Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

MommaLue I AM a doctor and I agree with you. You don’t do it for the money for sure! The opportunity cost is huge. I have an entire decade of time where I don’t really remember pop culture and movies and didn’t see a lot of family and friends.


Few students who apply to medical school are doing it for the high salary. These students are at the top of their class and have the opportunity to choose more lucrative careers. I have several friends who chose to go to medical school - it’s grueling! It’s then followed by years of low-paying residency where they are overworked and (often) treated poorly. They sacrifice so much (money, starting family, etc.) because they’re passionate about helping people and love practicing medicine. I laugh when kids talk about becoming a doctor to make big bucks. If they’re smart enough and hardworking enough to get into medical school, they could choose many other easier paths to a high salary.


CS is one that if my kids wanted, I would discourage. Yes, the starting salaries are great but once you have yrs of experience there is a lot of offshoring plus all the new graduates every yr. There are also many dead end positions where there is no room for growth, meaning your salary keeps increasing but you are still just a DBA or a programmer. Gets real old fast.

The happiest people I know in tech are those that pair it with another passion.

Sorry, off my soap box.


I definitely tell kids to become a professional athlete. You get to travel and often make lots of money.


And you can golf, bowl, and play tennis for decades. Pro fishermen can make a nice living, too. The think of the advertising revenues. That’s a good plan. In my next life.


Anybody else get an odd email from University of Kentucky?
Daughter just got this email:
“We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the selective Clinical Leadership and Management program in the University Of Kentucky College of Health Sciences for the Fall 2021. We commend you for this accomplishment and look forward to working with you during your undergraduate experience.”

Except…she didn’t apply to UK and has never contacted them or expressed interest in any way! Wha???


My wife is a doctor in primary practice. D21 looks at my wife’s work hours, daily grind, and degree of physical and mental burnout and wants absolutely no part of that life. She is planning to major in bio and wants to do graduate research in biology, but wants no part of any medical career.

Yep! D got that email too!


Yes, that’s why I’ve been grooming my kids since they were 2. It’s really going to pay off for us!!


@Camasite Same reason my kids don’t want to be engineers even though they would be amazing engineers and are so capable. They don’t even remember the old days when I worked crazy young engineer hours. The biz grad kids at my work have a balanced life and it makes me happy for them. They work really hard but they know how to take vaca. But when you’re paid $$, vaca is a affordable.


Great news! Congrats!

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@Suave123 Im so happy for your family. We waited for a while and to finally hear from a UC just made spring break so much more pleasant and less anxiety-ridden.


Anyone else losing it every day just a tiny bit more?!
I am SO over this waiting.



Getting absolutely nothing done at work today.


I retired recently after a twenty five year career in software development. I have a PhD in computer science and was one of the earliest to work in machine learning and neural networks (in the early 1990s no less). While I was working, I always tried to spend at least a couple of hours every day in my career studying new things just to keep myself current. You just can’t afford to take it easy in software development, you will get replaced very quickly. But if you can survive the pace, the rewards are enormous - which is why I was able to retire early.


Son got an acceptance today to Dickinson with a very nice offer! Better than the NPC estimate by about $7000 and beats the next best (Clark) by about $7000 as well. What a relief! 9 more decisions to come but he liked Dickinson on the tour and it’s only 2 hours away so it’s nice to have this in our pocket.

I hope everyone else waiting gets good news over these next few weeks!


I’ve hit a wall today. I’m a complete blubbering mess. I need this chapter closed. It’s been incredibly taxing.


I’m also hoping the next few weeks get over quickly.

We are in a weird (but not really a bad one) situation: my daughter has been accepted to Georgia tech and loves the place. I think she is pretty much ready to commit.

But its not over :grinning: We still have ten more schools to hear from in the next three weeks. Given her strong application, I think she has a decent chance at least at some of them. I told my daughter that we ought not to commit until we hear from those schools. Its going to be an interesting time for sure!


You are not alone. I’m having a glass of Monday wine in about 25 minutes. 4:00 on Monday is acceptable, right?


Pull up a chair and tell us what is hitting you hardest today about this rotten and agonizing, cruel process!

Unknown decision dates? Rejections? Waitlists? FA packages? Life in general on top of the college part?

We are all here with you!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: