Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Haha… admittedly I don’t have to deal with this snow/weather long term! Back to the 70 degree weather for me in a few days. :grin: Good call holding off on the lawn furniture. I remember a couple of years ago being here the first week of May and getting surprised with 5 degree weather and snow! That is just not right!

WHOO-HOO!!! I am so over the world happy for him!!! I so hope he will be in the marching band. He will love Tech!!! And I can be is Red Raider local momma. So if he is sick or needs anything. I am there!!!


It’s surreal all of what our kids have been dealing with for an entire year. And they are young!! So young. We love them dearly and they are so smart but…:they are 17 and 18 year olds trying to survive a year where adults have thrashed about in confusion, frustration, and helplessness.

Extra hugs for all our kids.


tt rambler

This is the one I got him, his name will be laser etched on the back side. He can keep this one in his backpack!


That’s the next step…Goin’ Band! He wants to talk to his ex high school band director first, who is now an asst band director at Tech to get a feel of the time commitment etc before he commits.

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Very wise of him!!!

Thanks for the shout out @mamaedefamilia .

Here’s the thread she mentioned, for those not familiar. It’s a little dated now, especially in reference to test scores. Truthful advice about getting into top colleges, for your "average" excellent student

Good luck to all the parents of kids in the Class of 2021!


what size did you get? I am looking at them now

Congratulations! I am sure he will have a great experience at Tech.


The 26oz one. If you want to do the name on the other side, there’s a trick (I had to get customer service to help because it wasn’t letting me add something on the back when choosing their preset logo):

Before you get started, google the logo and save it to your desktop. When you choose your item, pick the color then hit customize…Choose custom design instead of their preset collegiate logos…pick “Text” and enter the name you want, this will appear on the front…once you approve, it will give you the option for backside design…that’s when you upload the logo you saved on your computer.


Which college if you do not mind to share?

Congrats to your S! And thanks for the swag advice! Goes to Amazon and orders the pillow


Everyone on this thread is so kind and supportive of each other even as they are going through their own issues. I have to imagine the support you are all showing your own children is 10 times the kindness you are sharing here with internet friends. They feel it, they know it, they are so lucky! Good luck in these last few weeks. I will be reading along to stay sane and cheer on the happy moments.


Texas Tech University for my daughter and @Momof3B 's son


Congrats! Sounds like you maybe get a year off for good behavior and then you’ll be back at it in the Parents of the HS Class of 2023! :partying_face:


For those considering visiting campuses- we visited 7 campuses last week (mostly in the southeast) and learned so much. We were able to line up tours with current students or professors we knew at a few; went to an official event at one; and, just walked a couple on our own. D21 is our oldest, so we are working to figure this process out. Now we know that a small school is what fits and she has narrowed her decision down to 2 schools. So relieved!


I would check with his GC. In our school district you can transfer HS level classes taken in middle school up to your Hs transcript. You can also look at a college guide in your library and it will list what classes each college expects to see on a transcript.

@bestday738 , do you mind sharing which ones had real tours? More for our D23 than the D21–she saw all but one of the schools she is highly considering and that one is way too far and definitely not allowing tours.

The only Texas school- Trinity University. While we were gone, she received a postcard from Clemson inviting her to tour and stay at their preferred hotel at a discounted rate. She’s been accepted, so it may be accepted students only, but if that’s one your D23 would like to see, you should check.

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Wow that is a great deal for 27K scholarship!

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