Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@bestday738 It’s my go-to! For the kids I helped who were stuck, I made a list (luckily I’ve known most of them for a long time and before COVID our house was a revolving door) and have examples where I saw them demonstrated them. Then they would brainstorm their strengths and we would list all the examples. Usually you get a theme and it makes it easier to craft the framework.

@srparent15 We are the opposite with S21. He is well read and unless you were his teacher, you would think he’s an adult who made up words in the essay for a kid with how he writes. I spent time suggesting normal conversational words because his words can be a little too much.


Thanks! SLO is California’s “little engine that could.” No March Madness for them either. :basketball:

Oops, I forgot to say here in this forum that my D hit the accept button for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. We also bought some swag too. We’re not waiting for the final 2 “high reach” decisions and the UC Santa Cruz WL. Done.


Right?? My husband and I will be empty nesters after 6 kids between us, yay!! Of course his were already out when we got married so I didn’t have to deal with them, but this one of mine was only 9 so for my husband it’s been a long wait lol. I think he thought it would never get here. So at least we can kind of go at our own pace if we have to stay at a hotel in another town for parent weekend, or just go a different weekend which is probably fine with this kid anyway. As I get older, I really hate crowds, and with covid still probably around, I don’t expect things to be gone anyway by then, but also thinking what move in will be like and what a pain anywhere he is. Not to mention moving my twins in as well to 2 different schools.


Woooo Mazel Tov!!!

No MM for them, but you still have Michigan!! They are the only school my son applied to that is still in MM! Hah…maybe that will wind up being a sign for him. One by one they went down starting with UNC I think.


Exactly! And you have twins to move back in August, too?! You will be having lots of lists to make soon (or once darn decisions come through). It is very stressful (and this is only our first headed out). I like to plan!!!

I am excited for you and your DH be empty nesters soon. And yes, you could always enjoy staying in a nearby town for a parents weekend or just visit an entirely different weekend. Freedom to choose!!!

(In fact, and I forgot this until you wrote somewhat about it: My S has already said that if we miss a parents weekend, not a big deal bc he will be able to meet other parents etc and we can come a different weekend to spread the fun out anyhow.)

It will all work out, but Sheez…enough of this waiting already!

Congrats! It’s great! And maybe now March madness, but she can go to a rodeo :grinning:

Same!! Come on April 6th!! For us most of her 11 will come next week probably (5 haven’t published a day/time yet, but based on past years release). But we expect 8 this week, and then we wait for Barnard on the 31st, and Yale and Brown on the 6th. At this point I kinda hope no waitlists so we can just deal with what we have and make a decision and move on!! We are fully vaccinated as of last night, so we are planning to travel to see her top choices end of April, wherever that may be.

As for dance, it’s hard to explain that level of commitment and hours and focus to people not in dance. And cost. But it has been our life for as long as we can remember. So many Nutcrackers. So many shows. So many competitions. So so so many costumes. Expensive costumes.

Btw, I am from PA too. Just living in LA. Good luck to our girls!!!


Yes the cost!! Those pointe shoes!!!


And what do you do with all of those expensive costumes?! My D danced for ten years before gymnastics took up all of her time, so she has years of dance costumes in bins and closets that we need to part with!

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@flyawayx2 I have two dancers in my house, so tons of bins filled with expensive costumes!

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We will hit the button after the rejection from Berkeley tomorrow, which has been expected all along unlike some of the other UC waitlists.

Lol, right? We also have a Dream Duffel, a dance suitcase with a built in wardrobe rack. To take all said expensive costumes to competitions and shows. One year she was in 16 dances. A couple solos, a couple duets, a couple trios, and a whole bunch of group dances.

As for us, probably just going to donate them to our dance studio. Might keep her 1st solo costume, and her first platter tutu for her first variation. But the rest have to go.


Yes to the twins! One to Texas and one to NY. The only good thing is they are going to apartments and can move in earlier. One has to be back in Texas by a certain date for rush and will be home working an internship all summer. The other will have been in Israel (fingers crossed) for her internship and not have much time in between but hoping I won’t have to do much shopping or setting them up but knowing them, I really doubt it.

The boy however will be wayyyyyy easier! :slight_smile: Heck, he wouldn’t even care if I said he has to take his same sheets and comforter from overnight camp, lol. They needed everything new. Oh crap, and as I typed that just realized both with be going to double from twin beds so shoot new linens for them. Darnit.

To some degree I think it’s better to go on a less crowded weekend other than when the school has a lot of fun stuff to do. Although with the girls in sororities they also have their own parent weekend stuff so it’s a lot of fall potential traveling. Of course one I learned does not care about Longhorn football so that’s a lot of ticket $ saved.

The waiting has to stop already. I’m totally with @rarz69 For whatever decisions are coming out this week, I feel bad for my son if he doesn’t get in, but at this point I almost just need to see an accept or reject and no more waitlists. It’s enough and we just keep laughing. We are getting into the bigger reaches so each ones gets harder than the next.


Yes, one withdraws an application in the portal. It’s pretty anticlimactic as the ones we’ve seen just say ok bye bye.

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Not even an N Sync meme to accompany the “Bye, Bye, Byuh” ?!

Sorry, couldn’t resist adding my old person 1990’s humor.



Berkeley isn’t coming tomorrow, it’s on Thursday (3/25) @3pm

@RockyPA D21 also did ballet through freshman year, 5-6x a week. We recently cleared out all of her dead pointe shoes, and found two brand new pairs, ribbons already sewn … :flushed: But the discipline and time management skills she took away from years of dance is priceless.


Thank you! Good luck to your D, Smith MoHo and Brynn Mawr are all excellent colleges.


My daughter was a competitive dancer until she had to give it up for volleyball (which is year round at the competitive level). The demands of dance and sports are similar. It takes a lot of commitment and focus and discipline. Long hours, travel, sacrifice, etc. I think these things build character. If admissions people don’t understand or appreciate that it’s their loss.