Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Bucknell university RD decisions were given out about an hour ago!


Yes I saw your post right after mine. My son loves it there. Roughly halfway between LA and San Diego, very safe and in the heart of Orange County with so many things to do.


S21 finally heard from University of Washington today and was admitted to Pre Sciences. His first choice was CS which we knew was hard being OOS.


UC Irvine prob has the best food if you like Asian food since itā€™s near Orange County (and Disneyland). The beaches in Newport Beach area are nice but they are COLD if youā€™re used to warm beaches in the Atlantic or Hawaii (tho itā€™s cold here this week). La Jolla near UCSD has slightly warmer beaches than the Newport Beach area.

Balboa Island is nice but I donā€™t think itā€™s college kids vibes.


Well, I have been lurking for a while and want to say thank you to everyone for all the helpful tips I have received here. I have twin D21s and think we have finally reached the end of the long and crazy ride.

One D21 was done early. We are from Texas, and she wanted to stay in the south. She is interested in physical therapy, MD, PA, DO, or something similar in the medical field. She is also a big foodie. She found her perfect fit at Tulane and applied and was accepted ED. She will be a molecular and cell biology major in the Honors Scholars program and even received an unexpected modest merit scholarship.

Our other D21 was a bit more complicated. She decided to chase a spot in the very few (4) early entry vet programs and landed a spot She will be in a 7-year BA/DVM program in Honors at Kansas State University. This program guarantees her direct entry into their vet school if she maintains her grades, and she is thrilled. They also gave her a lot of money. Her ride was not without its bumps - figuring the odds of getting one of these early acceptance vet school spots was astronomically small, so she also threw her hat in the ring at Cornell ED and was disappointed in the fall when she didnā€™t get in. It turns out the denial was a blessing in disguise, because an acceptance would have meant she would have had to pull out of contention for an early entry vet spot, which was what she really wanted. So, the moral of the story is things really do happen for a reason, and fate takes you where you are meant to be. Purdue was a close second for her, and she made the final cut and was selected to interview for a spot in their early entry program, too, but she just fell in love with K-State and decided to decline the interview at Purdue to open it up for someone else, knowing her mind was made up. She has also withdrawn from consideration for a similar program at Mizzou that doesnā€™t notify until April and has withdrawn her other acceptances.

So, it is hard to believe but we are done and both girls are thrilled. I am so grateful to all of you for the information and support. Roll Wave and Go Wildcats!


I was shocked to hear that Mills College in the Bay Area is closing.

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What a lot to catch up on! Congrats to all the admits!

We got back yesterday from a quick trip to FL to see USF and UCF. First time on a plane in over a year. It was a really helpful trip, there were some students on both campuses. Only did a self tour on each - our flight to Tampa was delayed after an aborted takeoff :flushed: and we missed the guided tour there. UCF was the clear winner, gorgeous campus and the kids that were there were so friendly and welcoming.

Still waiting on two decisions but I think in reality we are down to 2 schools - UT Dallas and UCF. I think UCF may be a better fit but we are watching the FL funding issues closely and it involves a plane ride. Visiting UT Dallas tomorrow.

I am volunteering with D21 at a mega vaccine site this afternoon and hoping they are giving Pfizer and she can get one. Her school announced some sort of senior formal will occur. Yay for that!


Congratulations ! Reading this made me SMILE because it gave me the sense that though a challenging process, it was a productive and healthy one which in my line of work I donā€™t see often enough. Especially this year - oh if the walls had ears. Kids take cues from us and for some, unknown and unintended damage is being done that will last far beyond their college years, only giving me more job security. Tons of projection & anxiety to say the least. I adore your Ds have found THEIR places through a thoughtful search and I believe you played a big part in giving them the confidence and freedom to do so. This is way too rare. Bravo CC Unicorn Mom of the day !!


The end is the beginning.



I think a lot of parents in these threads communicate here so they DONā€™T dump any of it on their kids!


Looking forward to your trip report on UTD!

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Mr. AlliandNatesmom is still smarting about his Alma mater straight up rejecting S21. He joked that when they send the donation requests heā€™s going to send them less than zero from now on. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. I suggested a note that they rejected our pretty high stat kid to get him off the mailing list for good lol. I told him to keep it under his hat because S21 would probably not have chosen to stay here anyway and it went over like water off a duckā€™s back. My S is busy and definitely does not seem to be dwelling on it, which is good since UCLA is tomorrow. :grimacing:

Folks, I am SO ready for this to be over with!


Decisions coming fast and furious for you guys now and we are right there with you!

D21 has Colgate (24th), BC (25th), Davidson and Middlebury (27th), Wake (sometime between 29th-31st) with no dates from Lehigh and Vandy but best guess is the 25th. And then the work begins even more with more virtual events and maybe some visits depending on outcomes.


Does anyone know if the Florida budget issues can impact OOS tuition waivers (non NMF kids)?

I am looking forward to getting some more pieces of the puzzle. The wait is frustrating. S not doing any admitted student stuff and really doesnā€™t have time. Iā€™m attending a few for parents.

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As I mentioned earlier, my daughter has been accepted in Georgia Tech and we are all very happy about that. However, while we are waiting for decisions from other schools, my daughter and I had an interesting triage session to see what she thought about them.

She has a 34 ACT and is most likely to be the valedictorian so there is some possibility that she may get the nod from at least some of these schools. The only problem is that, in hyper-competitive northern NJ where we live, this is not such a big deal :slight_smile:

Here is the conclusion she came to:

Princeton, Columbia and Stanford: These are a lottery at best and she does not feel hopeful, despite her excellent stats. My wife went to Princeton so that might be a draw for my daughter.

Rice, Johns Hopkins and Harvey Mudd - If she got one of these, it might be a difficult choice over Georgia Tech

Rochester, Brandeis, University of Michigan, UCLA and UC Berkeley: she would absolutely prefer Georgia Tech over any of these.

She said that knowing what she knows now, she might not have applied to the UC schools at all. Last summer, we had planned to visit schools in California but had to cancel our plans due to Covid.


Just curious what does she know now that would take the UCā€™s off the table. Thanks!

Interesting as my S21 discussed this with me yesterday as well. There is a bit of overlap for my S21 schools with your D21ā€™s. Interestingly he is choosing to stay (for now based on decisions) West and is preferring University of Washington over GT (CS direct admit), Michigan.

Good luck to your D21 for Harvey Mudd today

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Harvey Mudd is an amazing school. Good luck


I believe you are referring to the OOS waivers offered by the schools, themselves, correct? If so, the Florida budget issues that are going on right now do not impact those.

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