increase of 10% in apps and 1% increase in unique applicants.


Not just the huge debt, but the knowledge that your salary will not equal the salary of an MD and you don’t feel you are respected. Turning away clients is very difficult due to ability to pay, a lot of clients are non compliant or do not have the means to pay for treatments and medications and then expect you to work miracles at a discounted price. My daughter is graduating from vet school in May. The profession itself doesn’t take care of the young vets. Internship salaries average $35,000/yr for 90 hours per wk. Resident salaries are a little higher but still require the hours plus you supervise students and interns. The profession lost 2 vets in the last two weeks that I know of to suicide.


Other than the pay, sounds very similar to the medical profession. I’ve also heard that dentists have a high rate of suicide as well. So, it’s not just a problem confined to veterinarians.

When we purchased our dog, we purchased pet insurance. I hope we never have to use it, assuming it’s actually usable. :man_shrugging: Maybe if more folks with pets purchased insurance, the problem would ebb somewhat.

Congrats on your D graduating from Vet school, that’s a wonderful achievement. :tada:

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Thank you. She worked so hard and went through some crazy neuro issues and a sleep disorder and is expected to graduate magna cum laude. She is my hero. Waiting to hear if they will have a graduation ceremony.


Well, you know what I say to you…
Go Blue!


For the early round a lot of the increase was international apps at the schools that broke out domestic vs international. Especially at schools that meet need for international students.

Just letting you know we have used our Healthy Paws pet insurance many times and it has been amazing! They paid nearly $10,000 when our dog was hit by a car without blinking an eye. Best investment ever!

My son is in his first year of vet school and tells everyone to get it!


We have Healthy Paws too and would definitely recommend it! We learned an expensive lesson with our very first dog and swore we’d get pet insurance for any future pets. Its been worth it!


Speaking of UC Irvine, my son was accepted but for data science and not CS which was his first choice. Also waitlisted in cal poly for CS. I am staring to think that the Californian schools want extensive involvement in CS-related ECs or job experience. My son did get accepted to Stanford early but he put applied math as a potential major as all his ECs are in math and statistics.


Hi all! Very late to this thread. D’21 looking for small LAC. Accepted EA at three schools (Clark, UMass Amherst Honors, and Sarah Lawrence College) all with Merit $$ and notified early about RD admission by Smith. Waiting on My Holyoke,Bryn Mawr, Bowdoin, Dartmouth and Brown for reach. I’ve enjoyed reading the posts, looking forward to finishing the journey with you all.


SLO gives extra points for paid and/or volunteer work within your desired major. But who cares, your son was accepted to Stanford. :laughing:

I’ve been in, on, around and through Stanford’s vast campus a million times, it’s a very special place. And I’m not an alum.


Such good results so far! Welcome and good luck for RD!


D21’s best friend was admitted to UDub, but not into CS. Today the friend was admitted to MIT, so adios UW! There’s an available spot already, @NateandAllisMom.