Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

This reminds me of the letter Stanford sent out to alums whose kids applied there. It basically says please don’t get mad at them when your kid is rejected, and that it is so much harder to get in now. Not sure it provided the damage control they were hoping for!


I fear this might apply to my daughter, an East Coaster about to graduate from a university in San Diego. She is currently interviewing for jobs located in San Diego. The upside for me is that it is a great place for us to visit, but the downside is that we won’t get to see her often! Dh regrets that he listened to his father and did not buy the townhouse in PB when he was stationed in SD many years ago. Says it was the only bad advice his father ever gave him. That townhouse is now worth a ridiculous amount of money and would have been a fun place for our D to live. We certainly couldn’t afford to buy it now!

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Yes, the property values here are crazy.

But look on the bright side, you’ll always have a wonderful place to visit when you come see your daughter! Small comfort, I know.

Anyone else feel like this is the LONGEST MONTH EVER. All of D21’s schools (besides her two EA’s) are due to release at some point in the next two weeks (no definitive dates) and it just feels so long…

Sorry…needed to vent.


Most definitely. I’d like to be a bear and hibernate until decisions are all in and ready to be viewed.


Yes! It feels like forever. I am trying my best to bite my tongue and not bring it up with my D but it’s hard. So appreciative of having this group to hear your stories and ask questions. Thanks parents😊


I live 15 minutes from UCB. I never left.


Yes, I am so tired of waiting. Why is the admissions season so long anyways? The entire senior yr is consumed by it and possibly summer with waitlists. I am over it!


I’d like to be over it!


Yes yes 1000 times yes. Hard to focus on other things. My brain wants to work the angles but we don’t have enough information.

Now the variants. issue popping up again. I started thinking of all the schools on an even playing field Covid-wise but hm, not sure. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to concentrate!

D24 is going to high school for the first time tomorrow hybrid and 100% of her friends got assigned to the other days’ group. Much anxiety ensued. Deliver me.


My sons are headed back next week hybrid also. One guy’s friends are all in the other cohort. He said that his only friend in Calc is the teacher.


My S went for the first time yesterday. He’s home again today, since they only get 2 in person days a week.
Similar situation - Most friends were in the other cohort, but he said the feeling of getting out of his car in the parking lot, grabbing his bag and walking on campus was just fabulous (my interpretation of his words). He had a great day. I bet your daughter enjoys it too!


Just got this email from Texas Tech Admissions:

“I am excited to let you know that after a year of modified academic instruction and reduced campus activities here at Texas Tech University, we will return to face-to-face instruction as our primary form of teaching for Fall 2021. In particular, classes that were taught in a face-to-face modality before the pandemic will return to that format for the Fall 2021 term. We will continue to offer online courses and will add additional courses as needed.

To make these transitions successful and for the health and safety of our campus community, we are encouraging everyone to follow the guidance of medical professionals and get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it becomes available to you. We will monitor the need for continued safety protocols, and should conditions change, we will have contingency plans in place to be prepared to pivot.

The entire Red Raider family is looking forward to welcoming you to campus this fall, and we cannot wait to share in the many traditions that make Texas Tech so special.

Go Tech!”


@MamaSquale It feels like March has 3 months in it, on top of dealing with the pandemic.

Tomorrow is going to be what I call National UCLA Rejection day. 139k apps, about 15-16k acceptances. That’s about 124k rejection love notes they will be sending out. On top of that Johns Hopkins will also notify. That was a Hail Mary app because while others applied to more safeties, my son decided to add more reaches (this was post Brown ED deferral so it was pseudo rejection reaction).

I immigrated and grew up in Seattle. Did 2 internships in CA and never wanted to go back to Seattle. It dawned on me the world doesn’t plan their wardrobe around the rain. That was a novelty.

Now, if I were to trade CA, I would give it up for KoOlina Oahu or Boston/NYC. I absolutely love that part of the East Coast. Scrappy, street-smart, with a splash of appropriate confidence with tons of culture and culture things.


That’s so interesting @MommaLue. We thought we might move to Seattle if my son does. We are both licensed to practice here in CA so not until later. In my youth I just wanted the beach but my kids never want to go. It’s so drought dry down here so we appreciate the lush, green beauty of Seattle. Things are slightly less expensive too.

Wow 124k nos. The universe will feel it. A disturbance in the force.


National UCLA rejection day, :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: I’m dying. Fully expecting a rejection here. And Hopkins too. Had first rejection yesterday at Northeastern. But kids with lower stats than my daughter were accepted/waitlisted? But accepted to UCSB Tuesday. You win some you lose some. Hoping for a Davis win this afternoon, but who knows in this weird admissions year.


The numbers at UCLA looks even worse when you consider that Regent scholarships of about 1,000 +/- applicants were already guaranteed acceptances. And then there are the recruited athletes.


@rarz69 Good luck with Davis!! We live 40 min from there and we go there often for random sports things. Let me know if you need me to check up on anything. It’s not like I have anything to do with shelter in place routines on the weekend.

@NateandAllisMom If you guys are in CA and settled in your own home, it’s a tough move. I think about moving up there for a minute (it’s easy for me and my company would kill to have me move back to Seattle to save them on travel budget—when we traveled—all my siblings and parents are there, as well as childhood friends) but the thought of buying a house there and how expensive it’s gotten turns me off. Traffic in Seattle vs NorCal is worse and the rain would drive my kids and husband nuts. I do think it’s about as expensive there as it is in SD or LA in terms of housing and cost of living. You do save about 9% ish on the state income tax. If UW can turn into in-state for you, nothing beats a UW education for the $ you pay for in-state. The one thing I felt Seattle had over where we live is during the pandemic, I saw so many hiking and outdoor posts from PNW coworkers. But then I thought I could just drive 60 min to Tahoe or 90 min to the Bay Area and I’d get the same deal. Probably takes 50 min from Issaquah to the Olympics anyway and that’s before the ferry ride. Oh, yeah. Nothing beats ferry boat rides. Seattle had that!


My D21’s forever friend group all got assigned to the other half in September when we went hybrid. The world ended. Then she picked herself up, went to school, and made two lovely new friends. There’s actually been a lot less drama than there was with the old group, who are still friendly but not joined at the hip. I hope your D23 has a similar experience!


I thought I recall seeing somewhere that you could cancel the AP exam this year and get a refund. Am I mis-remembering? Does anyone have info?

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