Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

As the mom of a D19 and now a D21, I can relate to everything you have said. While both have busted butt and worked extremely hard, D19’s course load was extremely difficult and she attended a high school far away so had long a commute in addition to the school/sports/work grind. It was just brutal and I often wondered if it was worth it to let her push herself so hard. I can tell you now that it was. Before decisions came out, D19 came to be at peace knowing that she did absolutely everything she could to earn a ticket to participate in the selective school lottery… maybe her number would be pulled, and maybe not, but she figured that what she gained - perseverance, grit, good time management skills, and confidence in herself that she really could handle so much more than she thought she was capable of all- would benefit her forever. I hope your daughter takes pride in the same. And your daughter is never going to have to think ‘what if’ she tried harder…sounds like she gave 110%. Maybe she’ll make different choices in college based on her experiences, maybe balance life a little differently, but I bet she will always have high standards for herself. I am encouraged for the future that students like she would like to be teachers. Good luck!


This has been much tougher as a parent than what I remember as a kid.

The waiting isn’t great. And the randomness of the admissions games. But I knew about those things way in advance, so that hasn’t been surprising.

I’m a little distraught that my son has been swept up by this crazy pandemic year. A good chunk of their junior year and their senior year has been transformed and they’re never getting that experience back; so many of the "normal"experiences were anything but this past year. There have been some good things to come out of all this, but I’m wondering what gaps and consequences will come of all this.

My son is a very hard worker. 13 AP courses, excellent grades/SAT, a math whiz who’s a passionate learner, probably valedictorian, decent ECs. Last year he had a good shot to head to IMO competition before everything went into a flux. He aimed at some great schools knowing that the odds at some were very long…and then this crazy admissions year hit with unbelievable surges at most of these T20 schools, turning long odds into microscopic (2% admission rate?).

I’m a big believer that kids get into the schools that they pretty much deserve to get into, even taking into account the randomness involved of college admissions. And we’ve been trying to espouse optimism that the process will play itself out. With several decisions outstanding, I still think/hope he will get into a great school (he’s already gotten into a very good school), but I can’t shake the feeling of helplessness as I see him dealing with rejection letters. I know its part of the life experience that ultimately will prepare him for the rigors of real life…easier said than done when its your child.


Silly post… it was 80 degrees at home yesterday and 70 degrees there today, but I’m enjoying a last little bit of winter in the Chicago area. It snowed and snowed earlier and it is so pretty outside. I’m getting a little stressed and superstitious as we come up on some of my D’s reach decisions (particularly her #1) so looking out at the snow covered yard is calming (a cocktail helped a bit too). I’m virtually waving at all you ChiTown peeps.

ETA: If anyone cares why I’m in Chicago, I flew up to T.P. the UChic Admissions office after handing my D her first rejection. (Ha. She’s fine. We’re fine. It was expected and after her deferral from EA and getting love from other schools it had moved down her list.)


Thank you. Your words are very comforting and I needed to hear them today. I wish I had discovered this community years ago, but grateful for the resource now.


YAY for post-ride endorphins and a PR on your birthday! Congratulations! My one and only shoutout was a few years ago from Robin a minute or so before the live ride started, so it wasn’t even recorded. Lesson learned not to show up early for live rides, lol!


So nice to hear that you can take a break and get away from the stress. We are taking a family road trip down the coast in a few weeks and all are counting the days. And to be honest, I am jealous that you have all been able to get vaccinated. How did you do it for S21? My D works in the grocery store and their union is trying to get all of the timers vaccinated, but it’s very slow going.

Same here. My D21 got it too. We never even heard of UK from here in New England…

happy birthday!! hope the cody ride was fun!

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@annegp S21 volunteers/works at the senior patient center at a local hospital here and they require everyone to get vaccinated. His department was all vaccinated by Jan as Phase 1A workers but he and a couple other junior workers had to wait til Feb since the hospital didn’t have Pfizer until then. We’ve been really fortunate in Sac County as volunteers/workers at hospitals.

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As I understand it, shotgunning is applying to lots of T-20 schools regardless of fit, or lack thereof. An example would be a kid who applies to all Ivies on the theory that if you apply to all, one or two might come through.


My daughter got that email!

Annegp my D’21 is a PCA so she got vaccinated b/c of that.

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Yes, there’s no comparison to how we all applied to college so many years ago compared to what it’s like now for our kids. It’s laughable how little we had to do to apply. I applied to 1 (maybe 2?) schools. I don’t honestly remember. Maybe a typewriter was involved? Or just a pen, paper, envelope and stamp?

Regardless of what was or wasn’t back then, the process now has become almost cruel. I thought I was prepared for the frustration (and I’m just a parent not a student) and I was to some degree but not enough. I knew prior to this my S was resilient but this last year with so much disruption, loss and unpredictability I continue to be surprised, amazed and thankful that somehow my S is getting up each day and somehow getting done all what he needs to do. It would be easy to give up but he’s doing it. Maybe not with enthusiasm but he’s still digging deep somehow.

I think I’d have given up a bit more?

Our kids are quite simply doing what no other kids have had to do as seniors. I applaud all of them for getting through each day and each task that is placed in front of them. They deserve and receive so much respect from us.

(Even when they don’t put their clothes in the laundry hamper.):heart_eyes:


Picklenut6 love Cody!


@123Mom123 agree 100%. The kids are all digging deep and I hope for a minute, the admissions officials, even the professors of the Fall 2021 incoming classes will have it in them to grant the kids some grace. Our teachers have been pretty great, yet we still have a couple whom I’d like to take my flip flops and wack them over the head for losing the script.

Everything is so much more competitive, from gpa to ECs to admissions, and that was before this crazy year


And it’s official…we have a Red Raider in the house!!! S21 has officially committed to Texas Tech!!! RRO (orientation) scheduled and paid for. This chapter is closed FINALLY and a new one is starting. If someone had told me 10 months ago that this where he would be going to college I wouldn’t have believed them but it just feels right!!

I was looking at the Fall 2021 calendar and Move In is Aug 11th which is also the first day of school our S23 twins…so looks like I’m going to be hustling like a mad women in August lol!!! Bring on the new adventures and Wreck ‘Em!!!

(And the swag purchases have begun…I just ordered his custom Yeti with his name on one side and the TT logo on the other side :relaxed:…and I also ordered the Call Your Mom throw pillow for his dorm room from Amazon lol :laughing:)


@Momof3B Your post makes me so happy!! Congrats to your family!!


Glad you have a sense of humor about TP’ing the Uof C office. But enjoying the snow here…ugh no…yuck. It needs to be gone! My husband was all ready to put out our lawn furniture and I told him not to. Thank god he listened for a change.


I need to know what the custom Yeti is that everyone is talking about, the cooler? And congratulations!


Congrats to your S!!! You all have made it!!! Fantastic. Now you can plan and you have started it off with things that made me smile with joy for you all. (I will be adding that pillow to my Amazon shopping list!!)

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